New open-world exploration, undiscovered creatures to capture, and fresh trainers to defeat! Here are 7 reasons why the release …
New open-world exploration, undiscovered creatures to capture, and fresh trainers to defeat! Here are 7 reasons why the release …
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motorcycle pokemon made me don't want to play this already. Machine pokemons? mood killer!
The environment like a lot of other things bothers me about the game. You can clearly see where more money was invested and saved at the same time. Its very sad..how Pokémon evolved and there is no love in it
The thumbnail made me think it was reasons to return the game
Forgot for those GameCube graphics.. Makes me not want to get the next Zelda
don't buy these mediocre games, so many issues to them
just having more features doesn't mean much when it removes just as much
let the game drop and make higher ups realize releasing incessantly is a terrible idea just to meet some schedule to anime which wasn't needed
don't let the FOMO logic get u, skip it, not worth it
Game would be acceptable in 2009, there is no such thing as " its big by pokemon standards" no, its mad tiny and looks horrible.
Have you seen Elden Ring? Thats big, jampacked with content, runs very smooth and looks beautiful, for a quick comparison.
By now, this is the fact..nintendo puts 10% effort into every game they make except Zelda main titles.
They don't make new IPs cuz they would never pull a new fan base, they cling onto the same 5 franchises for 30 years harping on people's nostalgia strictly.
When was the last time Nintendo brought out a new series and it was a huge hit? Generations ago.
Both Xbox and Sony do that constantly, bring new heat…some bad..but the efforts are there.
Nintendo is such a blatently greedy cashgrab gimmicky company its unreal the people that make believe they don't see it.
lmao… seamless
Game looks pretty bad compared to old GBA games. 😣
Sun and Moon disappointed me, took USM and SwSh off. Looking promising to return
Gamefreak needs to go back to the original script
7 resons why to return it to where you bought it
Human eyes can only withstand so much of low garbage frame rates
So what if they would actually take time to make a proper game? Do not come with shitty new pokemon designs and just work with what they got already? The games have been lacking the past few years
"7 reasons to come back!"
and none of them are "youre allowed to use all pokemon again".
sorry, not sorry, im not playing this PoS series.
Can you do all paths?
Looking for friends to play co op with reply
Can we not? Until Nintendo actually supports its game designers to make a quality Pokémon product?
Why are you telling them to return when yalls just made a video about Pokemon S/V having serious Performance issues?
Pass, getting miles morales on pc.
Based on "the Iberian peninsula, located in south-west Europe" – dude, just say Spain…
Terra types look so dumb smh
All the people in here whining haven't even played the game.
Crying about minor performance issues, as if they don't patch games lol. Most people don't even come across any issues.
Great seeing all the people who don't do something because a company like IGN tells them a game has bad performance.
Thinking for yourself is too hard nowadays.
"No loading screens" … We're in 2022, not 2010
It's always WOW nerds or LOL overgrown 15 year olds complaining about Pokemon
0:53, the mouth is made from carbon fiber??? how?? 👁👁🙉
No wonder they kept the evolutions a secret, they were terrible. The worst off all the generations.
Give the rating 😭I wanna see if it worths getting or not .
Instead of a solid team of artists, software developers and ect. Sitting down and really trying to make a great game over the course of 4 to 6 years, a pokemon game with polish and an actually realized world that could stand the test of time for years to come until their next great release or dlc. They really are just shitting out the same 3D version of their games just like they have with their top downs.
Needs a performance patch
Better graphics isn't one of them
Really wish they would have left the thing in where you can run around during battles
Get ready for lots of pop-in, jaggies, and no-clipping camera angles
More like 7 reasons to return the game to wherever you bought it from.
Choose your own adventure but levels aren't scaled so have fun with a lvl 50 gym with your level 5s
gamefreak never heard of Anti-Aliasing, cause there is none.
Would be better with the first pokemons from back in day of pokemon red blue and green
Motorcycles? Lmao nah, I’m still done with Pokémon. They just need to make games like the old ones, without the dumb new quirks.
never understand why audult people buy and play this kid game
yet no voices
"Beautiful nature" of graphics right from 00's!
And currently the one reason not to is the abysmal performance issues
2:58 3:30 this means terra type charizard is officially just A dragon
When they give Beldum line ,Melmetal Rampados im buying