There are thousands of gadgets that can make your life a lot easier. Here we bring you the best ones. Watch this review of …
There are thousands of gadgets that can make your life a lot easier. Here we bring you the best ones. Watch this review of …
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How about putting an Amazon affiliate link to each product you featured in this video?
cheers for making the vid…BUT (you knew that was coming LOL)
whats the rush?…train to catch?
how bout spending a little time in listing the NAMES of the gadgets so we can search for them?
Bingo on last comment. Thanks for lack of info.
This is just a list of random items with no info, just to promote an absurd amount of social media links. Tip: If you want to be less obvious, take 5 minutes and link the product page with timepoints and name. That would really be helpful and then promote yourself in the end with a "For more product ideas, follow me on social media. Links bellow" But but keep it to less than 5. People will be GLAD to follow you rather than be tricked into clicking without reading, thinking it might be a link to more info.
That “LooLoo” gadget is cool and all, but it is $34.99 for the contraption itself, and $19.99 for each fragrance refill.
Why not just buy some Blunt Effects {an essential oil spray} or any of the brand’s competitors, which are sold at Most Gas Stations for only $3.99-$4.99 a bottle and spray it yourself? Still half the price of Walmart’s PooPouri spray, and will last you close to a month {possibly longer, depending on the amount of poopers in your house}
Quasi tutto superfluo ! Certa gente non fa la cacca senza la tecnologia? Che pigrizia

Since you don't have links to the product, I wish you would at least put in the product name so we could look them up.
Todo si no tiene precio ni me molesto en mirar por barato que sea gracias por los videos
Be helpful to get the links ??
It would have been better if there was a link for each product.
nice but mainly useless!! id prefer to see more ecological ideas and without the use of electricity, unless its a renewable one!!!
super, et j'aime bien la music
I had to take screenshots of the products I want to buy due to how fast the video went from product to product and the lack of any verbal information.
4:36 scam product. Little cheap plastic thing thats not designed to be hit by a hammer lol
Please SLOW DOWN your post to enable the items to be seen properly that way you will get more sales.
The sushi was nasty. Tuna
,rice and ketchup!?! Who fed you growing up!?! A homeless Japanese guy !?!
Tell me at what timestamp the product is you want. Than i can send you a link if you want.
Todos os produtos são muito bons e úteis, mas eu achei uma maravilha o aparelho de passar linha na agulha, muito útil para as pessoas que tem dificuldade ou problemas de vista.
Çeviriniz yok
Wer braucht so viele Pfannen?
I can see that shower thing getting moldy fast
Por favor puedes poner la próxima vez detallado de donde son las cosas y como se llaman. En el vídeo es todo tan deprisa que uno no se entera . Gracias

Put names of items and links to be able to buy them!!
Sad there is no links to the products. Was very excited for many of them.
Dove si possono trovare questi gadget?