So when we got the demo of Harvestella there were quite a few issues I had with the game. The full release is here and a thanks …
So when we got the demo of Harvestella there were quite a few issues I had with the game. The full release is here and a thanks …
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I feel like I whinged a lot in this one – but I am trying to fairly and accurately convey my experience. There really is a lot to like here, but does it all come together…hmmm. If the video was useful let me know in the comments, we can have a chin wag! Mark
So far enjoying the JRPG elements, and I like the farming features.
I’m a 4ish hours in and just got to chapter 3, day 10.
I want to see more games that take a chance like this.
Lorelei was a super easy boss fight for me. Maybe you had the wrong party members with you? I had Heine and Istina. Took about 5 minutes. Also at the point with the money gate my cash was already 3x the asked amount. But I like the farming and cooking part, maybe that's the key to progress more smoothly in this game?
Get livestock as priority, especially the cow like ones. The bring so much money compared to the investments and work.
And doing sidequest is not only fun, the rewards are plenty compared to BOTW where you worked your ass off for a "Thank you". You'll get money and good seeds.
"Music is decent."
Uh, what? It's fucking amazing.
I expected much for Final Fantasy company and I have been given no voice acting story, very fast time passing, only female character (you may choose male/non-binary but it looks same as female), combat is soooo painful. So its a ABSOLUTELY CRAP where you can have your cops to make it categorised as farm sim game. I am so Dissapointed. I will surely avoid any other SE production. And the price for 50 pounds
makes me feel so stupid 
Thanks for the video. This is really helpful. I was planning to buy this game on day 1, unfortunately seems like one of those "unpolished-on-release" kind of games. Shame. Maybe after a year or so when it's on sale or has received some patches.
SE quality has really gone down that much huh..
4:00 this part just sounds miserable to me. Everything else sounds great
This sounds quite frustrating to play. Thanks for the review…I was really excited. I wanted to play a Rune Factory that was like FF. But I think I will just try to complete the Rune Factory I was playing.
Mil cuatrocientos vatos? Nel ni mergas
Was planning for this to be my first RPG on my new switch. Guess I’ll have to pick another one. Nice to see the price in MXN btw, it’s greatly appreciated.
Feminine or very feminine. Ahahahha I agree. Character creator seemed oddly simple.
Harvestellar experience ahahahahha

Nah, I am skipping this game. Just too much BS. Stamina system is the deal breaker
Great review. Was initially interested but I heard too many negatives to my personal style of play. Mostly the time aspect and forced resets. Looks like a "let's watch someone else play" type of game.
Dang, feminine look?! Dang, I'll pass
Everybody expected some Harvest Moon/Final Fantasy hybrid, instead we got something different, the game focuses more on the rpg elements than the harvest ones and it's fine! I am LOVING it, the storytelling is just superior, characters are well designed, hell even some sub quests are pretty emotional and the harvesting is not too overwhelming as it is not so relevant, it's actually relaxing. So i think people should stop comparing it to other farming games and accept it as its own game.
The problems I hear with this game sounds like a cheap trick to increase the time it takes to beat it. That whole only being able to sleep at your house sounds terrible.
Doesn't sound like it doesn't match up to Ryza in terms of the farming/ alchemy side of gameplay. I want lots of menus to play around in with these games and this doesn't sound like it delivers that.
ill pass, the demo was a bit off and basic, ty for your views
Is quite nice that they fixed the bugs from the demo, most of them at least, but well, for me the most sad thing is that we have run back to our house to sleep, then run back to dungeon or city, the empty looking cities and of course, why there isn't any actually voice acting? It could be really nice with these things fixed, just saying, but well, i definitely don't find it worth enough, at least not for that price, maybe $20 with a lot of time to play, while being a patient person.
I’ll pick it up when it’s on sale.
literally worse than genshin
and thats a freakin mobile game LMAO
5 seconds into the game and I was already disappointed. Non Binary option in the gender select?
Okay that I can forgive, but the Male char option looks like a buffed female!?
WTF is that!?
Ill wait for a sale half off or more. Not bad not amazing. Seems average and kinda frustrating with the stamina system and time crap…the Atelier games are better imo. Especially Ryza.
Of course Square Enix fucks it up….
thanks for the honest review
Of all the harvestRPGs announced on the last direct, this was the only one that remotely drew my attention. Still, looks like it needs a bit of pollish.
Can't wait for the Ghost Song review <3. Played for 3,5 hours and it's everything I wished for in a game inspired by Metroid and Dark souls.
Harvestella: Good ideas, frustrating executions.
It's a rune factory wannabe. Honestly I still find it fun but rune factory is just better in every aspect. From battling to farming to the story itself and the interactions between the mc and everybody else.
To be honest i dont like it, the only farming sim i loved is sakuna of rice and ruin.
I'm gonna buy this game it's quite interesting imho, and quite unique.
I did kind of feel like in the demo I was just progressing my days by sleeping to farm quicker. Like others have stated I might try this on a sale, don’t even need a super cheap one but definitely not paying 60 for this.
Made a good choice picking Star Ocean over this.
That's my biggest gripe about JRPGs like this. For some reason you have to be a feminine or even more feminine protagonist.
This isn't a knock against femininity. It's just a way too-common trope, where cool masculine characters are literally unplayable and you're stuck with being a 14-year old boy for some reason.
I think what I wanted to see in this game was Harvest Moon with Final Fantasy aesthetics. The simple daily cycle of caring for crops, animals, enjoying festivals, building bonds and finding a partner. That’s what I had hoped for. Harvestella seems like any other jrpg with a sprinkle of farming elements.
I know Rune Factory has a better balance of that but I was really hoping to see that here too. Maybe this could become its own series and they find that formula later on.
if it had a proper character creator and co-op and a better time system then i'd be willing to buy it (co-op isnt a need but it can make games like this more enjoyable)
Definitely a £25 or €30 game. Even less polish than Diofield.
This looks like a great PlayStation 2 game.
It just doesn't feel finished!? I was really excited for this release but the reviews coming in are not good at all and it's really put me off
I was hoping they would fix it up but I still unfortunately don't want to play it!
Thank you for the in-depth review!!
so it's shite.
0:22 dang so all the characters are essentiall gah3y lmfao. Ill pass. No need to force feed myself into indoctrination ending in a pit of fire.
Great Stuff, as always!
I really am enjoying the gameplay loop. Day 22 of the first month thus far. Game is not worth the money in its current state but I won't say I haven't been enjoying the game. Here is my loop: Wake up, check crops, put whatever in the sell box, check animals, make food, deliver food if needed, check character quests/side quests, go adventuring, rest/eat, adventure more, get tired, go home, put adventuring loot to sell in box, go to bed, and repeat. All the while upgrading the farm stuff.
It's all been pretty enjoyable. I just would wait for a sale. The price is for a AAA title and this is not a AAA title. The quality is just not there.
How does this compare to RF5? I've played neither but wanting to try one.
I feel like games keep getting released before they're finished because they can be patched later and this is another example of that. It doesn't look completed.
Why does this game sound like it has elements of a hobo simulator?
"At the end of each month your crops will die" Uh yeah, that's literally how farming sims work.
I lost interest in this game midway through the demo. A buddy of mine picked it up and called it one of those "master of none" games. It has alot of interesting ideas executed very poorly.
Why do they call classes jobs??