I hate that they never take the money in the end. like i get ur trying to make a point or whatever but you just wasted your time if you're not getting anything in return😐
is his name atlas? you said altas the whole time
This movie kinda feels like Squid game Prize money Dying Killing each other Invite people who got nothing to lose sedated
Im prety sure he made this movie more then 2 time
I feel bad for reeper he did nothing
Killing the organizer is cool and all but I’m still taking that money💀
This is Rainbow Six Extraction's maelstrom Protocol in real life! Lol!
Yo sword art online looking a bit different
is it just me or does this remind me of squid game
bouta speedrun this game any% 🥶🥶
That's why I don't use meta!
they always throw away the money bro just keep it
3:17 didt see you salute the CPT so probadly you a MJR or LTC or COL i guess
I remember this movie
Backroom vibes
Y does no one always not want the money omg 😭
Oh the Mustang girl is the same blonde elf from that Rings show
Name of this movie please ?
pavlov shack
Adam: "But then he finds Taylors dead body, and Alta's name written on the wall with her blood"
The writing on the wall: "ATLAS" You got the T and the L switched up buddy XD
She should've taken the money 💰
How dumb do you want the players to accept a very sketchy deal?
Does Mustang end up killing her chief at the end? It doesn't say precisely what happens.
That was real silly to shoot everybody but not take the money. Whose going to pay your therapy bills ma’am?
My water pill would wait until i was buckled completely into suit and tell me i have to pee…
Squid Game 2.0: Metaverse edition
…this game sucks.. you missed the notice of 'BYOB'?. Great Vid, good music, great description and good comments and great voice. Interesting movie, though, Thank you.
Taylor was so unfortunate as she hadn't intended to be there and she was so scared but she was so brave and overcame her fears but the just gets killed by her selfish teammate!
squid game 2.0
These people need to watch Sword Art Online. Could’ve saved them the trouble.
This movie is just another stay alive die in the game you die in reallife
I still would of taken the money tf that girl dumb af
I do like your website. However the suggestions are too old. Do you have more updated movies to recap??? Pls thank you
I’m gonna unsub from this channel
SAO And GGO Fans:
I hate that they never take the money in the end. like i get ur trying to make a point or whatever but you just wasted your time if you're not getting anything in return😐
is his name atlas? you said altas the whole time
This movie kinda feels like Squid game
Prize money
Killing each other
Invite people who got nothing to lose
Im prety sure he made this movie more then 2 time
I feel bad for reeper he did nothing
Killing the organizer is cool and all but I’m still taking that money💀
This is Rainbow Six Extraction's maelstrom Protocol in real life! Lol!
Yo sword art online looking a bit different
is it just me or does this remind me of squid game
bouta speedrun this game any% 🥶🥶
That's why I don't use meta!
they always throw away the money bro just keep it
3:17 didt see you salute the CPT so probadly you a MJR or LTC or COL i guess
I remember this movie
Backroom vibes
Y does no one always not want the money omg 😭
Oh the Mustang girl is the same blonde elf from that Rings show
Name of this movie please ?
pavlov shack
Adam: "But then he finds Taylors dead body, and Alta's name written on the wall with her blood"
The writing on the wall: "ATLAS"
You got the T and the L switched up buddy XD
She should've taken the money 💰
How dumb do you want the players to accept a very sketchy deal?
Does Mustang end up killing her chief at the end? It doesn't say precisely what happens.
That was real silly to shoot everybody but not take the money. Whose going to pay your therapy bills ma’am?
My water pill would wait until i was buckled completely into suit and tell me i have to pee…
Squid Game 2.0: Metaverse edition
…this game sucks.. you missed the notice of 'BYOB'?.
Great Vid, good music, great description and good comments and great voice.
Interesting movie, though, Thank you.
Taylor was so unfortunate as she hadn't intended to be there and she was so scared but she was so brave and overcame her fears but the just gets killed by her selfish teammate!
squid game 2.0
These people need to watch Sword Art Online. Could’ve saved them the trouble.
This movie is just another stay alive die in the game you die in reallife
I still would of taken the money tf that girl dumb af
I do like your website. However the suggestions are too old. Do you have more updated movies to recap??? Pls thank you