God of War Ragnarok PS5 vs PS4 Pro vs PS4 Performance Review

God of War Ragnarok PS5 vs PS4 Pro vs PS4 Performance Review

Check out our God of War Ragnarok performance review! God of War Ragnarok is almost here and ahead of release we’ve put …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. The game is made for ps4.

    The ps5 version is just a remaster. As simple as that.

    REAL next generation games will be mindblowing….

  2. Al fin tenemos un juego bien hecho y bien producido sin ser precipitado de ninguna manera. Me encanta esta saga, tiene de todo, espero que sea disfrutado por todos

  3. its a slightly better version of the first one pretty sure it was meant to be a dlc and then they added more onto the game to make it more of a sequel. gonna buy the game regardless the last GOW was one of my favorite games well probably have to wait for the next GOW to be a real next gen game.

  4. 9:25 Insomniac games where the first to use PS5's machine learning for Suit muscle deformation in miles morales now thanks to NXG who had a chat with lead rendering programmer of GOWR Steve Mcauley we know Santa monica has stepped up their A game

  5. I'm extremely happy that they put out a stable game for PS4. It's still been hard to get a PS5 so ppl, me especially, appreciate how hard they worked to give us this game

  6. Resolution mode looks incredible for the PS5 but I'll pick Performance over resolution any day. You can't beat really smooth gameplay. Massive difference between 30fps to 60fps. But fighting gameplay up to 80fps to 90fps with still amazing resolution. Perfect 👌

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