Hold on to your butts! The Tominator took it upon himself to explore the IGN video review catacombs and exhume their most …
Hold on to your butts! The Tominator took it upon himself to explore the IGN video review catacombs and exhume their most …
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Traditional video game journalism has become irrelevant clickbait. I can’t remember the last time I read or watched such a review.
I get all my information about games from online communities, forums, user reviews, Youtubers, etc that actually know what they are talking about.
Seems like this guy just hates whatever everyone else hates.
The death stranding one bothered me the most
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not in this video
I hate IGN so much they’re so obviously paid off
Call of dyjooti
I agree on the Days Gone review. That game really didn't scratch the zombies itch I was looking for at the time.
This video really has a little something for everyone.
7.8/10 Should've more Knack
they gave terraria a 9, and gave Starbound a 9.5, clear idiots never played a good game
Thanks for basically show how SHIT IGN is. And also, anyone expecting anything else for #1 spot?
This video was terrible. 9.2/10
Nah, the worst part of the alien isolation review was that the only "cons" mentioned were thAT THE AI WAS TOO SMART AND THERE WAS TOO MUCH CONTENT W H A T
7:42 Your accent here cracks me up
Imagine thinking Last of us pt.II is a bad game cause it makes you play as your favorite characters murderer. Stupid IGN I haven't even played it and I know it's bad.
The worst part for me is I had heard the reviews for Days Gone when it first came out, back when I didn't really watch many reviewers and just checked scores, and I still regret not buying it. I bought recently during a Steam Sale for $5 and it kept me engaged for a solid 60+ hours, and that's without playing New Game Plus
I know this won’t be on the list since it’s a spin-off, but I'm still pissed off the ign Pokemon mystery explorer of sky review. I know the mystery dungeon games are not for everyone, and it is still the same story as the predecessor's exploders of Time and Darkness but how the reviewer reasons for its low score is garbage. He didn’t even finish apple wood dungeons and thought the entire game is 4 or 3
I remember the DOOM review, and I was livid.
For a game bringing back carnage that the originals brought was a huge deal. The campaign being too DOOM was a huge head twist for me, cause how could DOOM, be too DOOM? The best parts of the older generation games were given refreshing mechanics and it was an incredible revival.
The Alien Isolation review also made me pissy. It's the best Alien game that I always come back to.
Dont show the person who did the pokemon review Sea Of Thieves, she might have a stroke.
IgN: “I’ve played them all”
Looks at PMD: EoS review
Their Godhand review is unforgiveble. Even TotalBiscuit went wild on it
Never understood the hate for tlou2. If you’re so attached to a fictional character that seeing his death makes you hate all aspects of a game, you prolly need some help lmao. So the story didn’t go the way you wanted it to, does that completely invalidate the incredible experience they gave us?
Uncharted 4 can't do shooting mechanics right and the online sucks. There. 7/10.
They could have Said that
Isolation is one of the best games EVER. Truly amazing
As much as I agree with the dislikes on this list I have to agree with ign on sonic unleashed. That game was garbage at the time.
Really great and enjoyable video. Can't believe I didn't find this channel until now. Thankfully you've just randomly appeared in my recommended videos
Strength and fragility of the human spirit, what a joke
Please do another video like this one, amazing job dude. I give it a 4/10, there was too much water in the video
By the way the disrespect to the GOAT DOOM game
Gonna go out on a limb here and say I think Persona is ass personally
Honestly some of these are more on the fans than the reviewer. Uncharted 4 is not much better than a 9 and Days Gone ain't that great either.
While the smt5 review was dumb its still a bad game
Hmm yes the team with AQUA in the name have too many water types. IGN is way smarter then our monkey brained selfs.
I'm kind of surprised the IGN review of the KH3 DLC didn't make this list, the reviewer infamously said "it was too hard, I didn't even finish it so it's bad" right after they complained that the base game was too easy a year ago.
This reminds me how much I miss the "dislike" display.
I meannn bo3 was amazing