We take one last look at Sonic Fronters, this time playing for six hours and covering the first three islands of the game. This is the …
We take one last look at Sonic Fronters, this time playing for six hours and covering the first three islands of the game. This is the …
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3:50 you called the rings, coins… opinion invalid
When, he said coins instead of rings, that hurt. Overall, great preview, can’t wait to play the game.
4:33 Is that Sky Rail from SA2? If it is then I'm not shocked at all it was one of his favorites lmao. Those bounce springs are straight SA2 vibes
The fact that he calls rings and red Star rings “coins” and “red coins” and Sky Sanctuary “Sky Temple” says that he hasn’t played that many Sonic games.
seems like a classic 6/10 game
wow, the pop in is strong in this one
bro, ive done HW less boring than this game before
"little rock people known as koroks"
In the game you dont have to go to cyber space meaning you dont have to fight the mini bosess, just to let you know.
Bro….I’m hyped…I’m just gonna say it. I’m F***ING HYPED.
My brother in christ
it's 2022 and people are still calling rings coins
They should delay it by a few months
4:35 sky rail?
Bad, Sonic is too fast.
IGN, los que no saben jugar un Sonic
"Uneven experience"
This game looks like it would be fun for about an hour MAX
Seeing this game lvling up and speed, power, turn etc. sliders really makes it look like Roblox Speed Simulator was a sneak peek of what Sonic Frontiers has to offer.
Is there a hub or mini games like chao garden?
The cyberspace levels are directly lifted from other boost games….
But the environment still seems a bit too generic and empty …
Got a feeling them might start to feel repetitive, looking for meats to the reviews.
Damn this looks terrible
Really? "COINS"?!
That move in the beginning by sonic was cool as heck!
3:51 coins?
2d sections??? just why
A game has nothing on health, it's not a person, its software.