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18 Forbidden Gadgets You Can Buy Now On Amazon! | Best Tech Gadgets Welcome Back To WorldWide Tech! E-commerce …
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The Vector Network Analyser shown at 4:35 is NOT, IN ANY WAY, A WIFI JAMMER!! THIS IS A COMPLETE LIE. G7VFY
My car's front desk?
Astounding misinformation!
Class 3 laser are lethal and class 4 lasers are even more dangerous… 😂… slush
This is all bulshit most of these gadgets you can find them on eBay
So much misinformation in one video makes it hard to decide if it is ignorance or parody video
In England is sold (AMAZON/UK) a cell phone jammer. It is legal in the UK.
Its intent is for movie theaters/restaurants/public gatherings/aircraft this
device can be plugged in & operating & will kill the cell signal while near
the jammer. Where here we ask people to turn off their phone & trust they
will cooperate. (yeah, sure they will) The cell phone providers in the US went
to the FCC and had these devices banned so that they would not lose not
1 second of chargeable service time. Bastards.
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"The most illegal item ever created"
I truly hope that was satire. You really think a license plate flipper is the most illegal item ever created?
Shows the C.H.I.P. in the thumbnail but nowhere in the video. Thumbs down.
Wi Fi jammers can NOT block from 400 meteres away at ALL. 4 meteres would be a better estimate. I know, i have several.
Stop talking bollocks.
Megawatts, LMAO. No that's milliwatts.
So much wrong in 1 video, Wow.
Your "wifi swept jammer" is actually just a harmless NanoVNA. A vector network analyser, for analysing the performance characteristics of antennas. The jammer you're referring to is a completely different device. Possibly confusing it with HackRF with PortaPack. With custom firmware, it can be used for this kind of thing.
The PocketChip in your thumbnail doesn't even appear in your video. I got clickbaited…
You couldn't defend yourself against that potato with that keychain knife…
Wow it's like they think we are stupid. This is the exact same video from the same channel 1 month ago. 16 banned gadgets on Amazon you can still buy.
You yo no hay que me
OMG the translated narrative is hilarious, so bad it's funny!!
Nice video. One thing I believe you need to add is about the blue laser. Even though things like a small knife or a flame thrower can be obviously dangerous. Most people don't understand the dangers of high intensity lasers. They will blind you almost immediately, if you look at them without laser goggles. Please everyone stay safe out there!
Why u show the nanovna as a jammer? Its not
Terrible video with so much misinformation.
Perhaps Kane Brown can use a GPS tracker for his house
The script for this video sounds like it was written and read by a first day ESL student.
You clearly don't know anything about lasers
MegaWatt laser?
Are you mad?
50W laser is powerful enough to instantly cut anything at pretty much any distance
You are taking about millions of Watts
20000 as much as most powerful industrial lasers
MegaWatt laser would be really size of Airbus A380, if not larger
And MegaWatt laser would be class 6, not 3A or 3B
Class 3B is at most 5 mili Watt, even while it is ultra violet
I don’t think they are illegal gadget.
Please, don’t say lies, be true and stop clickbait
None of this stuff is illegal
Are you a content editor? Videographer? Social media guru? I’m looking to hire my content creation team. Compensation and incentives. If you want to help build a brand that improves people’s health and happiness, message me.
Reported for misinformation.
This video is almost 100% false or misleading information, showing much false information about almost every product. Including the fact that pretty much everything shown can in fact be legally purchased and owned by any civilian from many online retailers, including Ali Express and Amazon. Even the description of the laser is wildly FALSE, there's NO POSSIBILITY of carrying a MEGAWATT or GIGAWATT laser, the ones being shown MIGHT have an output of around 1 WATT – not 1 MILLION watts which is a Megawatt.
The so-called "scanning Wi-Fi jammer" is a VNA or Virtual Network Analyser that is used only for legitimate and perfectly legal testing of RF networks. To show this device as "illegal" or "prohibited" is GROSS MISINFORMATION and completely inappropriate.
You need to stop posting these absolutely ridiculous videos.
All the stats about the lasers were wrong or didn’t make sense.
Sounds more like a ten year old 'gang member' trying to big up his gangs weaponry.
All that and that keyboard pcb device in the thumb wasn't even in the list.
Whatever. It's a "Pocket C.H.I.P." from Thing Co.
Cool stuff