Moonbreaker Early Access Review

Moonbreaker Early Access Review

Moonbreaker reviewed on PC by Matt Purslow. Moonbreaker is a fun and approachable digital miniatures game with an …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Why do IGN reviews exist? They're the same as a video describing a new game at launch, then they give them an average score.

  2. It took me under 5 hours of playing this game without buying anything with real money to get every single unit available. People need to stop with the micro transaction flaw.

  3. The customization mechanics and table-top aestehetic would go well in a 40K theme game. Unpopular opinion here but the lack of animation only enhances that tabletop feel.

  4. It just feels like the tabletop minature aesthetic is done to cheap out on animation costs. The application of the minature art style seems inconsisent (why are some things fully animated but other parts of the game remain toy-like?). Isn't the whole point of many strategy/RPG games is that they bring their respective tabletop inspirations to life as if you're looking directly into those worlds?

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