I think the way apple integrated their hole punch into their UI is nice but it somehow reminds me of Samsungs notification bubbles. At least the animations. In my opinion, apple just took the samsung notification bubble, added more features and worked it around their new design. Might seem a little far fetched and might sound like a samsung fanboy but that's how I see it
aodNotify is an app that can give you a little notification light on your always on display. Same guy who made the Dynamic Spot app that brings the dynamic island to android!
Am I the only one who would not use the pro features? I'd be better off getting the plus.
I’ve had problems with my phone pro says that when I make a call the person can’t hear me.
All of the like button drawings are horrible, but Marques drew the closest to actual.
Please Apple produce a new iPhone mini.
Apple just steals all its ideas from jailbreak tweaks. Jailbreak users have had these features for years.
Upgraded from an XS that I had for 3 years, for the hell of it. Gotta say the experience is not that much more different. I’m not regretting anything but I don’t understand people who upgrade every year. I’ll probably keep this one for 5 years, unless something extremely cutting edge compels me to switch.
Can I got an iPhone 14 pro as give way
Dynamic Island
Almost everything apple comes out with for they're iPhones been out as long as almost darn there half a decade. Apple installs them into they're phones and pretends that it has never before been seen in a smartphone before.
The hard-core apple fan base don't even know stuff that have been put into iphones lately and in the past has been out in other phones years before they decided to place them into they're iphones. From Siri, hand and face jesters down to that hideous notch. And yes that notch did appear on another phone before it appeared on iphones. Apple despite catching up the iPhone is still years behind other phones.
The 14 pro-max was already obsolete before it came out. But the apple fanbase doesn't know that. That's why techs on YouTube telling people they should skill the iPhone 14 PRO-MAX.
Switch off the always on and you can sleep.. not a big deal Especially if you wear an Apple Watch..
Similar to making USB C compulsory, notification lights must also be made compulsory
I’d like to see apple just skip a year and come out with something that’s an actual improvement. These 1-2% improvements, or reworks to the same destination isn’t enough to sell me every single ywar
Are you really talking about dynamic island being friendly?? What does Apple have to do to get a bad reviews from you? Not paying you?
The best of iPhone 14 is that it is the only that one has the ugly notch. I can continue to use my iPhone 13 Pro (which is basically the same phone) and avoid the notch. Problem solved.
can anyone list the good & bad sides from this video?
It very simple just turn it off always-on display .
So samsung s22 ultra or iphone 14 pro max?
Samsung has an app called dynamic spot which does the same thing. Look at it.
Man I wish he had hired niggas instead of the cornballs
I disagree with the claim that the software (dynamic island) makes the hardware issues (cut outs) "goes away". Dynamic island is acceptable and convenient for a lot of things … but maybe only for iphone 14 pro…. because most people can still operate them with 1 hand. But when it comes to the 14 pro max, you will need 2 hands to operate it. When the screen becomes that big, to reach the dynamic island, you will need to use your 2nd hand, which makes using the phone that much more inconvenient. And the situation is not as simple as a few native apps. Apple puts so much into developing the dynamic island that many, many native apps work with it. So that means it's a phone I have to use 2 hands to operate.
Some might argue that the same issues happens with android phones as well when you have to interact with the notification bar. Well, if you are into android long enough (or it should be a common knowledge for newer smart phone?), you should know that you can just swipe down anywhere on the home screen to draw down the notification bar so you can interact with any notification. Granted, you still need to use 2 hands at times, but it's only at times. For iphone 14s, it's almost ALL THE TIME!!!!
In addition, touching that cut out to interact with the dynamic island, inadvertently, you would end up touching the selfie camera. Sexy! So now every time I want to take a selfie, I have to clean the camera. If not, I would end up with smudgy selfie photos. How stupid is that? So taking a selfie needs an extra step now?!
Also, it still doesn't hide (pun intended) the fact that there is an ugly cut out on top… especially when you watch videos, play games, and recording videos. What's worse, 3rd party apps don't play well with the cut out. God knows when these 3rd party apps will get updated to work with the cut out. If not, I will have to deal with wrongly placed text, buttons and etc FOR A LONG TIME!!!
I have the iPhone 11 and I just ordered my 14 pro I can’t wait to test it out and see how it goes
This conversation is way too crowded
I have iPhone 11 Pro Max and want to upgrade do I get the 14 pro max or wait??
I love apple always on display , it’s different than all the other black boring screens . I think it’s the best implementation of always on display.
When they were talking about the notification lights or ring. I was just looking at my samsung note with a smile cause you can set a color ring around the screen to pop when you get a notification. And you can put it so it lights up in the color of the app you got the notification from.
I really prefer there iPhone always on butt i feel it uses more battery.
"Looks like a hack" exactly it still is but they managed to make people to think it's cool lol
my pro dont even last for a day. not heavy duty user. could it be IOS16?
That new pixel sneak peek – yeah we saw it. Lol
The whole concept of dynamic island is crap, and Apple will move out of it as soon as they can as they did with the keyboard mac screens. Understand these Apple guys NEED to launch a phone each year even if means putting some sh*t in it they coud not get rid off on time.
I rarely thumbed up tech vids but this one deserve, multiple lessons explained how the market is working
12:37 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees this is their selling point
11:30 Samsung could update S10 with pill features looooooooool
LED indicators it's like talking to you telling you something Thanks Blackberry for bringing that trend up but sadly it's buried again !!!!!!!
LED notification indicator by far is the best useful luxury feeling ever created. Hands down you know you have missed call low charge etc by passing (ex. busy at work, home) by the phone from distance. It's saved me a lot because it gets my attention to charge my phone before I hang out with friends and many other situation..
I can see the mini becoming the next gen SE
My problem with android is the camera stops recording at the 10 minute mark. If my android would record the same length as Apple, I wouldn't buy another iPhone
The settings allow you to turn off "always on display". Also, due to the A16 using 4nm production process it is more power efficient than the A15. You should go into the settings and optimize the power usage. In addition the pill can be modified to display various things by outside coders. There is one such thing as a a little pet icon that wanders over the top of the pill. Software will catch up to address all your little things you brought up.
So, basically the bad thing about the new iPhone is the Always on display and how it is structured? If that’s the case I’ll just turn mine off when I get it this week.
If you set your Lock Screen to black, the always on will be black.
Evolution says it; Front camera name was iSight camera. Now it looks like an iBrow. let's call it Dynamic iBrow!
2 days with iphone 14 pro max?!?? , is this guy in airplane mode and minimum screen brightness or what
I think the way apple integrated their hole punch into their UI is nice but it somehow reminds me of Samsungs notification bubbles. At least the animations. In my opinion, apple just took the samsung notification bubble, added more features and worked it around their new design. Might seem a little far fetched and might sound like a samsung fanboy but that's how I see it
aodNotify is an app that can give you a little notification light on your always on display. Same guy who made the Dynamic Spot app that brings the dynamic island to android!
Am I the only one who would not use the pro features? I'd be better off getting the plus.
I’ve had problems with my phone pro says that when I make a call the person can’t hear me.
All of the like button drawings are horrible, but Marques drew the closest to actual.
Please Apple produce a new iPhone mini.
Apple just steals all its ideas from jailbreak tweaks. Jailbreak users have had these features for years.
Upgraded from an XS that I had for 3 years, for the hell of it. Gotta say the experience is not that much more different. I’m not regretting anything but I don’t understand people who upgrade every year. I’ll probably keep this one for 5 years, unless something extremely cutting edge compels me to switch.
Can I got an iPhone
14 pro as give way 

Dynamic Island
Almost everything apple comes out with for they're iPhones been out as long as almost darn there half a decade. Apple installs them into they're phones and pretends that it has never before been seen in a smartphone before.
The hard-core apple fan base don't even know stuff that have been put into iphones lately and in the past has been out in other phones years before they decided to place them into they're iphones.
From Siri, hand and face jesters down to that hideous notch.
And yes that notch did appear on another phone before it appeared on iphones.
Apple despite catching up the iPhone is still years behind other phones.
The 14 pro-max was already obsolete before it came out. But the apple fanbase doesn't know that.
That's why techs on YouTube telling people they should skill the iPhone 14 PRO-MAX.
Switch off the always on and you can sleep.. not a big deal
Especially if you wear an Apple Watch..
Similar to making USB C compulsory, notification lights must also be made compulsory
I’d like to see apple just skip a year and come out with something that’s an actual improvement. These 1-2% improvements, or reworks to the same destination isn’t enough to sell me every single ywar
Are you really talking about dynamic island being friendly?? What does Apple have to do to get a bad reviews from you? Not paying you?
The best of iPhone 14 is that it is the only that one has the ugly notch. I can continue to use my iPhone 13 Pro (which is basically the same phone) and avoid the notch. Problem solved.
can anyone list the good & bad sides from this video?
It very simple just turn it off always-on display .
So samsung s22 ultra or iphone 14 pro max?
Samsung has an app called dynamic spot which does the same thing. Look at it.
Showoff big junky headphones and mic
0:15 Where can I get this wallpaper anyone?
Man I wish he had hired niggas instead of the cornballs
I disagree with the claim that the software (dynamic island) makes the hardware issues (cut outs) "goes away". Dynamic island is acceptable and convenient for a lot of things … but maybe only for iphone 14 pro…. because most people can still operate them with 1 hand. But when it comes to the 14 pro max, you will need 2 hands to operate it. When the screen becomes that big, to reach the dynamic island, you will need to use your 2nd hand, which makes using the phone that much more inconvenient. And the situation is not as simple as a few native apps. Apple puts so much into developing the dynamic island that many, many native apps work with it. So that means it's a phone I have to use 2 hands to operate.
Some might argue that the same issues happens with android phones as well when you have to interact with the notification bar. Well, if you are into android long enough (or it should be a common knowledge for newer smart phone?), you should know that you can just swipe down anywhere on the home screen to draw down the notification bar so you can interact with any notification. Granted, you still need to use 2 hands at times, but it's only at times. For iphone 14s, it's almost ALL THE TIME!!!!
In addition, touching that cut out to interact with the dynamic island, inadvertently, you would end up touching the selfie camera. Sexy! So now every time I want to take a selfie, I have to clean the camera. If not, I would end up with smudgy selfie photos. How stupid is that? So taking a selfie needs an extra step now?!
Also, it still doesn't hide (pun intended) the fact that there is an ugly cut out on top… especially when you watch videos, play games, and recording videos. What's worse, 3rd party apps don't play well with the cut out. God knows when these 3rd party apps will get updated to work with the cut out. If not, I will have to deal with wrongly placed text, buttons and etc FOR A LONG TIME!!!
I have the iPhone 11 and I just ordered my 14 pro I can’t wait to test it out and see how it goes
This conversation is way too crowded
I have iPhone 11 Pro Max and want to upgrade do I get the 14 pro max or wait??
I love apple always on display , it’s different than all the other black boring screens . I think it’s the best implementation of always on display.
When they were talking about the notification lights or ring. I was just looking at my samsung note with a smile cause you can set a color ring around the screen to pop when you get a notification. And you can put it so it lights up in the color of the app you got the notification from.
I really prefer there iPhone always on butt i feel it uses more battery.
"Looks like a hack" exactly it still is but they managed to make people to think it's cool lol
my pro dont even last for a day. not heavy duty user. could it be IOS16?
That new pixel sneak peek
– yeah we saw it. Lol
The whole concept of dynamic island is crap, and Apple will move out of it as soon as they can as they did with the keyboard mac screens. Understand these Apple guys NEED to launch a phone each year even if means putting some sh*t in it they coud not get rid off on time.
I rarely thumbed up tech vids but this one deserve, multiple lessons explained how the market is working
12:37 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees this is their selling point
11:30 Samsung could update S10 with pill features looooooooool
LED indicators it's like talking to you telling you something
Thanks Blackberry for bringing that trend up but sadly it's buried again !!!!!!!
LED notification indicator by far is the best useful luxury feeling ever created. Hands down
you know you have missed call low charge etc by passing (ex. busy at work, home) by the phone from distance.
It's saved me a lot because it gets my attention to charge my phone before I hang out with friends and many other situation..
I can see the mini becoming the next gen SE
My problem with android is the camera stops recording at the 10 minute mark. If my android would record the same length as Apple, I wouldn't buy another iPhone
The settings allow you to turn off "always on display". Also, due to the A16 using 4nm production process it is more power efficient than the A15. You should go into the settings and optimize the power usage. In addition the pill can be modified to display various things by outside coders. There is one such thing as a a little pet icon that wanders over the top of the pill. Software will catch up to address all your little things you brought up.
So, basically the bad thing about the new iPhone is the Always on display and how it is structured? If that’s the case I’ll just turn mine off when I get it this week.
If you set your Lock Screen to black, the always on will be black.
Evolution says it; Front camera name was iSight camera. Now it looks like an iBrow. let's call it Dynamic iBrow!
2 days with iphone 14 pro max?!?? , is this guy in airplane mode and minimum screen brightness or what