Don’t forget about the Far Cry minecraft mod http://bit.ly/RxWojM Find out how Ubisoft Montreal’s ambitious sequel stacks up to Far …
Don’t forget about the Far Cry minecraft mod http://bit.ly/RxWojM Find out how Ubisoft Montreal’s ambitious sequel stacks up to Far …
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Just got it with the far cry 5 season pass (it was on sale). Honestly it still holds up pretty well, it shows it’s age in parts but overall it’s still just as fun today in my opinion. Pick it up if you get the chance.
Is it worth it to buy now?
Best game play on any console or pc the best
Warra game.
FARCRY 3 is miles better than 6.
Far Cry 3, the game where everyone claim to have finished it yet they don't remember Hoyt
Far cry 6 has just came out and id still play this over 6 anyday

It’s like Skyrim with guns – ign employee
IGN: "Multiplayer does nothing interesting"
Also IGN: Gives COD a 9.8/10
anyone here after it became free on Ubisoft
It's FREE now!!
It's free on Ubisoft website for a couple of days!
Far Cry 3 is free on Ubisoft till 11 Sept
This is the most 2012 editing I've ever seen
Im the 17k th like
Simple? Simple narrative? If a game from 2020 had a narrative this advanced it would have an actual PERSONALITY
Bro like then time you have to burn the weed plants the song they played am from the caribean so the song was lit
MasterPiece is what this is…
Scary to think this game come out over 8 years ago, OMG!
8 years later still ubisofts best game