After getting about an hour of hands-on time with Forspoken gameplay, we were left excited to see more. A recent Forspoken …
After getting about an hour of hands-on time with Forspoken gameplay, we were left excited to see more. A recent Forspoken …
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We weren't given a ton of broll to support my points so I added some text on screen to give you an idea of what to expect. How are you feeling about Forspoken? After playing it I'm a lot more excited than I was before – Destin
Not worth buying a ps5 for
Looks fantastic.
The marketing campaign is making me stay away from this game completely until after the reviews come out and the games now for at least a year
This looks like a great Sonic game…
The combat Look like modded Skyrim lol.
Will there be FREAKING DRAGONS???
UI visual smog is disgusting in this game
The world and the character don't look interesting. you could change the character with anything else and it will look the same
hadn't heard of this… looks cool
looking great but i'm not buying it for 80E
Anyone who's hoping for changes in the game forget it. This is literally the final build. They like to tell you they're still working on the game, but they definitely aren't.
Ign please cover more of this game in the future. Really looking forward to this
So…nobody gonna acknowledge the fact that this is just FF15's combat on steroids?
Yet people are comparing it to DMC
This game looks amazing and the combat looks super fun. Can't wait to get the chance to enjoy this game
Praying it all comes together well. It looks so fun!
Forspoken might not have done itself a service with their marketing, but you guys definitely have, because this is the first I've seen of the game and very intrigued.
They will make the Movie base on this game oneday
Just wish it wasn’t a woman
This game looks sick!
Something about the animations. It's so hoppy.
Meh….nothing new or anything we've not seen before.
Games are lacking right now.
As usual… Sony killing it
Isekai Ojisan: "Finally, a worthy opponent"
Anthem 2
That’s some sick gameplay.
zero hype for this game it looks full of effects to hide a very boring world and dull gameplay.
She looks annoying..just a feeling
no 3440*1440?
Take my money!!
It looks nice but imma wait till it’s on sale
it's the new "infamous"
Just make an Avatar game already !!!!!
Damn how come your clips look so clean and YongYeas looked sus
can we all agree that Forespoken is a Agni's Philosophy