In light of the PlayStation 3 turning 15 years old, we’re celebrating the console’s anniversary by counting down the top 10 PS3 …
In light of the PlayStation 3 turning 15 years old, we’re celebrating the console’s anniversary by counting down the top 10 PS3 …
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Needs more Kratos
GOW 3 ?
Any list titled "Top PS3 games" without MGS4 and GOW3 is a joke.
Where's GTA 4, dumbs?
TLoU is very overrated! Is garbage compared with GTA 4 and GTA V.
Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim and Dragon Age Origins also are better than TLoU.
Great games missing: Spec Ops The Line, Max Payne 3, Sleeping Dogs, Infamous 2, Dead Space 2.
Infamous 2, metal gear 4,god of war 3, heavy rain??? Was this list created by a child?
WHERES GTAIV? Definantely a wayy better game and story then GTAV
MGS4 > Portal 2
Where is Killzone 2 man!
Other than a few games, garbage list. Resistance needed to be on there. Work harder and get better writers.
Uncharted 2 is the greatest video game of all time.
Where's Saints Row 2022?
Should have been a top 20 instead, missing some seriously important PS3 games/exclusives on this list… coming from a PlayStation aficionado, that's a big oof.
Portal is a great PC game but putting it on top 10 PS3 list is just weird
Lol these guys didn’t really put Gow 3, Mgs 4, Infamous in this list. Wow. They instead put R&C, Street fighter 4 in this clown list.
We have a big problem here ign. This doesn't even line up with your reviews from back them. How do you leave off the list bioshock, fallout 3, metal gear 4, and skyrim
no mgs 5. that game is many years ahead. p5 da origin mass effect fallout. should be a list that whenever the time the game still a masterpiece. uncharted is not that. little big planet died out.
The Last of Us is so overhyped
make best ps3 rpg please like u did with ps2. thank you
This year is the 16 year anniversary of the PS3 not the 15th.
WHERE THE LEFT FOR DEAD 2 deserves its own vid in my opinion
Not including metal gear 4 is really unfair
when you realize that most of the games are still on current gen console which means creativity died and milking of games started after PS3 era.