Blue Fire provides and impeccable 3D platformer experience with the just right balance of abilities to master and challenges to …
Blue Fire provides and impeccable 3D platformer experience with the just right balance of abilities to master and challenges to …
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Bought this recently on PS4. 3hrs in. Taking it slowly and loving it. Tricky but fun.
Blue Fire alone made me fall back in love with platformers. Worth it price, gameplay, and experience alone.
… is the whole game filled with this dude's grunting?
This game is a fantastic gem.
Do enemies respawn?
Been playing it for 3 hours thus far. The game is unique. It's awesome. Highly recommend it.
Still no map there useless
did he just say he always wanted a game with a quest log….
stuck dark souls, zelda, hat in time AND hollow knight all into a game. that is seriously a new record for recycled regurgitated indie games
The mechanics and platforming look tight and fun af, but in all honesty the graphics, animations, and overall artstyle are just plain lazy, even for an indie game!
It's now free with Amazon Prime Games
"So much fun movement"
Meanwhile I'm slamming my controller on the final void for 3 hours straight
and for everything else, stick with IGN. UM THUMBS DOWN FOR THAT
Isn't that what they call a Blue Angel?
Coming to other consoles??
Wind Waker X GhostRunner
Count me in!
Reviewed on PC, also available on Switch……and on Stadia. Thanks IGN, forgetting that again.
Who's here because its free on stadia pro?
it needs a lot getting used to! not very intuitiv. demandes extrem precise actions in platforming but does not give you the controls to do it. very frustrating! you never sure if you need another ability to travers or just another way. you will fight the game more than the enemies.
This game makes you feel like a blue fire.
Love this game! If you like platformers, Zelda and a challenge. Get this!
Isn't that roblox ugc?
Daaaaamn! Underrated game
Wind Waker meets Titanfall? Say less.
fkn SOLD.
So, this is the game, huh?
Something's about to happen. The face of the main character is a stolen design from a roblox ugc item. They just changed a few colors.
A hollow knight: odyssey in time