25k views in 2 hours… um yeah… fuhpuhtah may not have a million subs yet but this channel has dedicated fans. Yours truly being one of them. You’re basically my only stop for tech news.
Late case still pricy for me, 2 years later. Sadly.
Agree with you.
Just the sheer fact that his phone case look exactly like the other cases shows Lew don’t have any innovation.
Just touch up a couple of things here and there. Nothing special.
Offering cases to phones that otherwise wouldn’t get support is notable but hardly … “the case that fix them all”
Lew should have stuck to his day job.
Just go sell merchandise like Unbox therapy logo on the case and call it a day.
I got scammed by him. What a sad story and experience with him or the team
Dude you just got it right. Credability is 100% the most important thing not only in your business but in most professions we do. Your philosophy kinda guarantee to longelifebility. Props to you and your team.
I still don't like Jon Posser. N pretty sure most of the YouTube tech reviewers also doesn't
Jon, i love you, and this is old news, but Lew is fucking trash and I will never believe otherwise.
End of the day, Lew is still a turd.
lew the sold out
Hell yeah, enjoying hearing you swear.
..and he turns right around and pulls another scam with the Escobar phone
Just my opinion, but I definitely didn’t get the same feeling from his response video…
unboxing and review videos without games (like fake giveaways)
Bro you have much more integrity than Lew From Unbox Therapy! Remember when he said the Escobar phone was legit to buy?!
Lol, u should start ur own news channel, coz u know how to make it sensational. Come to India.
Wow… no duck bipped out? Lol
I love your Apple leaks and their accuracy is so crazy and you do great work in that field. But let's not get too crazy saying you and only you are the ONLY reason Lew made a response video. Yes, you definitely contributed to it, maybe even a majority of it, but there was definitely pressure from multiple sources causing him to feel the need to make that video to clarify and maybe even clear him name. Also, thank you for making a response, to the response lol
And..I’m outta here
You exposed Lew. That earned you my respect and lost him a subscriber. Thank you for being you, Jern!
Who are you again ? Oh someone trying to get views on lew back . Get a life loser .
Everyone knows that lew is a fraud , he make a reviews for money and always make a fun and inappropriate video about Apple cuz they didn't invited him to Apple events , so he always when he bought iPhone for his own money he act as a dork
So much drama about a phone case.
I love your realness and your channel always! Thank you.
This video is the reazon your chanel was stolen… or was apple glases o was mark sukerverg… maybe was Lew.
Oh that voice!!!
With later case and now the Escobar phones… yeah I think it's time Lew gives it up. He's totally dishonest, especially in his "explanation" videos. Starting to think he's starting this shit on purpose just to reap the controversy clicks.
i’m glad I no longer support your channel. non of this was your business anyway.
Phone rebel cases are better imo
Trust, you talking to me? Sweet Lew is the king of reviews?
how about the escobar phone who promote that is a scam !!!!! what about fake giveaways !!!!! what about fake products misleading customers !!!!!! ——->> unbox therapy IS A SCAM ARTIST
You were right bro
I've just bought that later case and its great
That video was a great clapback
Jon please stop cursing.
That video you made was pure suckerism call it what it is, you kicked a man while he was down for views.
Nonebox refuses to uncuck himself since the shi**y case debacle. Anyone who prefers android is obviously brain damaged.
Good that you called him out. That was needed.
Fuck lew
Linus is like the Gandalf of the techtubers
I like Lou videos, but lately he is a little more than not modest. He is full of himself a little more that what he supposed to be, i'm just going to unscribe him, just to give him a call out. In my honest opinion like Linus said, he could have said that he improved those guys case model and not throw them into sadow. I know that unscribeing him won't make a huge difference, but i'm starting to fell that he lost that "something" that made him what he is today. The last video I watched from him was the Apple wheels, and honestly, not that I would pay 700$ for some wheels, but he mocked them like it was just some sh@t wrapped nicelly. I belive Apple payed good money to some guys to develop those wheeles, and they look nice and well made with quality materials. Why make a next video and use them as a skateboard, they where design by Apple in Carlifornia, what do you expect to cost? 200$? They sell a 10k computer, a 4k monitor, a freaking 1k monitor stand… those are quality Apple stuff and we know that quality and nice design pays, in Apple case that is with a lot of $$$. Conclusion: unsub unbox therapy, don't buy overpriced items and this channel it's the most honest and straight forward out there. Edit: who agrees please like
This is what kills me about the YouTube is the fact that people will try to make big things out of nothing this whole phone case thing was a nothing Burger. The only reason anybodywhen talk about this on their channel is because they have nothing else to talk about I need to chase clout no matter where it comes from. But that's just my opinion.
Not only 2020 started off with Social distance now its that community distance between you guys too… Not fair at all
Im totally going to buy my later case now im stoked.
As an asian i say,
American take our product and sell it more then triple the price for "marketing" and "feelings"
American mostly a symbol conscious society anyway.
I have been a long time fan and just recently subscribed because I didn't realize how fickle and strange the algorithms on YouTube can be and how often the recommendations seem to change randomly. I also needed to find something to fill the gap left by not wanting to watch Unbox Therapy and Lee because I think he has lost any and all integrity and trust he might have had.
25k views in 2 hours… um yeah… fuhpuhtah may not have a million subs yet but this channel has dedicated fans. Yours truly being one of them. You’re basically my only stop for tech news.
Late case still pricy for me, 2 years later. Sadly.
Agree with you.
Just the sheer fact that his phone case look exactly like the other cases shows Lew don’t have any innovation.
Just touch up a couple of things here and there. Nothing special.
Offering cases to phones that otherwise wouldn’t get support is notable but hardly … “the case that fix them all”
Lew should have stuck to his day job.
Just go sell merchandise like Unbox therapy logo on the case and call it a day.
I got scammed by him. What a sad story and experience with him or the team
Dude you just got it right. Credability is 100% the most important thing not only in your business but in most professions we do. Your philosophy kinda guarantee to longelifebility. Props to you and your team.
I still don't like Jon Posser. N pretty sure most of the YouTube tech reviewers also doesn't
Jon, i love you, and this is old news, but Lew is fucking trash and I will never believe otherwise.
End of the day, Lew is still a turd.
lew the sold out
Hell yeah, enjoying hearing you swear.
..and he turns right around and pulls another scam with the Escobar phone
Just my opinion, but I definitely didn’t get the same feeling from his response video…
Bro you have much more integrity than Lew From Unbox Therapy! Remember when he said the Escobar phone was legit to buy?!

Lol, u should start ur own news channel, coz u know how to make it sensational. Come to India.
Wow… no duck bipped out? Lol
I love your Apple leaks and their accuracy is so crazy and you do great work in that field. But let's not get too crazy saying you and only you are the ONLY reason Lew made a response video. Yes, you definitely contributed to it, maybe even a majority of it, but there was definitely pressure from multiple sources causing him to feel the need to make that video to clarify and maybe even clear him name. Also, thank you for making a response, to the response lol
And..I’m outta here
You exposed Lew. That earned you my respect and lost him a subscriber. Thank you for being you, Jern!
Who are you again ? Oh someone trying to get views on lew back .
Get a life loser .
Everyone knows that lew is a fraud
, he make a reviews for money and always make a fun and inappropriate video about Apple cuz they didn't invited him to Apple events , so he always when he bought iPhone for his own money he act as a dork
So much drama about a phone case.
I love your realness and your channel always! Thank you.
This video is the reazon your chanel was stolen… or was apple glases o was mark sukerverg… maybe was Lew.

Oh that voice!!!
With later case and now the Escobar phones… yeah I think it's time Lew gives it up. He's totally dishonest, especially in his "explanation" videos. Starting to think he's starting this shit on purpose just to reap the controversy clicks.
i’m glad I no longer support your channel. non of this was your business anyway.
Phone rebel cases are better imo
Trust, you talking to me? Sweet Lew is the king of reviews?
how about the escobar phone who promote that is a scam !!!!! what about fake giveaways !!!!! what about fake products misleading customers !!!!!! ——->> unbox therapy IS A SCAM ARTIST
You were right bro
I've just bought that later case and its great
That video was a great clapback
Jon please stop cursing.
That video you made was pure suckerism call it what it is, you kicked a man while he was down for views.
Nonebox refuses to uncuck himself since the shi**y case debacle. Anyone who prefers android is obviously brain damaged.
Good that you called him out. That was needed.
Fuck lew
Linus is like the Gandalf of the techtubers
I like Lou videos, but lately he is a little more than not modest. He is full of himself a little more that what he supposed to be, i'm just going to unscribe him, just to give him a call out. In my honest opinion like Linus said, he could have said that he improved those guys case model and not throw them into sadow. I know that unscribeing him won't make a huge difference, but i'm starting to fell that he lost that "something" that made him what he is today. The last video I watched from him was the Apple wheels, and honestly, not that I would pay 700$ for some wheels, but he mocked them like it was just some sh@t wrapped nicelly. I belive Apple payed good money to some guys to develop those wheeles, and they look nice and well made with quality materials. Why make a next video and use them as a skateboard, they where design by Apple in Carlifornia, what do you expect to cost? 200$? They sell a 10k computer, a 4k monitor, a freaking 1k monitor stand… those are quality Apple stuff and we know that quality and nice design pays, in Apple case that is with a lot of $$$. Conclusion: unsub unbox therapy, don't buy overpriced items and this channel it's the most honest and straight forward out there.
Edit: who agrees please like
This is what kills me about the YouTube is the fact that people will try to make big things out of nothing this whole phone case thing was a nothing Burger. The only reason anybodywhen talk about this on their channel is because they have nothing else to talk about I need to chase clout no matter where it comes from. But that's just my opinion.
Not only 2020 started off with Social distance now its that community distance between you guys too… Not fair at all
Im totally going to buy my later case now im stoked.
As an asian i say,
American take our product and sell it more then triple the price for "marketing" and "feelings"
American mostly a symbol conscious society anyway.
I have been a long time fan and just recently subscribed because I didn't realize how fickle and strange the algorithms on YouTube can be and how often the recommendations seem to change randomly. I also needed to find something to fill the gap left by not wanting to watch Unbox Therapy and Lee because I think he has lost any and all integrity and trust he might have had.
Master of Criticism