Xenoblade Chronicles 3 reviewed by Travis Northup on Nintendo Switch. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 can take some meandering …
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 reviewed by Travis Northup on Nintendo Switch. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 can take some meandering …
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What a truly terrible review. Can IGN not get someone competent to review JRPG's these days? Also, what is up with the weird criticism? Did you really deduct points because of the Switch holding this game back in certain areas? Shouldn't it be a marvel that this game runs as well as it does on Switch given how visually stunning it looks and how well it performs overall? IGN, GameSpot and Game informer continue to be the laughing stock of the gaming media with their poorly written reviews and odd criticisms.
Hoping Duncan makes an appearance in this game!
For everyone who was able to get the Special Edition from Nintendo store
….we did it
Your review on xeno makes me a bit worried about your review on splatoon 3
The Final Fantasy of this generation.
let me guess, 8?
Battle move stil same xenoble1 you run on left or right looks strange
dogshit review as usual
Anyone else noticing the irony of complaining about the not so great graphics but at the same time their video quality is kinda poop
Game of the year
No importa el juego ya está ordenado. Qué pedo no mencionan el soundtrack. Ya estuvo que lo volvieron a robar en esta categoría en los game awards.
another usual terrible review from IGN.
So no skin? No wifu sword? Not buying it
A lot of mixed messaging in this review.
Awful review feels like they wanted to give it a 6 or something
Horrible review
IGN only looks at graphics
There wasn’t a single mention of the soundtrack in this review. The music is always a highlight, the Xenoblade Chronicles series has some of the best VGM out there.
It wouldn't be an IGN review without the reviewer complaining about playing a Nintendo game on a Nintendo console instead of a stronger console.
In the long term reviews don’t matter to the actual game. IGN for example giving xc3 a 8 does not matter in the bit. 100% ever xenoblade fan will love this game no matter the score. This is literally the most anticipated game for me! My suggestion is watching a different review and seeing what their opinion is on the game.
dont watch the ending its horrible!
Incoming 8/10
This game looks great I've watch many videos of it an it don't look blurry at all graphics look great it's a jrpg on switch look at how many characters on screen no ps5 rpg games have so many not even ffxvi
How does it look in handheld?!
Basically further confirming why Switch needs a PRO version. Either the game textures look like crap or it runs like crap, no in-between lol Instead they wasted time with an OLED Switch….Imagine this running at 60fps!
10000x time better than elden ring
8? wtf
Can't believe chronicles 2 looks better than this cashgrab … nothing original even X did something alot better and that awful framerate . Monolith soft should be ashame of themselves .
Always funny to see gamers fight about the score in the comments like it matters.
This game could have been so much more if it wans't for the switch crappy hardware!!
the capture quality looks pretty poor. can't wait to play the game on an original system
Why do you keep spoiler things omfg what is wrong with yall

Leave it to IGN and GameSpot to give Xenoblade an 8 when everyone else gives it a 9 or 10. Seriously, hire someone who actually likes JRPGs.
Wow this review really made this game sound terrible
I'll save my money for Persona 5 this October.
once again IGN Shows they hate JRPGs.
these reviews get more and more of a joke LOL
I’m willing to endure a convoluted story as long as the ending has that Takahashi Twist.
Did you really deduct points on the game for switch hardware limitations? What are the devs meant to do, release it on ps5? Extra points should be given for how well they got it to run on such old hardware
Siempre 8….pareciera si no es FIFA o call of duty no le ponen 9 o mas
elden ring got a 10 by ign.. so if a game deserves a 10 ign will give it a 10..
its almost as if they intentionally try and rile people up with lazy and uninspired reviews lol
Lgn is better
Ah the old lose the fight but win in the cut scene trick. Works every time.