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Something strange is happening in Dubai. The desert oasis is home to some of the most extravagant architecture, people and CARS in the world. But someone is abandoning their cars in the desert, sometimes with the keys still in the ignition Who is responsible? Wealthy Sheikhs? Rich kids? Or is something else going on? We’re gonna find out.
Thanks to Rohan Robert for sharing some of his footage with us! Link to his channel:
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Cars: I don't like sand. It's rough, coarse and irritating. And it gets everywhere.
how do you know that they are ditched. They could have been there for 1 day but there was a sand storm that made them look like this. People dont forget about their bugatti
no taxes and nice roads… imagine that
The saudis
At about 3:53 in the video you show and say your yearly salary is $90 million a year and that theirs is $90 million/day. That's gotta be a typo.
Is this an advert for Dubai? The info starts around 5:10
Bro makes 90mill a year!?
Who would have thought that the Bible would be more than it seems for many people the Bible are stories that are put together.
But it's actually prophesied that there will be a hidden word we can actually see this in the parable of the wedding feast where the first time they were too busy and a second time it was for anybody .
I'll try to explain it the first time was the Jews but because they didn't obey, the second time is for the Gentiles so that some could attend the wedding feast – "Heaven".
The Jews most likely were upset when they heard this Parable knowing it was about them, that they were left out of a chance to go to heaven this is why they most likely sabotage the bible.
Even Jesus / Saviour praise our father in Heaven thanking him that the word will be a Mysteries,the way to heaven is only revealed to babes and not to the wise, this is the hidden path and the only way to understand it is by our savior revealing it to us individually picked, that is why he said that he chooses and few are chosen.
There's Prophecies of a stumbling block which is most likely Paul there's Prophecies of a hidden word in Amos and also in Daniel at talks about hiding the word until the end days,look in scripture of even Paul mentioning it –
(Mark 4:11-12)
He [Jesus] told them, ' The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables so that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'"
(1 Corinthians 2:7)
"No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began." (1 Corinthians 2:7)
(1 Corinthians 4:1)
"So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God."
And also says and Daniel that the transgressors will continue to transgress but the wise will understand, transgress means Breakers of the law and actually it says in the Old Testament that the commandment Covenant is Everlasting that means forever.
Some Topics I talk about and it's all Free
1. Holy Spirit is a woman and she is our Mother, she is know by Wisdom,Virgin Mother ,
Mother Sophia,Queen of Heaven,Salt,Truth,Asherah and the Holy Spirit
2. Mary Magdalene 12th and most loved disciple 3. How I got to preach the five books telling because dreams ,
4. dreams of flying 220 times and meeting God,Holy Spirit she's a Woman she told me she was the
Holy Spirit and to buy for and I didn't listen and I struggled, Jesus Christ 4 times and Angel Gabriel in dreams
5. Prophecy of hidden of word and bible tampering
6. Theirs 2 Paul's apostle in the bible , one forged and impersonated
7. Importance of the Bride and Bridegroom
8. Christian names in the Gospel of Philip and Secret Gospel of Mary Oral tradition on Ticer Tice YouTube
9. Warnings of bible tampering by Jesus / Saviour
10. Male and female teachings
11. Empire Constantine fake conversion story, pagan Gods on his monument of winning
12. Vegan and Celibate indefinitely scripture and teachings
13. Footage and pictures of Mother Sophia and history of her appearances, one being lady of Fatima
14. Reasons why I took out books from New Testament
15. Gospel of the Holy Twelve and its History (Original New Testament) Basically word for word ,Aramaic to English Hidden from the bible changers in India
16. Sophia The Daughter the Holy Bride
17. Christian Virgins persecution History 18. Animals in human form
19. Truth to be revealed only to chosen by works and desire of truth
20. Punishment teachings for to fail
21. Greek Septuagint Bible was said to be those who corrupted by the 70 men in the lost books
22. Precepts given to the Jews because Harden heart
23. 194 Contradictions in New Testament
24. Stumbling block to be in the bible by parables
25. History of many saying the bible has been corrupted from Jerome, Marcion and Tertuillas
26. Jerome letter 383 -384 must look at for self, he also practice a vegan and Celibate life
I found the way to heaven by dreams and research, basically I was taking books out of Paul because I found out he was a false apostle , I heard in a dream five books, I took books affiliated with Paul out and in another dream I heard also the books of Thomas and Philip , after taking out the book of Revelation I seen my self tell my kids you know how to read the bible in another dream.On my Tiktok Ticer Tice I explain why I took the books out , I have up to twenty languages to choose from the whole website is translated into so you could look at the books and my findings of truth and research , after gathering the five books I was cured of fibromyalgia and started flying in my dreams, I'm up to 218 , I flew to heaven around 10 times, I also met in dreams our Father in Heaven who's name is YahusAhauva ,I was told his name in a dream, The Holy Spirit who is known also by Mother – Queen of Heaven Sophia – Wisdom and comforter, also Saviour / Jesus three times and Angel Gabriel and Monique who she says she's my sister and I asked her if I'm right about the five books and she said yeah,I've made a Facebook called Ticer Tice because of these dreams and research, with the five books I would of most likely not still be a Christian today, my walk is basically easy and I'm not sad or lonely or have any urges or desires for sin.I've been preaching the five books for five years also the Secret Gospel of Mary.
So basically here's a summary of my understandings, logical guess, findings, historical ,Scriptural and prophecy backing up.The Gnostics were the true Christians , they were labeled Heretics and their teachings have been hidden and we've been given a made up teaching.The real teachings were to be Celibate and Vegan Indefinitely and woman were to also be disciples also and we must know our Mother in Heaven and to know we are Daughter Sophia basically kinda and more .
TikTok Ticer Tice everything is free and no links to accounts of any kind of financial gain or tithings.
What’s crazy is that in the uae even where we consider the “hood” or one of the more dangerous places u can see Bentleys,lambo’s and even Bugattis but I think u should do more of a deep dive not only about the super cars but also the large jdm.They also love dumping millions of dollars into Nissan patrols.
Its not called expats its called immigrant. You're an immigrant.
I feel kind of stupid watching this video to learn how to buy a "cheap" supercar, while I have less than 200 dollars in my bank account.
tl;dw Dubai is a shit hole confirmed. UAE is a shit hole confirmed. These countries are dreadful places throwing up a facade to make themself look Western enough to get by. In reality they're full of immoral shit like religious law, debt jails, unfair application of the law, extremely anti-LGBT stances, and literal god damn slavery… Serious, no one should go on "holiday" to places like Dubai. But if you do you will quickly realise that the entire place is a facade, it has no atmosphere, there's no culture. Because again it's an emulation of some aspects of the West just to try and get oil etc contracts without as much doubt and criticism.
SHIEK ABUDULAH: "Ah leave the 2021 Ferrari in the desert… I buy a new one."
Another reason not mentioned is that most Arabs do not do manual labor for one reason or another – hence the large ex-pat population. They simply drive these cars until they break down, leave it where it sits, and go off and buy another or something else. These are cars that need a lot of maintenance and very specific, time consuming, and manual labor intensive maintenance. Seeing how Dubai is a desert these cars are sucking up a lot of sand, a very fine talc-like sand, which gets into every nook and cranny, wrecks havoc on the engine internals, seals, and clogs oil, coolant, and fuel filters leading to catastrophic failure. And these cars don't have Toyota 4-bangers and Chevy 350s which can take a beating and ask for more . . .
I think it's because if you defer on a loan or get into debt over there they'll lock you up. Hence owners dump their cars n flee the country. (not seen this vid yet).
so the police dept rich enough to pay the remaining loans or the police basically driving stolen cars XD
There are 2 answers involving the culprits:
1. Irresponsible rich people who have zero appreciation of cars
2. Environmentalist thieves/carjackers
Damn, so many channels have in video ads… I don't know if there is a limit to how many channels I can block but here's another. I do not want to see or hear advertisements, they make you money, great! I block your channel. How, Block Tube, easy and very effective.
Raycon are trash don’t buy them
Why is it that every time extreme wealth is explored it is wasteful and negligent…it is like wealth does something to the human condition that just makes one a complete knob regardless of culture.
It’s sad to see a jdm car decaying
The more you have, the less you care! While selling you old car you loose time which is money
I see em all da time in dubai
Once you leave Jail the Debt is Paid… Easy way to get a Million dollar car tbh
Oh no! Taxes *literally left a 600k car at the middle of desert*
You can abandon any car you want at my house.
Its criminals who leave the cars there.
magic and false reglions are demonic man, Jesus loves you alot trust in His death 4 salvation and be saved from eternal hell <3 Jesus died on the cross for you bro.
Jesus loves you alot trust in His death 4 salvation and be saved from eternal hell <3 Jesus died on the cross for you bro.