The Palm Phone actually fits in your palm

The Palm Phone is an unusual device. It’s a tiny smartphone (companion) aimed a digital detoxers. The idea is that you’ll opt to …


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About the Author: Unbox Therapy


  1. "Steph Curry is endorsing the phone. Okay? So, it has to be good." It takes a special kind of stµpid to believe a product is good just because a celebrity endorses it. But then again, nowadays, there are plenty of that kind of stµpid running around. 🙄

  2. In this world of big smartphones, it is getting harder and harder for us small smartphone loving people. Too bad the palm phone is not available in my country.

  3. Almost.. with iPhone 12 & 13 mini’s, it renders this phone totally useless. Shame, was planning on getting it, but with (obviously) subpar camera and OS (futureproof/updates?) which the iPhone mini’s address and you can use them for the next 5 years at least.

    But if the Palm 2 specs and OS support were to be similar to the mini’s with 1/2 or even 3/4 the price, then it gets interesting…

  4. I'm looking for a smaller phone because I just want to throw it in my pocket but I still want smart functions. It also has to be robust so none of those folding phones for me. This is a nice idea but way too expensive.

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