Amazon Prime Day Deals 2022 MEGA Unboxing Unbox Therapy — July 12, 2022 39 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Enjoy Prime Day! Thanks to our partners…See below for discounts… Anker Nebula Cosmos Laser 4K … source gadget gadgets new review tech technology therapy unbox unbox therapy unboxing unboxtherapy youtube Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
Hay love the chanel been a big fan for ages, like the projector was wondering could you advise on a day time projector m
I have had the exact black Andar for a few years! Love it! I got my nephew one for bday! He uses it still!
ALL Amazon Prime Day 2022 Deals –
This that a supra
He’s on the take
Supra Mk4 just chilling at the background
Nice Supra

Good Video, Your Information is very secure. Thank You
Sweet deals. Congarts to all winners !
is that a supra
I remember when he wasn’t a paid shill for these overpriced products…
Hi friends
I just bought the case a few weeks ago. F.M.L
Okay now do another that I can afford
very good

Oh look guys, the rich guy is finally reviewing products for the poor people!
If I were in the market for most of these things, i wouldn't have to worry about finding a deal.
Andar is the spanish verb to walk! Not carry!
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content
you got to review that Supra
That SUPRA!!!!
Interesting gadgets
i didn't get what's is the video about because i was staring on supra all the time
Bro help me i just need a pc that works
Hay love the chanel been a big fan for ages, like the projector was wondering could you advise on a day time projector m
Amazing to see all the new products and awesome deals
Fuck the deals is that a Supra show us the Supra lew
Happy Prime Day y’all
Will you be giving away somethings??
I have had the exact black Andar for a few years! Love it! I got my nephew one for bday! He uses it still!
That is not the "case" with "later case" … ! Very catchy
I wish I could get one of those wallets! Those are pretty sweet!
Will the iphone 12s be disconnected today
Great! I want one
Wake up people!
Tommy tipee done a little shitty on tam magoos bell end
Is that a supraaaaa?!!!