Skull and Bones, Ubisoft Singapore’s pirate game that we last saw at E3 2018 has finally sailed back into view and it’s out this …
Skull and Bones, Ubisoft Singapore’s pirate game that we last saw at E3 2018 has finally sailed back into view and it’s out this …
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They should've spent more time copying/pasting the melee and foot combat system from black flags, and less time on diversity of a useless character model.
Black Flag had way better naval warfare and ACTUAL ship boarding. How the hell did they manage to go BACKWARDS from black flag to this?!
Fetch quest online
Bro that’s a mediocre boarding system and you can even explore random islands! They won’t even have a campaign…
Leave it to Ubisoft to take all life out of their own games before they've even released
The only pirate in this game is Ubisoft who is looting our money
What fans wanted and thought Skull and Bones would be: Black Flag 2 with some improvements and MAYBE co op..
What Ubisoft gave: For Honor 2: September at Sea
The gameplay seems way too limited. Only naval combat? That's going to get stale fast.
It is gonna be free?
Damn this game is shell of what the initial game was suppose to be. Held out all this hope for so many years, and it has become a fools errand.
Here's a thing you should know, there's a high chance it's just gonna be another generic open world Ubisoft game.
Such a missed opportunity. Surely they’ve seen feedback from potential players. Seems everyone wanted to see land exploration, sword combat, swimming etc on top of the ship side of things. Being pretty much confined to the ship for the gameplay is going to hurt this game’s sales
This game is going to be a typical Ubisoft money grabbing underwhelming game. How you gonna have a pirate game without the pirate activities? It’s like peanut butter with no Jelly.
No campaign, no purchase. I'm disappointed in you Ubisoft.
can other players be on the same ship??
At This Point Hello Games Should Make An AC Black Flag Sequel/Clone Just To Drive Home The Fandom's Point Of View
7 Things You Need to Know!
1 – 7 : Don't preorder, wait for reviews.
Ship simulator 2022
Im shocked how many people thought this game was going to have a singleplayer even tho there was no mention of it at all
Try hards are going to invade this game like no other

This game is really disappointing all the pirate stuff is cut scenes it's just a boat simulator it's just a even watered down of sea of thieves think I'm going to pass
Chill with the ads dude
This game is a waste of time
Boarding other ships was ac black flags biggest selling point, and they are just skipping that lmao, how incompetent can u get
"Pathless man is a dead body" someone said
It's talking to Preston Garvey… On the sea!
Ubisoft is begging to master producing medicocre games.
Im Sorry, but Us Gamers are not using our hard earned money to buy a game that gives us a Boarding Cinematic or a Raiding Cinematic.
Side quests, the game.
The 8th thing you didn't know is that it has "surprise mechanics."