in the UK right now a gallon of diesel is £9 a gallon.
It’s hilarious when he talks about the market bell. “Worlds best market bell”. Great streams!
5000% of returns within 2 months guaruanteed. Join my group!
The farm land, u cant pass up that idea, interesting
Nuclear is very dirty leaks cause environmental damage and the spent rods take thousands of years to not be radioactive.
Please get your crypto off exchanges. There is contagion in the market right now.
Boris Johnson's resignation is NOT being called to resign because of party gate, it's because he promoted a sexual predatory and tried to cover for him, compounded by party gate, compounded by corruption and financial problems, and brexit fall out. DO BETTER.
bankruptcy not bankrupcy
He glossed over voyager when that's the biggest most detrimental thing in crypto right now
Should everyone move to dydx?
Save us George!
George, are we still in the ''bear-trend'' ?
Celsius is next
George, time to take out money…
Good morning George
"Welcome to CryptoRUs. I'm broke. We're all broke" What a crazy last 30 days.
One by one There all going for bankruptcy its horrid . We havent even seen the bottom yet .
in the UK right now a gallon of diesel is £9 a gallon.
It’s hilarious when he talks about the market bell. “Worlds best market bell”.
Great streams!
5000% of returns within 2 months guaruanteed. Join my group!
The farm land, u cant pass up that idea, interesting
Nuclear is very dirty leaks cause environmental damage and the spent rods take thousands of years to not be radioactive.
Please get your crypto off exchanges. There is contagion in the market right now.
Boris Johnson's resignation is NOT being called to resign because of party gate, it's because he promoted a sexual predatory and tried to cover for him, compounded by party gate, compounded by corruption and financial problems, and brexit fall out. DO BETTER.
bankruptcy not bankrupcy
He glossed over voyager when that's the biggest most detrimental thing in crypto right now
Should everyone move to dydx?
Save us George!
George, are we still in the ''bear-trend'' ?
Celsius is next
George, time to take out money…
Good morning George
"Welcome to CryptoRUs. I'm broke. We're all broke" What a crazy last 30 days.
One by one There all going for bankruptcy its horrid . We havent even seen the bottom yet .