Last week, Warren Buffett talked in BBC NEWS on how investors and traders can make millions. Her recommended an Expert called "Layla Claire Wondering if viewers here are familiar with she's services..?
BTC's price has been fluctuating lately, buying the capitulation isn't a tough call, but it is a very tough call to figure out what to do aside holding. The good thing about the space is that you can buy the dips and put them into active trades, while confidently waiting for a pump in price because it is inevitable. Most people do not understand how the space works. Your advantage is understanding , Charts won’t guarantee what an asset is going to do. Prices will go up or down. Nevertheless, the market has been so profitable despite price ups and down. I've always played safe implementing trades with insights and signals from a renowned trader, Daniel Ryan. I made 8.5 BTC from the recent crash in the market last week.
Lol, Tom's facial expression looks like he just doesn't care about the consequence of any of what he communicates to viewers.
Talk about monumental delusions. People bought numbers in a computer file with real world cash. Suddenly they're discovering those numbers have no inherent intrinsic value and that prices can fall dramatically wiping out peoples life savings. Welcome to Reality boys. Crypto was supposed to be a alternate currency worth a dollar, but when the price started flying around all over the place it stopped being currency and started being a get rich quick dream. Nobody is using this as currency outside of criminal gangs. People are buying it because they think some other fool will pay more for it. Clearly that's stopped happening now, and people aren't going to be so keen to jump into Crypto in the future.
Become a shareholder in AEX today. Just get AUSD. Simple
Thé price of bitcoin was pushed with FED’s policy since 2020.The idea was an alternative to USD as a speculation due to the FED’s massive printing policy . It is more co related to FED’s policy than the equity market in the past .He completely misinterpreted the mechanism of the market .It is not a regulated market and there is a fear of its systemic mechanism as it has been so much geared towards its non recourse lending off its chain .
Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works.
Bitcoin, old tech, expensive to use, and slow. XRP, the fastest, cheap to use and technically at the top in utility. Why invest in a horse and buggy when you can go long with a RollsRoyce, it’s a no brainer. AOL or high speed fiber optic broadband. Duuuuh.
I’m not really sure what standard they are evaluating crypto against? Crypto didn’t have the advantage of deposit insurance, access to liquidity, stress tests, tax incentives or the backing of public authorities.
Not all< bears operates in the same way. So many are led to believe that BTC has to operate perfectly on a four year cycle that any mention of the words "bear" seem to automatically mean falling prices and an accumulation phase that lasts 2-3 years. As we have showed, it is more complicated than a simple four year cycle that can be repeated every four years from now until all the supply has been released. There are much more complications than some would have you believe. In this video we just stick to the data, not appealing to the emotions of those who choose to ignore it. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 19` btc from day trading with Carolyn Halles Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second language.
Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's on everything but the truth is I don't even care much about bullish or bearish market anymore because Michael Christensen got me cover as I am comfortably making 3.1B T C monthly. .
Support for Bitcoin will fail very soon and the stock will begin a free fall.
which part of the Crypto system works well dum dum. ?
Fund me 1.9btc few hours ago now l promise to tell the World how helpful you're and God almighty bless you for being reaL 100%
Fund me 1.9btc few hours ago now l promise to tell the World how helpful you're and God almighty bless you for being reaL 100%
bitcoin shall prevail.
Defi protocols did not have a problem. No one on AAVE or COMP got liquidated due to leverage. The problem was Cefi (centralized finance, like Voyager, Blockfi, Celsius, etc who had invested in "stable coin" that Do Kwon rug pulled) They are not run by programs, they are run by greedy moronic liars that give you 6% interest while they collect 20% interest and then they go buy 32 million dollar homes.
Investors Working to Create Wealth. * FFIE.. Up 43 % week. Faraday Future. New $ 180,000 FF 91 Futurist SUV EV Increasing Pre-Orders. Production set by Sept 2022. Over 180 Global FF 91 Videos/ shorts. * ALPP.. Up 8 % month. Alpine 4 Holdings.
Despite the economic crisis this is the right time to start up investment because Bitcoin is coming down
In Tom Lee we trust. We are with you Tom!
Saying thank you to in good manners. You are a blessing to me, and I will always remember your kindness and support for me and family we are about to finish our project all because of you''"
Saying thank you to in good manners. You are a blessing to me, and I will always remember your kindness and support for me and family we are about to finish our project all because of you''"
Particularly Bitcoin seems to be particularly erratic at the moment, with some forecasting a crash and others a new all-time high. We'll have to wait and see how things turn out, but for the time being, I'm unable to sell, so I'm still holding
I lost all my money with AMZPV33
Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.
I lost 45%.
That thumbnail with the eyes pointing in different directions. It’s doing no favors to the credibility of his opinions.
Elon would be mad on AMZPV33
I believe in Bitcoin and AMZPV33
You know Jeff Bezos? Then you should know about his AMZPV33
Tom will have to cut back on those steak and lobster dinners for now
Absolutely love the decentralized zealots like Tom now begging for government regulation. What a joke!
Crypto bag holders are pumping worthless crypto so they can sell YOU their worthless computer digits…so YOU become the bag holder..Don’t get FOMO!
Stay away, there’s no laws to protect anyone!! This guy is clueless!!!
Bitcoin was down from 2018 to 2020 you’re just all new to the game
a fool and their money………….
Bumped into NFTs Ads now as i opened this video… Are NFTs same as Altcoins or stocks?
News fools will appear after current ones are slaughter to start the next get rich quick cycle.
Last week, Warren Buffett talked in BBC NEWS on how investors and traders can make millions. Her recommended an Expert called "Layla Claire Wondering if viewers here are familiar with she's services..?
BTC's price has been fluctuating lately, buying the capitulation isn't a tough call, but it is a very tough call to figure out what to do aside holding. The good thing about the space is that you can buy the dips and put them into active trades, while confidently waiting for a pump in price because it is inevitable. Most people do not understand how the space works. Your advantage is understanding , Charts won’t guarantee what an asset is going to do. Prices will go up or down. Nevertheless, the market has been so profitable despite price ups and down. I've always played safe implementing trades with insights and signals from a renowned trader, Daniel Ryan. I made 8.5 BTC from the recent crash in the market last week.
Lol, Tom's facial expression looks like he just doesn't care about the consequence of any of what he communicates to viewers.
Talk about monumental delusions. People bought numbers in a computer file with real world cash. Suddenly they're discovering those numbers have no inherent intrinsic value and that prices can fall dramatically wiping out peoples life savings. Welcome to Reality boys. Crypto was supposed to be a alternate currency worth a dollar, but when the price started flying around all over the place it stopped being currency and started being a get rich quick dream. Nobody is using this as currency outside of criminal gangs. People are buying it because they think some other fool will pay more for it. Clearly that's stopped happening now, and people aren't going to be so keen to jump into Crypto in the future.
Become a shareholder in AEX today. Just get AUSD. Simple
Thé price of bitcoin was pushed with FED’s policy since 2020.The idea was an alternative to USD as a speculation due to the FED’s massive printing policy .
It is more co related to FED’s policy than the equity market in the past .He completely misinterpreted the mechanism of the market .It is not a regulated market and there is a fear of its systemic mechanism as it has been so much geared towards its non recourse lending off its chain .
Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works.
Bitcoin, old tech, expensive to use, and slow. XRP, the fastest, cheap to use and technically at the top in utility. Why invest in a horse and buggy when you can go long with a RollsRoyce, it’s a no brainer. AOL or high speed fiber optic broadband. Duuuuh.
I’m not really sure what standard they are evaluating crypto against? Crypto didn’t have the advantage of deposit insurance, access to liquidity, stress tests, tax incentives or the backing of public authorities.
Not all< bears operates in the same way. So many are led to believe that BTC has to operate perfectly on a four year cycle that any mention of the words "bear" seem to automatically mean falling prices and an accumulation phase that lasts 2-3 years. As we have showed, it is more complicated than a simple four year cycle that can be repeated every four years from now until all the supply has been released. There are much more complications than some would have you believe. In this video we just stick to the data, not appealing to the emotions of those who choose to ignore it. Let the market do its thing and have a long time horizon. I buy and just trade long term more than ever, I have made over 19` btc from day trading with Carolyn Halles Crypto in few weeks this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish. Technical analysis is my second language.
Great stream, as always. I appreciate the level-headed approach you take to the news and the markets. A lot has changed and that's on everything but the truth is I don't even care much about bullish or bearish market anymore because Michael Christensen got me cover as I am comfortably making 3.1B T C monthly. .
Support for Bitcoin will fail very soon and the stock will begin a free fall.
which part of the Crypto system works well dum dum. ?
Fund me 1.9btc few hours ago now l promise to tell the World how helpful you're and God almighty bless you for being reaL
Fund me 1.9btc few hours ago now l promise to tell the World how helpful you're and God almighty bless you for being reaL
bitcoin shall prevail.
Defi protocols did not have a problem. No one on AAVE or COMP got liquidated due to leverage. The problem was Cefi (centralized finance, like Voyager, Blockfi, Celsius, etc who had invested in "stable coin" that Do Kwon rug pulled) They are not run by programs, they are run by greedy moronic liars that give you 6% interest while they collect 20% interest and then they go buy 32 million dollar homes.
Investors Working to Create Wealth. * FFIE.. Up 43 % week. Faraday Future. New $ 180,000 FF 91 Futurist SUV EV Increasing Pre-Orders. Production set by Sept 2022. Over 180 Global FF 91 Videos/ shorts. * ALPP.. Up 8 % month. Alpine 4 Holdings.
Despite the economic crisis this is the right time to start up investment because Bitcoin is coming down
In Tom Lee we trust. We are with you Tom!
Saying thank you to
in good manners. You are a blessing to me, and I will always remember your kindness and support for me and family we are about to finish our project all because of you''"

Saying thank you to
in good manners. You are a blessing to me, and I will always remember your kindness and support for me and family we are about to finish our project all because of you''"

Particularly Bitcoin seems to be particularly erratic at the moment, with some forecasting a crash and others a new all-time high. We'll have to wait and see how things turn out, but for the time being, I'm unable to sell, so I'm still holding
I lost all my money with AMZPV33
Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy
. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.
I lost 45%.
That thumbnail with the eyes pointing in different directions.
It’s doing no favors to the credibility of his opinions.
Elon would be mad on AMZPV33
I believe in Bitcoin and AMZPV33
You know Jeff Bezos? Then you should know about his AMZPV33
Tom will have to cut back on those steak and lobster dinners for now
Absolutely love the decentralized zealots like Tom now begging for government regulation. What a joke!
Crypto bag holders are pumping worthless crypto so they can sell YOU their worthless computer digits…so YOU become the bag holder..Don’t get FOMO!
Stay away, there’s no laws to protect anyone!! This guy is clueless!!!
Bitcoin was down from 2018 to 2020 you’re just all new to the game
a fool and their money………….
Bumped into NFTs Ads now as i opened this video… Are NFTs same as Altcoins or stocks?
News fools will appear after current ones are slaughter to start the next get rich quick cycle.
Is he really a LEE
Lol industry!!!