Trying 10 Cheap Japanese Kitchen Gadgets bought at Daiso 1. Handy Butter Dispenser 2. Tofu Cutter 3. Potato Chips Grinder 4.
Trying 10 Cheap Japanese Kitchen Gadgets bought at Daiso 1. Handy Butter Dispenser 2. Tofu Cutter 3. Potato Chips Grinder 4.
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You can also just microwave pancake batter in a glass. You have to eat it out of the glass if don't do any other preparation, but is a breeze.
The butter dispenser has been around in the US for decades. You wind down the plunger Before you put the butter in.
Wash before use..
More bits of plastic we dont need.
I don’t know why I was so triggered for the butter gadget
Hi, where can i find that wooden bread slice shape plate?
Another great recipe, I will definitely try it, thanks for sharing!
huh, rice with chip crumb, interesting. Try it out some time.
wow the egg cutter is GENIUS…
Is there really a demand for ground potato chips?
Just say NO to plastic!
Of all the gadgets in this video the only thing I tought interesting enough that I would actually buy was the mini electric whisk.
Use frozen butter…or cold butter
No creen que no son necesarios esos artefactos??? La vida es muy simple.
No creen que no son necesarios esos artefactos??? La vida es muy simple.
Great now i want some pancakes and it 11:53 a night
So the Japanese grind their potato chips and eat them with rice for lunch??
I watched all the way up until ketchup on the eggs. No thank you! Cool gadgets though lol.
They're all so cute and amazing… need every single one in my kitchen.
That Potato chip crumb gadget looks cool. Bet it'll be nice sprinkled on soups.
Really like this vid, thanks.
Get a better knife
You cut your musubi too small
it could just be me but… dear dancing bacons please take care of yourself. your hands looked a bit red 0.0. could be because you were holding ice, but still concerning appearance
Nobody need this plastic stuff
The most of this things is just kitchen toy.
In India too some people prefer to add fried snacks on rice & curry . Was surprised to see potato chips on rice , i shall try it
So much PLASTIC!!! Can you not use biodegradable products PLEASE???!!!!!
So, Japanese really really like cheap and crappy plastic "gadgets" and cook everything in microwaves?
I chilled the butter till it was rock solid before putting it in the gadget and it worked amazingly well so I’d say it’s really useful esp on hot toast ^^ the crumbs sometimes stick on the butter tho so I do have to scrape it off afterwards to prevent spoilage
I would love to have a Daisco store here! (I don’t think I spelled that right)

Whyyyyyyyy!? Why do you destroy the potato chips!? Wtf???
Mmmmmm. Miso soup.

Who knew that the letters would turn to dancing bacons
The very first one, the butter dispenser, cracks me up. The butter was already soft by the time it was jammed into that plastic thing. Hence the easy spreading, haha!
I thought these gadgets were all unnecessary but I enjoyed this video so much. Thank you for the content.
Japan is made of plastic.
WTF The butter is soft, is it really that hard to spread it with a knife ? Or is it just an excuse to buy those crap of gadgets ?
Everything is so useless, they will be thrown in the back of the cupboard to never been seen ever again. What a waste…
As something of a kitchen gadget fanatic, some of these drive me nuts. The potato chip grinder, for instance, can be done even easier with your own hands. And that butter dispenser strikes me as a solution in search of a problem that doesn't really exist.
The ice dish mold is perhaps the most versatile one of the bunch. Imagine using your favorite flavor of yogurt or maybe a refreshing fruit juice instead of water. The possibilities are endless. ♥
where can i get the mixer you used @5:55??
Forget about what he bought, that mini whisk blender is on point!
Waste of money waste of plastic waste of time
Oh by the way. Your freezer needs defrosting
Using crushed crisps as a kind of furikake is bloody brilliant. Gonna have to try that.
5:54 「蓋をしない」
Just saying
3:14 would be perfect for flaming hot lime cheetos
You shouldn’t have covered the egg tray with lid to put it in oven ….