also automation stocks will be a lovely play.. but hmmm, which ones?
And silver to 300 $
10 k
Been waiting for 100 $ silver for 15 years.
I think crapto is finished ,,, when the crappers lose 90% of their money they will swear off buttcoin and never touch it again.. there will be massive lawsuits over this ponsi scheme where all crapto exchanges will go broke.. buttcoin is not an assest, its a ponsi scheme.. buttcoin is not amazon… amazon is a government business that got bailout loans and billion in fake government contracts to keep them afloat for 20 years… thr government will not bail out buttcoins
no wonder i think every1else is a clown, its bc i get all my dd from kitco news. love dave & Garreth! MVP's n my book! gold for 2022-2024
Gold might be up but some gold and silver miners are down 50-80%
Yesterday, this host said that stocks had a 'V-shaped recovery' after the Dotcom bust in 2000. People need to understand, young people especially, that this is wrong. It took the NASDAQ 13 years to get back to the peak reached in 2000. This bust will be similar…..more falls to come and a long, slow recovery. Why? Because too many dumb companies that have no long-run value were floated in the last couple of years and hit crazy highs. These will NEVER bounce back. Stocks like Tesla are still WAY too high and need to return to levels that reflect reality. Long, slow grind ahead.
Finally! I've been literally waiting for Gareth to come back on to talk about gold!
BTC going up to 100K!! IDK, that's a lot of $$ invested in nothing on the hope of getting rich. 2 more years of Biden and you'll be selling blood for a loaf of bread.
The same guy who said $21k was the bottom for Bitcoin! This guy has zero credibility, and so does Kitco!
Gareth called it! He also called Chinese stocks a buy last year, Sheesh! But how could he see that coming.
The most anticipated interview
Richard heart was more accurate
Why is etherium $1000 and not $20000. Why do etherium and btc have the sort of ratio people sometimes assert that silver and gold ought to have?
I love David’s hair
fun guys
Amazon does billions a year of real business making real money doing real things. bitcoin does nothing and is nothing and produces nothing. its just a ponsi bubble of hot air nothing.
FYI, I’ve always been a Bitcoin doubter but am planning to buy if it goes under 10k
Algo Food……
God is with you Garth!! Give him the glory and all the praise
Thank you for the update!
David and Gareth ftw!
Bitcoin below $.01 is a certainty as it is a derivative of fiat currency which is also going to worthlessness.
we have never tested the idea that the internet, & by extension bitcoin, will function during a serious war. & 81 million voters just bungled us into soon finding out the answer.
These 2 guys together are BOSS!
Kitco is killing it, we requested for Gareth couple days ago, here he is.
I am sorry to be so negative BUT the whales are holding the steering wheels. I will not put any money in it NOT unless it is backed by something.

gareth is an excellent technician. max keiser should have listened instead of dismissing him.
Yay! Thanks so much
Bitcoin going to 0 is also very possible
Consider BTC like legal tender everytime the fed printing money BTC is falling like currency
Gareth is a walking god!!! He called 20k last year Nov
Ohh I was waiting for that one
all I can say is a broken clock is correct 2 times a day
Lmao 25:14
This guy is the most accurate for predictions on kitco BY FAR.
I can't wait for btc to go on sale some more!
Fed Printing money is not positive for BTC wdh is saying

by far the greatest guest in the show ever..kitco should do a weekly content with him..simply amazing
The best team. Thanks
Where is "Plan B" and Gorge, and all those noise makers? They should come and clean TA from Gareth!
I remember when everyone laughed at this guy. He didn't give a shit.
23:40 He said Gold is Green 420…. twenty two
also automation stocks will be a lovely play.. but hmmm, which ones?
And silver to 300 $
10 k
Been waiting for 100 $ silver for 15 years.
I think crapto is finished ,,, when the crappers lose 90% of their money they will swear off buttcoin and never touch it again.. there will be massive lawsuits over this ponsi scheme where all crapto exchanges will go broke.. buttcoin is not an assest, its a ponsi scheme.. buttcoin is not amazon… amazon is a government business that got bailout loans and billion in fake government contracts to keep them afloat for 20 years… thr government will not bail out buttcoins
no wonder i think every1else is a clown, its bc i get all my dd from kitco news. love dave & Garreth! MVP's n my book! gold for 2022-2024
Gold might be up but some gold and silver miners are down 50-80%
Yesterday, this host said that stocks had a 'V-shaped recovery' after the Dotcom bust in 2000. People need to understand, young people especially, that this is wrong. It took the NASDAQ 13 years to get back to the peak reached in 2000. This bust will be similar…..more falls to come and a long, slow recovery. Why? Because too many dumb companies that have no long-run value were floated in the last couple of years and hit crazy highs. These will NEVER bounce back. Stocks like Tesla are still WAY too high and need to return to levels that reflect reality. Long, slow grind ahead.
Finally! I've been literally waiting for Gareth to come back on to talk about gold!
BTC going up to 100K!! IDK, that's a lot of $$ invested in nothing on the hope of getting rich. 2 more years of Biden and you'll be selling blood for a loaf of bread.
@Kitco NEWS
The same guy who said $21k was the bottom for Bitcoin! This guy has zero credibility, and so does Kitco!
Gareth called it! He also called Chinese stocks a buy last year, Sheesh! But how could he see that coming.
The most anticipated interview
Richard heart was more accurate
Why is etherium $1000 and not $20000. Why do etherium and btc have the sort of ratio people sometimes assert that silver and gold ought to have?
I love David’s hair
fun guys
Amazon does billions a year of real business making real money doing real things. bitcoin does nothing and is nothing and produces nothing. its just a ponsi bubble of hot air nothing.
FYI, I’ve always been a Bitcoin doubter but am planning to buy if it goes under 10k
Algo Food……
God is with you Garth!! Give him the glory and all the praise
Thank you for the update!
David and Gareth ftw!
Bitcoin below $.01 is a certainty as it is a derivative of fiat currency which is also going to worthlessness.
we have never tested the idea that the internet, & by extension bitcoin, will function during a serious war. & 81 million voters just bungled us into soon finding out the answer.