With May setting sail in the distance and the scorching glory of June’s summer sun peaking over the horizon, there’s no better time …
With May setting sail in the distance and the scorching glory of June’s summer sun peaking over the horizon, there’s no better time …
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One should wear Sunscreen in the snow.
Max + these scripts = some of the only news videos that gets a little laugh out of me
Sonic Origins is being released also for PS4, PS5, XBox and PC. Not just the Switch
So…now that cuphead is finally getting its dlc, can we expect the physical version to release soon after? That is what they claimed would happen.
Delicious Last Course is also coming to PS4! More Cuphead goodness for all!
Origins isn’t only coming on switch
Where are AAA games,,,we need more games
to add June 10th, Metal Max Xeno Reborn
June 3rd WonderBoy collection
You forgot to mention #FallGuysUltimateKnockout for all the systems!
The Cycle: Frontiers
I watch these videos every month because I like to know which video games are coming out every month even though I never buy any of the video games.
Matt you don't have to make fun of JRPG's, you can't make them any more stupid than they already are.
Getting the quarry
Where's uncharted legacy of Thieves collection pc
Another “backlog” month to catch up on games.
I will be playing Diablo Immortals on PC!!
A pretty awful selection of games. Hard pass on them all.
IGN reeeeeaalllllyyyy needs to utilize Max more often, he is quick on the wit, been in the business forever and good on a mic. Glad IGN has been putting him back on podcast beyond after forever it seemed
The sarcasm in this video is 100
I've been waiting for this video today haha. Great content and hope you guys enjoy the great early summer!

Redout 2 is also coming in June, the fastest racing game as they said lol. It looks fun and reminds me of an anime called 'Redline', I'll probably give a try.
IGN is so annoying they show the outdated chart for Sonic Origins and not even Mention this is the first time Sonic3&knuckles has been remastered
You forgot the Wonderboy Collection
ESO High Isle isn’t on consoles until June 21st
Ah my favorite IGN video of the month with my favorite host, Max, who's one of the few funny guys at IGN xD
Reboot reebot shit on bottom of a boot
So, The Quarry.
Uhm, the DLC for Cuphead will also release on PS4, they even had a blog post about it.
I know it ain’t on the list, but something that would interest me if PIranha Games are finished with/making DLC for MechWarrior 5, if it’s possible they’re hiring for a mobile project, I’d love to see a proper MechWarrior be done for it, and not the tabletop game. I’ve seen a couple mech like mobile games, but honestly mobile or not anything mech nothing will ever be as good as MechWarrior, Assault even is where I actually started. But I knew back in the retro era there was other MW/BattleTech games, just didn’t have the hardware.
I’d take ANYTHING at this point, a new Mech arc even because I’m sure if I’m ever ready to hop back in I’ll be late to the party. MW5 every video/stream I’ve watched people tweaking this and that or deciding where to go seems way more involved/complex than I might be able to handle/manage coming from the retro era of gaming.
Hopefully soon, too, few more years, 2025 if I’m not mistaken, maybe Micro$oft and XBox can do something huge with the MW/BattleTech IP again and not simply hold it off to PC like the developers have done past couple/few games.
You never mentioned Fallguys coming to all systems and PC on June 21st
Outriders is not on Switch.
Ai The Somnuim Files Nirvana Initiative is Missing and the 1st one is a Sleeper Hit and I Preordered The Collectors Edition
Actually I am just stoked for Summer fest of gaming, The Xbox Showcase and actually Fallguys on Xbox

Sonic and Capcom Fighters for me! Pure 90's nostalgia!
You missed out AI : Nirvana Initiative.
Not entirely surprised as it's quite niche but it is the latest game from the mind of Uchikoshi so definitely worth celebrating.
As far as routine reminders of how fast live is passing us by, these videos are a delight.
Stadia owners

you guys forgot about fall guys on Xbox
cant wait for MHR sunbreak
I hope Ms. Chalice is going to be easy mode. I just can't beat King Dice. I can get through the gauntlet no problem but King Dice is just too hard.
What a great mixture of all sorts of game types for one month !
Must be something for everyone I’d say.
Me? Well, I don’t have a good fun car game for my switch, so, even though I’ve played it already, Wreckfest on switch will get my money.
Have a great June everyone, watch out for twisted ankles though
Well if the review pass 6 may try to get disgaea
The Quarry is going to be the main draw for many this month. It's the perfect Summer game since Summer is all about over the top escapism. I know Sonic, and Shadowrun are also on many people's radars as well. Keep on keeping on, Max!
Checking what new games are coming out to play them when they get old lol
Max is a cutie.