Ugh lets just pray to the Crypto Gods that we make it to 2023
Wait till twitter has billions of btc on balance sheet…..
I'm so excited , I started earning $ 34,970 profit every 14days lately.
Elon signal George you have officially lost the plot. please never change
"possible secret signal from Elon" lmao
George its nice seeing ur vids but sorry, institutions obv aren't that dumb buying at the beginning of a macro economical collapse especially "extremely" high-risk asset like btc. Regardless of the chart which is as bearish as it gets lol u literally closed a daily below ur macro wick low support
Today this hungry BTC monster is left alone without food, and is eating itself to a slow dead…So, buy food for your monster, but big time 350b+….Don't expect any return….Is just your pet you love….
The whole world= the is here. George = Hold my
This channel is absolute trash! If you trade or buy and sell according to what you hear from this channel will absolutely get you rekt! Everything said is total BS!
we lost huge amount in crypto
I feel like a reversal is close <3
George the pied piper leading all to rekt city
Nah man, just accept the bear market and move on.
Elon is a sociopath
Don’t hate on George because y’all keep choosing the wrong coins
He also said recession is coming and it will last a good few months . He also said a lot of things will go away for good . He also said crypto is a hustle . All kind of recently . People dont be as optimistic as George.. pls dont do that to yourself .
More CryptosRUS videos with old Georgie boy pretending to have a of a clue what's going on
George, Celsius did reply on many YT channels. Alex explained they monitor their performance 24/7 and when Terra peg fell 2% their risk standards said, sell, and so they did.
I’m in Chicago, let’s hang out.
This Elon fraud talk again your such smart dummy
Sorry George, that Elon theory is a stretch!
Elon signal? my goodness crypto is at the whim of the richest man. That makes me feel so good lmaoo wtf
You should do your own version of a whale watching video like Ben Cowen did recently
I think it will hit 10k before it hits 50k again
Bottom is no where near in. I disagree 100% There are no Higher highs or Higher Lows your spouting fud For the record I like George but i think he is to optimistic right now. Sorry George
Don't overthink. Its about time. Mars to watch from. Elons watching as life is becoming tangled for us all and himself do to and because of pure anarchy that's become of society and those who control. Its all about timing.
good job, thanks again
Rogan keeps using the word “Ether” consistently in his last couple of months podcasts.
Did George say there is a “secret signal” from ELON (Dogelon Mars coin)? Oh….that Elon got excited for a second
I’m George, we’re all george
I figured you would take the long weekend off and hang with the family. Crypto will be here on Tuesday
Spot on!
Ugh lets just pray to the Crypto Gods that we make it to 2023

Wait till twitter has billions of btc on balance sheet…..
I'm so excited
, I started earning $ 34,970 profit every 14days lately.
Elon signal George you have officially lost the plot.

please never change
"possible secret signal from Elon" lmao
George its nice seeing ur vids but sorry, institutions obv aren't that dumb buying at the beginning of a macro economical collapse especially "extremely" high-risk asset like btc. Regardless of the chart which is as bearish as it gets lol u literally closed a daily below ur macro wick low support
Today this hungry BTC monster is left alone without food, and is eating itself to a slow dead…So, buy food for your monster, but big time 350b+….Don't expect any return….Is just your pet you love….
The whole world= the
is here.
George = Hold my
This channel is absolute trash! If you trade or buy and sell according to what you hear from this channel will absolutely get you rekt! Everything said is total BS!

we lost huge amount in crypto
I feel like a reversal is close <3
George the pied piper leading all to rekt city
Nah man, just accept the bear market and move on.
Elon is a sociopath
Don’t hate on George because y’all keep choosing the wrong coins

He also said recession is coming and it will last a good few months . He also said a lot of things will go away for good . He also said crypto is a hustle . All kind of recently . People dont be as optimistic as George.. pls dont do that to yourself .
More CryptosRUS videos with old Georgie boy pretending to have a of a clue what's going on
George, Celsius did reply on many YT channels. Alex explained they monitor their performance 24/7 and when Terra peg fell 2% their risk standards said, sell, and so they did.
I’m in Chicago, let’s hang out.
This Elon fraud talk again your such smart dummy
Sorry George, that Elon theory is a stretch!
Elon signal?

my goodness crypto is at the whim of the richest man. That makes me feel so good
lmaoo wtf
You should do your own version of a whale watching video like Ben Cowen did recently
I think it will hit 10k before it hits 50k again
Bottom is no where near in. I disagree 100% There are no Higher highs or Higher Lows your spouting fud For the record I like George but i think he is to optimistic right now. Sorry George
Don't overthink. Its about time. Mars to watch from. Elons watching as life is becoming tangled for us all and himself do to and because of pure anarchy that's become of society and those who control. Its all about timing.
Rogan keeps using the word “Ether” consistently in his last couple of months podcasts.
Did George say there is a “secret signal” from ELON (Dogelon Mars coin)?
got excited for a second
Oh….that Elon

I’m George, we’re all george
I figured you would take the long weekend off and hang with the family. Crypto will be here on Tuesday
George has no clue