How dare you do this to my wonder device j could have done very many things with my iPhone 6 Plus but I saw funny birthday man bend it and I was like hey if it’s the dudes birthday today then this can’t end well and now I can’t even type an angry comment(I love you happy b day)
Thank God I stuck with samsung for years. Those phones are way more durable than any iPhone ever.
71 mil views how amazing is that
Just did a line im up
This did not happen if you immediately put your phone into an OtterBox defender case, life proof FRE, or any other hard shell poly carbonate case with or without a TPU layer. It’s only happened to folks who used those very flexible silicone cheap cases knock off brands or carry them bareback. The 6000 series aluminum that Apple used in the iPhone 6 and 6+ was the main culprit. This never happened again as soon as Apple upgraded to a 7000 series aluminum which debuted in the iPhone 6s series
Good old days..
Great. Now i dare you to bind nokia…
Whos here in 2022 for absolutely no reason?
lol what's funny is there are phones that still have failures like this… Zac from Jerryrig bent pretty a few new gaming phones recently.. imagine siting on your phone and turning it into a folding phone :')
yep if you put enough pressure on an item it will bend. I have never bent any device I owned, that includes iphones.(other then on purpose)
If you remember this you deserve a veteran discount.
Whos here because of the podcast??
A phone bends when u try hard to bend it? No shit dumbdumb
От велсакома кто пришёл?)
I have just stumbled across this channel. And it is absolutely fucking insane to me that 73 million people watch this guy bend an iPhone 6.
Who is watching the video in 2022?
I don’t get it- both sets of buttons on the phone are located almost equally on each side- so logic would say, given it was one of the first models that thin- obviously it would bend in those vulnerable places?
first foldable phone ever shout out
Кто так же перешёл, после видео от Вислакома ?
this video was the reason i bought this iphone
حیف گوشی که دست تو بدن
This is also known as "bendgate"
The Fingers bend first than the Iphone
Your own fault for buying apple lol but this is not the degree of bend that I was promised
Who's here from 2022?!
Why am I being recommended this now?
dude prob cost apple millions cause of this video LMAO
This shit was wild
If you compare Lew back from 2014 to Lew from 2022 you can clearly see this dude was really humble and relatable, today I can barely handle content of Lew screaming to the mic.
Painful to do???you got like 73 million views
Watching from iPhone 6
bendable phone and also time goes backwards, such a bad thing
no way did we have Squarespace sponsors back then
Thumbs up for Ronny Chieng
I remember the first time I watch this video, I keep telling my friends that the iPhone 6 can band cuz I saw some dude on the internet made a video of that. Thanks Lew
How dare you do this to my wonder device j could have done very many things with my iPhone 6 Plus but I saw funny birthday man bend it and I was like hey if it’s the dudes birthday today then this can’t end well and now I can’t even type an angry comment(I love you happy b day)
Thank God I stuck with samsung for years. Those phones are way more durable than any iPhone ever.
71 mil views how amazing is that
Just did a line im up
This did not happen if you immediately put your phone into an OtterBox defender case, life proof FRE, or any other hard shell poly carbonate case with or without a TPU layer. It’s only happened to folks who used those very flexible silicone cheap cases knock off brands or carry them bareback. The 6000 series aluminum that Apple used in the iPhone 6 and 6+ was the main culprit. This never happened again as soon as Apple upgraded to a 7000 series aluminum which debuted in the iPhone 6s series
Good old days..
Now i dare you to bind nokia…
Whos here in 2022 for absolutely no reason?
lol what's funny is there are phones that still have failures like this… Zac from Jerryrig bent pretty a few new gaming phones recently.. imagine siting on your phone and turning it into a folding phone :')
yep if you put enough pressure on an item it will bend. I have never bent any device I owned, that includes iphones.(other then on purpose)
If you remember this you deserve a veteran discount.
Whos here because of the podcast??
A phone bends when u try hard to bend it? No shit dumbdumb
От велсакома кто пришёл?)
I have just stumbled across this channel. And it is absolutely fucking insane to me that 73 million people watch this guy bend an iPhone 6.
Who is watching the video in 2022?
I don’t get it- both sets of buttons on the phone are located almost equally on each side- so logic would say, given it was one of the first models that thin- obviously it would bend in those vulnerable places?
first foldable phone ever
shout out
Кто так же перешёл, после видео от Вислакома ?
this video was the reason i bought this iphone
حیف گوشی که دست تو بدن
This is also known as "bendgate"
The Fingers bend first than the Iphone
Your own fault for buying apple lol but this is not the degree of bend that I was promised
Who's here from 2022?!
Why am I being recommended this now?
dude prob cost apple millions cause of this video LMAO
This shit was wild
If you compare Lew back from 2014 to Lew from 2022 you can clearly see this dude was really humble and relatable, today I can barely handle content of Lew screaming to the mic.
Painful to do???you got like 73 million views
Watching from iPhone 6
bendable phone and also time goes backwards, such a bad thing
no way did we have Squarespace sponsors back then
Thumbs up for Ronny Chieng
I remember the first time I watch this video, I keep telling my friends that the iPhone 6 can band cuz I saw some dude on the internet made a video of that. Thanks Lew