Which Cordless Vacuum is REALLY Best?! Splurge or Save

I tested cordless vacuums at 3 drastically different price points to see if it’s worth it to splurge or if you should save your money.


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About the Author: Brittany Vasseur


  1. Don't get "the winner". I've been owning one of this vacuums for almost a year and the company has stopped selling the filter. Which it means my vacuum will stop functioning well soon. I regret buying it so badly.

  2. ♥️♥️You're using the wrong vacuum head on the Dyson for bare floors. You're supposed to use the smooth roller head.♥️

  3. Watched this vid when it was first uploaded and came back to it now! We moved to another city temporarily (1 year) and I needed a cordless vacuum and didn’t want to spend a fortune on a vacuum that I’ll only use one year (AKA the dyson lol) got the mid rage one too. Thank you for always being helpful ❤️

  4. I'd rather use a full fledged vacuum for entire large rooms. A stick vacuum is not really intended to vacuum an entire room or entire house. I hear experts say it all the time. They were originally entended for wood or hard surfaces and small cleanup carpet jobs. This seems a silly trend.

  5. Hi.
    You never compared the battery options whether you get a spare one and can you charge it separately while you used one
    I know they all last enough time
    On a full charge but if you forget to charge it it’s a pain if it runs out as you are vacuuming it
    To me a spate battery for a cordless vacuum is a must

  6. Brittany the link to your favorite mid-range cordless vac is not working! I saw your video a while ago and now I need a cordless vacuum and wanted to purchase it. Just want to get a great one! Thank you for your valuable content my friend!

  7. I’m looking for a vacuum I don’t know why I don’t need it but just something more convenient I have floors I can’t use my regular vacuum on so I remembered you doing this and I came back to look and I think you helped me thank you Brittany

  8. Clean atleast every 3 months? Try a week Max haha…

    And if you didn't know they would drop on the fall then you must not use a vacuum often haha

  9. Hi Brittany- can you share the model number for the MooSoo vacuum cleaner? The link takes one to a “sorry we could not find that page” message. Thank you!

  10. The GooMo brand will disappear in after a year or two! Believe me! Just like all Chinese garbage brands. Never buy no-name brand!

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