Gotham Knights – Nightwing and Red Hood Gameplay Demo

Gotham Knights - Nightwing and Red Hood Gameplay Demo

Check out the first official Gotham Knights gameplay, featuring Nightwing and Red Hood. Game Director Geoff Ellenor talks us …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. Sorry not feeling this. Was looking forward to this as well but looks sluggish and unfinished. Will wait till the game releases to decide if buying or not. Definitely not pre ordering.

  2. really dissappointed for that fighting technique , combo meter and flawless attack is missing , the action is more like spiderman ps4 or mordern assassin's creed type , according to my opinion ARkham knight's fighting style is still the best among all bat related game !

  3. Combat looks like it needs a better targeting system because the characters just kinda walk around awkwardly in-between hitting enemies

  4. Their moves looks too stiff and they have to do better work with the Red Hood if all he uses guns to fight then it's going to get boring

  5. Not a fan of how the glide moves seem to never lose altitude. The fun of the Arkham series flight was being clever with the grapple boosts to cross the city. Looks boring here.

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