Check out the first official Gotham Knights gameplay, featuring Nightwing and Red Hood. Game Director Geoff Ellenor talks us …
Check out the first official Gotham Knights gameplay, featuring Nightwing and Red Hood. Game Director Geoff Ellenor talks us …
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That leap stuff is ridiculous I’ll definitely just be driving the bat cycle with red hood
since when red hood can do that kinda thing, but gameplay looks dope tho can't wait
7 years after the Arkham Knight masterpiece you can't even release a better game!? shame on you.
Holy AI Batman!
Sorry not feeling this. Was looking forward to this as well but looks sluggish and unfinished. Will wait till the game releases to decide if buying or not. Definitely not pre ordering.
Red Hood deserves more in DC
More movies
More Games
And a animated series’s!
Combat doesn’t seem that smooth though
is it just me or is this lookin like another avengers mistake
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This games gonna flunk so bad lmaooo
Is it just me or did nightwing just kill a dude? XD
This game already looks like garbage, and wtf is that mystical leap
Why so many dislikes? It looks okay
Question is… is there Batman?
Is co op really only 2 player
really dissappointed for that fighting technique , combo meter and flawless attack is missing , the action is more like spiderman ps4 or mordern assassin's creed type , according to my opinion ARkham knight's fighting style is still the best among all bat related game !
hopefully this isnt as bad as the avengers game
Why does jason looks like a nfl player lol
Red hood doesn't use lethal rounds also Nightwing pushing some dude of a building
Red hood mario jumping across the city Ahuauhauhuahuahuauahua
Honestly if it not like maverl Avengers it should sell well
This better not come out like this
mystical leap just sounds like they were lazy to program some nice parkour for red hood
Combat looks like it needs a better targeting system because the characters just kinda walk around awkwardly in-between hitting enemies
Looks like red hood got nerfed
Knight wing is an acrobat not a gymnast
Red hood to slow and heavy
Looks sluggish not smooth like Spiderman Game looks bad
Game looks great
2:05 it looks like the bullets are going straight through with no damage
please just change it to somekind gadget like moveset.
The frame rate looks stunning!
So it's an Arkham game with new skins.. minus Batman.
Love it already
The combat and movement reminds me of that Deadpool game lol and that’s not a compliment
So can Nightwing and Redhood grapple or not
Oddly heavy looking
Their moves looks too stiff and they have to do better work with the Red Hood if all he uses guns to fight then it's going to get boring
the fighting looks clunky
This is seriously the most pointless game ever
Nightwing should of had his under arm wings to glide and his glider should of been given to Red Hood
Loving the unlimited stamina for Nightwing, when holding on for life on the glider.
this games lighting isnt bad but pretty outdated
Not a fan of how the glide moves seem to never lose altitude. The fun of the Arkham series flight was being clever with the grapple boosts to cross the city. Looks boring here.
how to pre order ?
This feels like fortnite rather then a Arkham game