He has a great swing. Too bad he doesn't have a golf channel
Woah, didn't expect Marquest to have such a nice swing.
H'cap 12-15 with THAT swing? He must have a terrible short game and 3 putt every hole.
Why are those two never in the same shot
Can you make a video titled "How to swing like MKBHD"? I need his swing
need to go play with the Good Good boys..
sheesh showing the tech youtubers got some game!
damn marques is pure
What shoes is he wearing?
Wow that is some serious speed
What a great move! So solid! Was rooting for T100s since that's what I have. Great colab!!
Did he adjust your cameras before shooting this? The level of crisp is of the shart
Wow marques has a bad ass swing. Powerful
Its so nice to see an open homosexual taking center stage in the golf business!
MKBHDs first YT video was golf.
Someone tell Marques to take half a step back and he’ll pipe it
Was he statically fitted? He prob needs an inch on his clubs??
Why is his strike so far in the heel ?
Such an athlete
anyone know of any TXG video's talking about fitting irons for taller players? I'm 6'4 and have noticed it's rarely mentioned to the detail of other factors
I'm curious why you didn't set the lie at 1 or 2 degrees upright to bring the toe of the club up. Thoughts?
Floored when I saw MKBHD in a golf vid, so awesome! The man has a solid swing!
Wow! what a swing….and he's too busy to play!?!
Wow this was a gem to find!
Imagine having that kind of tempo and speed, for only playing a few times a year. Talk about an athlete!
I lost it when he mentioned his irresponsible use of the 64° wedge lol.
Dang that guy has a great swing!
He has a great swing. Too bad he doesn't have a golf channel
Woah, didn't expect Marquest to have such a nice swing.
H'cap 12-15 with THAT swing? He must have a terrible short game and 3 putt every hole.
Why are those two never in the same shot
Can you make a video titled "How to swing like MKBHD"? I need his swing
need to go play with the Good Good boys..
sheesh showing the tech youtubers got some game!
damn marques is pure
What shoes is he wearing?
Wow that is some serious speed
What a great move! So solid! Was rooting for T100s since that's what I have. Great colab!!
Did he adjust your cameras before shooting this? The level of crisp is of the shart
Wow marques has a bad ass swing. Powerful
Its so nice to see an open homosexual taking center stage in the golf business!
MKBHDs first YT video was golf.
Someone tell Marques to take half a step back and he’ll pipe it
Was he statically fitted? He prob needs an inch on his clubs??
Why is his strike so far in the heel ?
Such an athlete
anyone know of any TXG video's talking about fitting irons for taller players? I'm 6'4 and have noticed it's rarely mentioned to the detail of other factors
I'm curious why you didn't set the lie at 1 or 2 degrees upright to bring the toe of the club up. Thoughts?
Floored when I saw MKBHD in a golf vid, so awesome! The man has a solid swing!
Wow! what a swing….and he's too busy to play!?!
Wow this was a gem to find!
Imagine having that kind of tempo and speed, for only playing a few times a year. Talk about an athlete!
I lost it when he mentioned his irresponsible use of the 64° wedge lol.