Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch, our show following all the news and rumors on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and …
Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch, our show following all the news and rumors on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and …
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Seeing all the creepy playstation wierdos freaking out in the comments is great. Looks like horizon forbidden snooze wasn't enough to keep them from being bitter in the comment section.
Nice to have Ryan back =)
For how much longer are the PS5 and Xbox series consoles still going to be referred to as next gen? They were released in 2020.
Series x the best console on the market right now period
Series s is a beast people are jealous of it because they bought ps5 which is expensive and most of the games performs the same so they are butthurt.
Props to the teams down at xbox/microsoft for making this possible despite there being a chip shortage
Both sony and Microsoft are jokes how long have these consoles been out and where are the next gen games both companies have ignored the fans
Where the heck do you find these polls?
Of course it outsold… PS5 had so many supply issues.
Xbox is the Joe Rogan Podcast of consoles tbh.
19 million strong!
A lot of people also have to consider that Xbox has way better refund and support compared to Sony which u can’t call them most of the time lmao
It seems like Microsoft has definitely got a better edge with getting the consoles together, where Sony has been lagging because they doubled down to the scalpers.
Didn’t you guys literally say Xbox has been buying out more microchips than Sony leading to less ps5 sales and more Xbox sales not too long ago?
Series S is great as secondary console or for casual gamers and there are a lot of casual gamers
Ive bought 3 ps5 systems for friends with the option to buy others, my game stop always has all systems
Is this including the surge from amazons sale on them?
Jonathan looks more and more like a cult leader as his hair keeps growing.
There the only ones who actually have a new consol out playstation never has any of there 5 anywhere
Microsoft is a computer company, they sacrifice making their laptops and computers and took those chips and put them in the Xboxes.
How can we count sales if they're not going into people hands can't consider scalper sales. These console wars are garbage this generation
How can we count sales if they're not going into people hands can't consider scalper sales. These console wars are garbage this generation
No one can find one
Horizon forbidden west > xbox series x
Shout out to IGN for becoming more console neutral, that type of content is cooler to watch
Xbox to the

Why do u keep calling them next gen they arnt l. They’re current Feb they’ve been out a year and a half
Jonathan looks like Jar Jar Binks

Curious about NPD numbers – Xbox made the most money and Switch sold the most units, is the headline, but is there a way to know the actual numbers (how much money and how many units sold)?
Xbox is the better console everything jus better than ps
its because they are in stock at most places unlike the PS5
This could all come down to how and when these chips are created. Being able to produce more Series S systems definitely helps but we should also consider that the PlayStation VR 2 could require some of these resources.
Ehm, Redfall?
Not like ps5’s are even available….
That's because our boy Phil knows what he's doing
Scalpers and chip shortages really screwed consoles all together.
Cyberpunk is a 1/10
Wait for the call of duty/warzone 2 series s bundle ( something similar to the Fortnite with v bucks ) end of this year and it will smash sales
This is only because PS5's are harder to find otherwise this conversation would be alot different No fanboy talk just factz
Given the fact that some 18 months after launch you STILL can’t buy a Next gen system unless you camp on the retail websites or buy from a scalper then who is or isn’t winning the war seems rather redundant.
Microsoft bid up for chips so they are not making the same money per console sold and its the only way if would able to beat Sony this quarter.
Current Gen Sales Watch…new show
And just like that sales now mean something
Congratulations Xbox you finally won

Ahh love to see the people in chat buying an Xbox for its exclusives now
Yall better be happy while yall still can xbox u can get anywhere ps has too no ps5s available ps5 is gonna dominate it when it's in full stock
>ahead by millions of units
>sells 2-6 times as many games, even ones that aren't on GamePass (RE8 sold twice as much on PS5, Guardians sold SIX TIMES as much on PS5. Elden Ring sold 40% of its units on PS and 16% on Xbox.)
>Have heard nothing but bad news put of almost every single studio under Microsoft's umbrella, from Rare to Initiative to 343 to Bethesda, etc etc etc)
Always informative