Juan already walked you through cleaning those dust bunnies behind your TV, but what about cleaning up not only those TV …
Juan already walked you through cleaning those dust bunnies behind your TV, but what about cleaning up not only those TV …
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That was a great video. So well-done and informative. I learned some great tips.
I clean my touch screen with eyeglass wipes that I get in bulk from Sam's club but I do remember to not do this cleaning while charging or laptop is plugged. I forgot and did a clorox wipe on my nightstand clock and it has not worked since. Thanks for sharing and blessing to you and all in the days to come.
As always, great stuff! I always enjoy your videos and the bulk of the videos of your channel. Keep being you, it’s awesome
The problem with these so-called dedicated screen cleaners is that they don't work, they are expensive and create smudges I use PAPER TOWELS and a non streak glass cleaner from the dollar store, and guess what the nano coating is still there so in conclusion DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE and I spray it on the screen never harmed anything as long as is streak free.
Tried and trued method. A few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle with DISTILLED water, spray microfiber towel and clean gently in straight lines, until grime, stains dust etc. are removed. Do NOT use circular motions. Now using another clean microfiber cloth. Repeat with clean Distilled water and wipe the same way. Done and no residue or damage to your screen!
I have a question do smartphones have magnets and what happens when you put your phone on a laptop
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 113 sentadillas son unos X18TINDER.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 

los mortalesp abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k