Something I thought was interesting, as I watched a video earlier with someone saying that Doom 3 in VR looks better than a lot of modern VR titles and asking why. Not only were id behind it, but, it's more than that. The developers of that time painstakingly made their visions work with the technology they had, the tools they had. So if you play older games on VR, you get immersed in the passion of these devs who really tried to make the game look like real life given the crap tech they had. Nowadays, most VR devs play it safe by giving the game an extremely low polygon count, or some way to lower the range / quality of everything so it looks like absolute garbage. Most games are poorly optimised.
I kind of miss games running at or around the low FPS consoles they were developed for. Development is getting better for it but I do think that an old retro game VR pack would be amazing to experience. Games like Goldeneye, the old Turoks. Maybe even the old GTA games, and ports of loads of old N64 era games.
Side note, a game I'd love to see given a remake for VR is Kingpin. IDK, I get a feel like it would be some insane narrative driven, semi open world, dark, gritty crime RPG with blade and sorcery's melee combat, and the ability to speak to npcs using your actual voice. Like you could say pleasant things to npcs you want to sweet talk for info or bribe but you could intimidate or start fights with NPCs by swearing at them etc and raising your voice when you say things haha. Having shouting matches with NPCs who respond increasingly more tender / abrasive as you mix up what you say to them at different volumes LOL.
Then you could have like a fame / reputation meter where you can more easily bribe / convince npcs to do what you want, moving along a rival trying to peddle wares or drugs, or peopel doing business on your bosses' turf. And have NPCs have different reactions to you grabbing them or shouting at them lol. That'd be a neat way to tie something VR headsets could do with onboard microphones, into a kind of skill based talent tree system in a game.
Driving around putting in bodies in your boot, shouting at old women to get out of the way when they cross the street real slow, driving super slow passed a mugging happening down a smoggy alleyway and choosing whether you wanna shout out of your window to intervene or just ignore it.
Doing all these kinds of things could influence your reputation as a good person behind the badass enforcer, rising through the ranks to become the Kingpin himself. You could still play as a good person.
IDK, I feel like this could even be done currently using Saints and Sinners as a basis.
I enjoy blade and sorcery my fav game
boneworks has been on my wishlist for a while now. this video fixed that issue, its no longer on my wishlist. now its in my library. I get real "garrys mod" vibes about this game after looking in to it as well as watching this video. was not aware previously that it has mods and a sandbox type mode instead of just pure gameplay!
Last two minutes of this video <3 HL Alyx needs multiplayer.
Boneworks looks/seems great for physics but horrible as a game. Nothing I have seen would make me want to pay more than $5. for this. It's like a more polished Blade and Sorcery. What's the point in knowing how great something could be without it being great? There are great VR games without these great physics. I'd rather not play a crap game with good mechanics than a great game who's mechanics aren't perfect but good enough to ignore, (e.g. Half Life Alyx, Walking Dead Saints and Sinners)
HL Alyx is King of VR!!
The first time I ever jumped in VR was Windlands…and it was awesome
boneworks didnt do that much for me. It was an exelent game but not for me. That being said the one vr game that ruined other vr games for me was h3vr (hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades). The way the guns handle in it compared to every other game including boneworks is head and shoulders above everything. I know that not everyone likes the super in depth controls, hell my buddy couldn't figure out how to turn off the safety of a m4. But the gunplay is the same as this game's physics where yes its complicated but once you understand you have complete control.
Boneworks is my favorite VR game hands down. I played Alyx after boneworks and it felt really shallow, and hollow. The story was good of course, but the movement, combat, and world interaction felt really sad and limited. it's like the "VR physics" was only there to… dig through trash for ammo.
I wish Stress Level Zero would lease the engine to other companies to build more amazing VR around it. Gimmie a fantasy style one!
Half-life Alex was hands down the best VR experience i have played
That ladder climb gives me mgs3 flashbacks
the fact boneworks is a "tech demo", is truly impressive, just imagine what the next game (project 4) is gonna be like, it will be amazing!!
Boneworks owes me like 10 knuckle controller joysticks ive accepted the fact now im not gonna replace my controller an 11th time so when i start to drift left i cant click right so i do 3 almost 90 degree turns to get my character as close to where he should be pointed ….i no longer get motion sickness and am impervious to all headaches i used to get so thanks boneworks??…
Imagine boneworks 2
boneworks is the best game ive ever played not only on vr
i love the game as well as it does some stuff in an amazing way. actually playing it however, feels like a chore. it can make a seasoned vr player nauseous after a while through its nonchalant, and unapologetic implementations, i'll give it that.
A quest port would be incredible and I know a lot of compromises would be made but still would be great to have the access to it
I've been in the VR landscape since the original Oculus Kickstarter. Boneworks is still the only game that causes motion sickness for me.
Boneworks did a lot right, but there's something fundamentally wrong with it that I can't quite describe. It's the only game that makes me motion sick, but it's not the freedom of movement that does it. I can run and flip and Sairento all day long with no problem. But 20 minutes of just walking in Boneworks and I already have a headache. It really gave me an unconscious dislike for the game because all my play sessions ended in a headache.
I've never picked up after my first playthrough because of this, which is really a shame because no other game's melee system is as satisfying.
Boneworks was the very first game I bought when I got my PC a year ago. It has changed VR in so many ways. Boneworks will forever be the best VR game ever made(in my opinion).
Bone works story was made by my fav YouTubers… they also made video game high school
the actual physics engine and the player body could use a little bit of touching up, but it's the best out of any VR game that I've played, but the story is where it lacks, it doesn't really make all that much sense and it just feels like a tech demo, but at least it's not a boring walking tour like Half Life: Alyx
I would have to say that it is definitely the best VR system ever made, but I can't go as far as to say it's the best VR "game" ever made, because, as you said in the video, good games are supposed to be system + story, and Boneworks falls flat for me in the story department. The world building is super cool but there just isn't enough to engage me inside that world, outside of the gameplay system. The other issue for me is playing Blade and Sorcery becomes basically like playing Boneworks without the guns after an hour or so, the IK systems feel very similar. I feel like we need a game with a system like BnS or Boneworks but with a story on the level of HLA, and thats when we'll find VRs first real S class game.
Talking bout climbing. VRC has the climbing carnival, a map that is 23 km in vertical size to climb. Takes around 6-8 hours to complete on first try… And it's definitely a journey that gives a big sense of accomplishment.
I tried Boneworks a few years ago but the character model being a white man and the arms getting stuck on things due to physics really put me off and I ended up getting a refund.
Bought bone works over a year ago just because of you…. And I agree with everything
Boneworks is a system that all other VR FPS should use as it's engine. It's a shame there's so many games out there all starting from scratch when Boneworks has all the fundamentals covered.
The Oculus Quest gamers…
Was undecided whether to get boneworks or not. Your video convinced me to get it. Thanks for a great video. I just subscribed. Keep up the great work.
yeah boneworks is such a good game is hard to go to other games after XD
Bone works was one of my first vr games, can confirm it left a lot to be desired from other titles
Boneworks completely ruined Alyx for me, I stupidly completed Boneworks first before booting Alyx up…what a mistake. Instead of being amazed by visuals in Alyx I was immediately depressed when I carefully slotted a broom handle through the railings to smack a guard in the face and it pushed straight through the empty model…immersion dropped to zero. Saints & Sinners too, when my stupid character couldn't even traverse a small slope.
Boneworks was just, brilliant. That shooting range stage for example, I managed to scale the wall you weren't supposed to, smash a window and crawl in like a spider and kill all the dormant guards before running to the start and triggering the range. Of course it crashed the level as it couldn't register any kills and wouldn't open the end door after but it was spectacular lol
That cable pulley part too, I climbed to the top with a broom and jumped out, grabbed other end of broom over the cable and slid down like a child, I nearly cried with delight
HLA is better than Boneworks because more things were done right. Voice overs. Unforced drama.
Boneworks could literally just be Gmod VR if people make enough mods for it.
Boneworks is such a great game. I've been following it since the first video demo on the Node channel. The only problem is I've learned everything and done everything and played most mods so it's lost most of it's new feeling but I still make my own fun and that's the wonder of the game, just being able to make you own fun.
I'm one of those people who wasn't able to play Boneworks; had to refund without even finishing the intro level. Even though I play VR almost daily, just watching some of these clips of the game still start to make me feel sick
Yup. First game I got and ended up putting the bar for EVERY other game….
Well NOTHING stack up to Boneworks engine. Mechanics are key for a good experience.
Wish I had played Skyrim and Fallout VR before playing Boneworks.
I try to punch enemies in every game I play… Well didn't work out to well for a while in After The Fall….
Maybe I have to come back to Boneworks again after it got improved, but I stopped after a couple of hours back then because it was just too janky and rubbery to hold on to something.
Boneworks isn’t on quest 2. What a shower of shite
Haven't got a chance to play boneworks, but I've been playing something called sport mode that's gotten me hooked and bounding to get it
What's your favorite VR game?
Something I thought was interesting, as I watched a video earlier with someone saying that Doom 3 in VR looks better than a lot of modern VR titles and asking why.
Not only were id behind it, but, it's more than that. The developers of that time painstakingly made their visions work with the technology they had, the tools they had.
So if you play older games on VR, you get immersed in the passion of these devs who really tried to make the game look like real life given the crap tech they had.
Nowadays, most VR devs play it safe by giving the game an extremely low polygon count, or some way to lower the range / quality of everything so it looks like absolute garbage. Most games are poorly optimised.
I kind of miss games running at or around the low FPS consoles they were developed for. Development is getting better for it but I do think that an old retro game VR pack would be amazing to experience. Games like Goldeneye, the old Turoks. Maybe even the old GTA games, and ports of loads of old N64 era games.
Side note, a game I'd love to see given a remake for VR is Kingpin. IDK, I get a feel like it would be some insane narrative driven, semi open world, dark, gritty crime RPG with blade and sorcery's melee combat, and the ability to speak to npcs using your actual voice. Like you could say pleasant things to npcs you want to sweet talk for info or bribe but you could intimidate or start fights with NPCs by swearing at them etc and raising your voice when you say things haha. Having shouting matches with NPCs who respond increasingly more tender / abrasive as you mix up what you say to them at different volumes LOL.
Then you could have like a fame / reputation meter where you can more easily bribe / convince npcs to do what you want, moving along a rival trying to peddle wares or drugs, or peopel doing business on your bosses' turf. And have NPCs have different reactions to you grabbing them or shouting at them lol. That'd be a neat way to tie something VR headsets could do with onboard microphones, into a kind of skill based talent tree system in a game.
Driving around putting in bodies in your boot, shouting at old women to get out of the way when they cross the street real slow, driving super slow passed a mugging happening down a smoggy alleyway and choosing whether you wanna shout out of your window to intervene or just ignore it.
Doing all these kinds of things could influence your reputation as a good person behind the badass enforcer, rising through the ranks to become the Kingpin himself. You could still play as a good person.
IDK, I feel like this could even be done currently using Saints and Sinners as a basis.
I enjoy blade and sorcery my fav game
boneworks has been on my wishlist for a while now. this video fixed that issue, its no longer on my wishlist. now its in my library. I get real "garrys mod" vibes about this game after looking in to it as well as watching this video. was not aware previously that it has mods and a sandbox type mode instead of just pure gameplay!
Last two minutes of this video <3
HL Alyx needs multiplayer.
Boneworks looks/seems great for physics but horrible as a game. Nothing I have seen would make me want to pay more than $5. for this. It's like a more polished Blade and Sorcery. What's the point in knowing how great something could be without it being great? There are great VR games without these great physics. I'd rather not play a crap game with good mechanics than a great game who's mechanics aren't perfect but good enough to ignore, (e.g. Half Life Alyx, Walking Dead Saints and Sinners)
HL Alyx is King of VR!!
The first time I ever jumped in VR was Windlands…and it was awesome
boneworks didnt do that much for me. It was an exelent game but not for me. That being said the one vr game that ruined other vr games for me was h3vr (hotdogs horseshoes and hand grenades). The way the guns handle in it compared to every other game including boneworks is head and shoulders above everything. I know that not everyone likes the super in depth controls, hell my buddy couldn't figure out how to turn off the safety of a m4. But the gunplay is the same as this game's physics where yes its complicated but once you understand you have complete control.
Boneworks is my favorite VR game hands down. I played Alyx after boneworks and it felt really shallow, and hollow. The story was good of course, but the movement, combat, and world interaction felt really sad and limited. it's like the "VR physics" was only there to… dig through trash for ammo.
I wish Stress Level Zero would lease the engine to other companies to build more amazing VR around it. Gimmie a fantasy style one!
Half-life Alex was hands down the best VR experience i have played
That ladder climb gives me mgs3 flashbacks
the fact boneworks is a "tech demo", is truly impressive, just imagine what the next game (project 4) is gonna be like, it will be amazing!!
Boneworks owes me like 10 knuckle controller joysticks ive accepted the fact now im not gonna replace my controller an 11th time so when i start to drift left i cant click right so i do 3 almost 90 degree turns to get my character as close to where he should be pointed ….i no longer get motion sickness and am impervious to all headaches i used to get so thanks boneworks??…
Imagine boneworks 2
boneworks is the best game ive ever played not only on vr
i love the game as well as it does some stuff in an amazing way. actually playing it however, feels like a chore. it can make a seasoned vr player nauseous after a while through its nonchalant, and unapologetic implementations, i'll give it that.
A quest port would be incredible and I know a lot of compromises would be made but still would be great to have the access to it
I've been in the VR landscape since the original Oculus Kickstarter. Boneworks is still the only game that causes motion sickness for me.
Boneworks did a lot right, but there's something fundamentally wrong with it that I can't quite describe. It's the only game that makes me motion sick, but it's not the freedom of movement that does it. I can run and flip and Sairento all day long with no problem. But 20 minutes of just walking in Boneworks and I already have a headache. It really gave me an unconscious dislike for the game because all my play sessions ended in a headache.
I've never picked up after my first playthrough because of this, which is really a shame because no other game's melee system is as satisfying.
Boneworks was the very first game I bought when I got my PC a year ago. It has changed VR in so many ways. Boneworks will forever be the best VR game ever made(in my opinion).
Bone works story was made by my fav YouTubers… they also made video game high school
the actual physics engine and the player body could use a little bit of touching up, but it's the best out of any VR game that I've played, but the story is where it lacks, it doesn't really make all that much sense and it just feels like a tech demo, but at least it's not a boring walking tour like Half Life: Alyx
I would have to say that it is definitely the best VR system ever made, but I can't go as far as to say it's the best VR "game" ever made, because, as you said in the video, good games are supposed to be system + story, and Boneworks falls flat for me in the story department. The world building is super cool but there just isn't enough to engage me inside that world, outside of the gameplay system. The other issue for me is playing Blade and Sorcery becomes basically like playing Boneworks without the guns after an hour or so, the IK systems feel very similar. I feel like we need a game with a system like BnS or Boneworks but with a story on the level of HLA, and thats when we'll find VRs first real S class game.
Talking bout climbing. VRC has the climbing carnival, a map that is 23 km in vertical size to climb. Takes around 6-8 hours to complete on first try… And it's definitely a journey that gives a big sense of accomplishment.
I tried Boneworks a few years ago but the character model being a white man and the arms getting stuck on things due to physics really put me off and I ended up getting a refund.
Bought bone works over a year ago just because of you….
And I agree with everything
Boneworks is a system that all other VR FPS should use as it's engine. It's a shame there's so many games out there all starting from scratch when Boneworks has all the fundamentals covered.
The Oculus Quest gamers…
Was undecided whether to get boneworks or not. Your video convinced me to get it. Thanks for a great video. I just subscribed. Keep up the great work.
yeah boneworks is such a good game is hard to go to other games after XD
Bone works was one of my first vr games, can confirm it left a lot to be desired from other titles
Boneworks completely ruined Alyx for me, I stupidly completed Boneworks first before booting Alyx up…what a mistake. Instead of being amazed by visuals in Alyx I was immediately depressed when I carefully slotted a broom handle through the railings to smack a guard in the face and it pushed straight through the empty model…immersion dropped to zero. Saints & Sinners too, when my stupid character couldn't even traverse a small slope.
Boneworks was just, brilliant. That shooting range stage for example, I managed to scale the wall you weren't supposed to, smash a window and crawl in like a spider and kill all the dormant guards before running to the start and triggering the range. Of course it crashed the level as it couldn't register any kills and wouldn't open the end door after but it was spectacular lol
That cable pulley part too, I climbed to the top with a broom and jumped out, grabbed other end of broom over the cable and slid down like a child, I nearly cried with delight
HLA is better than Boneworks because more things were done right. Voice overs. Unforced drama.
Boneworks could literally just be Gmod VR if people make enough mods for it.
Boneworks is such a great game. I've been following it since the first video demo on the Node channel. The only problem is I've learned everything and done everything and played most mods so it's lost most of it's new feeling but I still make my own fun and that's the wonder of the game, just being able to make you own fun.
I'm one of those people who wasn't able to play Boneworks; had to refund without even finishing the intro level. Even though I play VR almost daily, just watching some of these clips of the game still start to make me feel sick
First game I got and ended up putting the bar for EVERY other game….
Well NOTHING stack up to Boneworks engine. Mechanics are key for a good experience.
Wish I had played Skyrim and Fallout VR before playing Boneworks.
I try to punch enemies in every game I play… Well didn't work out to well for a while in After The Fall….
Maybe I have to come back to Boneworks again after it got improved, but I stopped after a couple of hours back then because it was just too janky and rubbery to hold on to something.
Boneworks isn’t on quest 2. What a shower of shite
Haven't got a chance to play boneworks, but I've been playing something called sport mode that's gotten me hooked and bounding to get it