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More hot gadgets below Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youfacttech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youfacttech …
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More gadgets!!! These are epic!
Why not say the price on each one as you show them and save all of us a lot of pain and time trying to find them and you will get many more thumbs up if you want them .??
I agree
But I still like the content and the gadgets
Grinding to the next level.

keep posting my dude these videos keep my interest high while my money is neutral. Lol

I can think of a few places to put that BusyBox Smart Sign
Great video guys!
Those are some comfy looking pillows @0:42
..some are really intersting..
The BlissLights device (@6:24) requires you tether it to your phone with an app, and requires some rather dubious permissions like access to your location and contacts list. That's what stopped me from buying it in the first place.
I love your videos
why can they just make the busy box customize the words thru the phone too and not changing manually. if there is one i wish some could tell me I need it for sure. introvert.
Did he say a boom will happen if I use gel sanitizer?… I’ll take 5
2:14 used $360.00
everything is way too expensive my family cant afford any of this stuff that i thinks cool there was a multi diy tool and its $200
How can u find so much
More tattoo freaks ! Oy vey. And just what I ALWAYS wanted. Bright flashing lights to draw attention to my back pack or fanny pack, where I would keep valuables like computers, tablets, cellular telephones, wallets and keys. Just a GREAT idea to advertise that I have luggage to hold stuff like that. Pure genius. Same idiots that pay strangers to permanently disfigure and mutilate them, I guess.
I love your vids, although the items I never knew I needed
(the Mrs would go mad, if she knew I was watching those. I have a slight spending problem
. Would you be able to do one with a few slim wallets/ card wallets. Thank you 
We have a cool LED sling bag,Anyone interested welcome to contact us.