Welcome back to IGN Game Scoop!, the ONLY video game podcast! This week your Omega Cops — Daemon Hatfield, Tina Amini, …
Welcome back to IGN Game Scoop!, the ONLY video game podcast! This week your Omega Cops — Daemon Hatfield, Tina Amini, …
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I enjoyed every second of Sam's rant. Well done.
“I’m almost 2/3 of the way through already” about a 2017 game made me chuckle a bit I must confess.
Hey u guys keep saying bungie buy not a reaction to blizzard why don’t u say it was reaction to Bethesda
I'm a big advocate of single-player cheats, especially as I get older and don't have time to "git gud."
The blue key was punishing in Tunic and after a couple dozen failed attempts when I was about to put the game down, I turned on No Fail, took care of the boss, turned it back off and continued playing for longer. If it didn't have it built in I may have put it down at that point for good and never finished a truly great game.
Hey did you know Elden Ring had pvp? Smh I never got why people post the same comment that’s in the comments like 100 times already.
I was like 666. Yessssssss! The like of the beast.
Justin,finished zero dawn.Would you do THE FROZEN WILDS dlc?
Damn we missed you daemon!
1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos
desde pantalla,, se que estuvo
Sorprendente .
We rise
I almost forgot what a professional day man looks like
With the issue of patching games to remove "cheats", as usual with many issues, there's no simple yes or no. If they require a special skill to excel and it's a competitive situation, then it should be fixed. An obvious example is "fire hopping" from Mario Kart 8 on WU that ruined online time trials, whereas the trick to get infinite lives using a shell in SMB is actually exploiting a design feature so should not be fixed. Speaking of Mario Kart, the "snaking" technique in MK DS was such an unfair exploit that Nintendo revised the slide-turbo move for subsequent games.
PS: You "patch games" not "patch out games". If you want to pedantic and use a redundant word, it should be "patch in" because you are adding into the game.
Damn the ending track slaps!
Everyone forgetting that Elden Ring is a multiplayer game as well, with players in it exclusively for the PVP
So digging the NES music!
It’s shows like this that show you why no one respects IGN anymore. She’s good, but the other three are legitimately stupid people. It’s wild they’re allowed on camera.
I love Cyberpunk. I mean the aesthetic is right up my alley. But I love getting lost in that world and feeling that connection with the characters. I’m playing through again on PS5 and am aiming for the platinum.
This time around, I’m not even driving. I’m just walking from one point to the next taking in this lush city.
I hate to put it down.
666 Death at the end!
It is so hard listening to them talk about Elden Ring. Also, @Sam – they technically did patch MissingNo and World -1. In every release after the original. So that comparison doesn't make sense to me.
A game developers deliberately nerf players? Two words: MARVEL'S AVENGERS!
It happens damn-near weekly. IMO, thr game is fun, but deliberately flawed, if that makes sense. They break the game in order to encourage players to ignore its lack of depth. Yet, some of us do that anyway, so it is not necessary to $#&% with the system they keep tinkering with. Ugh!
A really quick point with “cheating” games.
Games are now tied into system wide achievements. Cheating a game affects the legitimacy of those. (Not that I would personally care)
It kills me sometimes hearing people who work in the industry no knowing things like Ninja Theory is now a MS studio so Hellblade 2 IS NOT an exclusive.
I'm gonna watch Studio 666 after I finish podcast 666.