LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga promises to become the biggest LEGO game ever. TT Games has packed in all nine …
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga promises to become the biggest LEGO game ever. TT Games has packed in all nine …
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Bring back Character customization!!!!!!
“…an emotional and engaging journey…”
Looks like a lego Dark souls game
Never been bothered by Lego games, what I've played of them bored me but this looks awesome, the vehicle battles look way better than rogue squadron
lego games went on whole another level
will there be multiplayer????
Climate crisis > video games
Jesus christ
Just like hiding room in attack clones chapter when playing obi wan an r4
Gotta be honest I'm disappointed there's no online co op. Im still getting this regardless
anyone see that online gameplay scene

Playing through the sequels is going to be really painful.
1) Can you play through Story mode Online with a buddy?
2) Can you play through Story mode offline with a buddy?
Some of the things you mentioned as “new” aren’t new to Lego Games. Lego Incredibles has class-based abilities and characters are grouped by class in the selection menu. The third person shooting behind cover was definitely a thing in Lego the Force Awakens as well nothing new there.
Still would really like to know the resolution and framerate on consoles!
I'm playing through Lego Harry Potter with my wife right now (highly recommended btw), and can't wait to jump into this as well.
I’m gonna try and savor this game a lot more after botw 2 was pushed to next year
17 years have led up to this game.
any chance you can kill Rey, Finn and other crappy charecters from disney sh*t movies in this game?
First thing I'm gonna do in this game is figure out how to unlock mumble mode
Forgot to mention voice dubs ign lol
The Kyber Bricks remind me of the riddler trophies from the Batman Arkham games
They need this treatment on older lego games like middle earth lotr-the hobbit jurassic park-jurrassic world Harry potter and who knows maybe new games like lego back to the future
If you could make custom characters like the original it would be perfect, but still looks like a 9/10
2:06 Why does Luke look like a woman walking down a fashion model runway?
Not a fan of the combo stuff but I'm sure I'll get used to it
I’ve been so excited for this game to come out but so disappointed it doesn’t have multiplayer. Like really?
Can't wait to play as Rose Tico