Genius Inventions And Gadgets You’ve Never Seen Before! Leave a Like if you enjoyed these DIY ideas and inventions! Watch …
Genius Inventions And Gadgets You’ve Never Seen Before! Leave a Like if you enjoyed these DIY ideas and inventions! Watch …
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The egg protector can be used agents Vegas
I need that pej
Who are you speaking to a girl who lives in a house with the laundry room by the bedroom then you can’t do laundry at night
Tell me why my laundry room is next to my bedroom
I need the phone printer!!!
I don't know it `Is on amz
A good idea for the egg holder is if you see a homeless person you can give him a egg to eat
I am your biggest fan Sssniperwolf!!!
Some of these are for lazy people.i don’t mind that tho lol
My favorite was the toothbrush too
I wish we had that couch so I can prank my mom I’ve seen that video where he makes that standing mouse
3:00 I'm lucky to have a laundry roum next to my room
5:54 te fly in the nail lol
ima need that pen
The printer and the pen
Like a Pizza
I love you
Omg there was a fly on the girls invented tooth brush
Wait so no one is gonna talk about the fly that landed on the girls nail in the toothbrush video????
10:45: I can't believe people don't know what that is! I have one at home and I always use it
Did anybody else see the fly? 5:58
the cloth removes oil, and the "shirt cutter" is called a rotary cutter (kinda like a pizza cutter) and it is mostly used in sewing w/ a straight edge.
When I saw the cross walk I thought of what if your new to the town and don't know it moves up?
bro i can tell this is scripted not hate
Bruh it’s midnight and I’m still watching this

Bruh it’s midnight and I’m still watching this

That pen will hello I have adhd
Sssniperwolf: it would be cool if butter came on a stick

Me: bu-but- bUtTeR iS aLrEaDy On A sTiCk
0:32 sus
Have you realized that at the tooth brush part a fly gets on her finger-
On the private movie screen I thought it was a pillow in there face!

The cloth that goes on collects the fat on the top of the soup
Daily reminder: Butterfly's can't see they're wings, but us humans can see how beautiful they are. What I mean is, you might sometimes think your not good enough, but I can see how beautiful and amazing and wonderful you are.
Ur hair looks nice in this vid!!