Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) is a Borderlands spinoff with a fantasy twist. How is it? Let’s talk.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) is a Borderlands spinoff with a fantasy twist. How is it? Let’s talk.
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Best mission in this game is the non violence one where the ancient guardian is talking for literally 10 minutes
Cheers for a great and informative review. Convinced me to jump on it.
Bl 1 was great, I couldnt get in to the others sadly. none of the available characters clicked. Running this with my old dnd group so it should be good
I'm excited. Gonna pick it up tomorrow. Bl3 was kinda a let down. The changes were for the worse..the story and such was blegh. There was some stuff to like and some stuff to dislike but this looks like a good change to the formula. Enough new stuff to make it awesome and the D&D setting really sells me on it cause Tiny Tina's DLC was one of the best. With the world.changing according to whatever she says and such. Plus a dark souls Easter egg??
Very stoked.
Do quest rewards appear in the quest log?
I got mines today and I’m really enjoying the game. I think the jokes are funny cuz i actually play DND. It’s a breath of fresh air and I love the the combination of RPG with a lunar shooter. I made a elf build with my character being a elf and being raised as a elf. To me that’s really dope. I never got to finish a boarder lands game cuz I never had them in my collection until I got boarder lands 3 which I never got to finish cuz at the time I didn’t have internet to update the game now I do so I’m gonna go back to it and finish that after I finish this one
Well its a f… game for the new Generation. If you wanted a BL Game, you could say gpood bye to Borderlamds mainly with 3… And Wonderlands. May be a good Game but it has NOTHING to do with Borderlands. Its new Polished f…. playthrough. Perfectly for the newer Players who dont care about anything as long they can click
Im realy loving the humor and everything. Been a long time i can play more then 2 hours straight before i need a little break before continieuing.
Hey Jake, thanks for the video! Definitely excited to play this game! I just hope the multiplayer isn't as unplayable as it was on BL3 when I played.
!!!!WARNING!!!! Do not get this game if you intend to do any split screen whatsoever. They have decided to cut down the UI during split screen to such an extent that you cant even tell if a gun is an SMG or Pistol, there is no flavour text saying what kinds of alternate fire there is or anything beyond damage/fire rate etc. spellbooks (grenades) are the same and only have core stats leaving you to have to inspect every individual item just to find out what it does beyond core stats. even class items….nothing, It is completely unplayable. Please upvote this for visibility as I and many others may only buy this on certain platforms because of split screen on the same machine.
My fiancé and I are going to play this and have one heck of a good time
I’m buying this tomorrow
Am I the only one that finds Tina's voice grinding after awhile..? The adds for the game alone I ended up needing to mute.
Hey I wanted to know, are you going to do an episode on the Skywalker Saga when it comes out?
God Loves You. Jesus Loves You! Repent & Pray & Read The Bible! Have a blessed day
So I saw the release for this game was on the 25th but on steam it just says add to wishlist vs giving me the option to buy the game. Does anyone know what is causing this?
Love the game. Haven't stopped playing. I can see them really going somewhere with this
Well I bought it a month ago though I got to play the pre-relase first then this game.
If you liked the Bl2 DlC of dragon keep then you most certainly will enjoy this game. The guns are interesting as well as the builds. Story isn't too bad either, at least so far of what I've gone through. The menu is a bit of a mess but you'll get over it. Overall it's been a fun experience.
Can we fix that shit console crosshair placement on PC?
your messing up the name on purpose right?
Loved borderlands 2 and 3 fun loota shooters but probably gonna stick to playing Elden ring for now
The disconnects are pissing me off. It doesn't just disconnect. It disconnects and then automatically reconnects every few minutes causing huge lag spikes through the entire gaming session. I hope they put an offline mode in the options somewhere.
VOICECHAT ON PC NOT WORKING!!!!!! Consoles are able to voicechat in game with each other, but cannot hear or talk to anyone on PC
but when do we get it for PC (steam)?
Hopefully in a few months it comes to steam at half off like BL3 did.
Is there BABYMETAL music in the final game?
Me waiting for it to fucking release on steam…
How is this PLAGIARIZING channel still around