Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Review Fumble or Fantastic? "Buy, Wait for Sale, Never Touch?"

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Review Fumble or Fantastic?  "Buy, Wait for Sale, Never Touch?"

Tiny Tina’s Wonderland Review Fumble or Fantastic? “Buy, Wait for Sale, Never Touch?” Borderlands dnd based side game is …


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About the Author: ACG


  1. Ehhhh Id rather a new mainline title where we can create our own character of the usual 4 base classes etc.
    Now THAT would be the ultimate BL game.

  2. If there's not a unique 20 sided Grenade that either does hella crit damage on a 20 or does something like heal all the enemies in the blast when rolling a 1, I'm gonna crap my pants and be grumpy

  3. Too bad they went ULTRA woke. The game was literally built into a mold of leftist LGBTQ73662GRIHELICOPTER,anti male, anti white, anti capitalist, anti american bullshit agenda. Keep your woke bs out of our games gearbox before we come to your headquarters and start making your staff SWING.

  4. For me, I say wait for a sale to buy this and play with friends.

    Just like other games and stuff, I say it’s better to wait for a sale to play this then ACTUALLY buying this at full price. (I.E prequel jumping from 40- 20 bucks instantly.)

  5. If anyone sees this, the game is amazing. I love the character class and customization selections you have, the concept is rad, and it’s an enjoyable experience.

  6. missed opportunity here to allow for a melee build, considering the type of game this is. crazy swords, axes, shields with abilities etc. would have been amazing if they had really leaned into it a bit more. sounds good otherwise…

  7. Except that it isn’t on steam for 6 months. It’s supposed to be a cross platform game but the limited pc release ensures that pc players won’t be able play it. It will be ruined for pc players in six months.

  8. I think they pushed this out cause bl3 was not good.. I'll wait till it's 20 buks.. since it won't be long from what I hear and see…

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