Hey guys! I would really appreciate it if you could please subscribe to Houman's channel – we shall be posting some of our travel videos in Iran on the Hoomzi channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Hoomzi – thank you!
<Thank you for always being constant with the videos regardless of market Bull/Bear. Analysts remain divided over whether this is the end of a so called bearish market or if it is just a blip on the way to new all time high eitherways the price fluctuations are to be expected. I trade with Chad Leon and I've earned over 7 BTC lately using exclusive tips and methods..
What a bunch of nice people!
Much different from doing the same walk in various US cities.
Happy Persian New Year
You're a cool guy.
What dates are we talking about again
Saying 3 minutes of information in 12:46. Sorry, not your usual great info. Repetitive.
Human is the richest man in the world, having you for a friend Best regards from Croatia♥️
I appreciate your info. I am simply looking at the market with this in mind. There are too many people thinking they still can easily get rich and market makers won’t allow that to happen so easily, therefore I won’t become bullish until there is way more fear and the average participant is panic selling.
9 months of the year BTC is up? Yea and water is wet. Ngl, I love your channel, but this is easily the most unprofessional video with the most useless data you've ever made. Cool to see Iran though. Enjoy your time there.
Let's hope it doesn't take you six years to get back to the UK
Why are you saying the same thing for 12 minutes? You could end this video in 2 minutes. Our Time is valuable also.
Thank you guys
Bravo Alessio and Grazie!! Very interesting point of view Say hello to Iran and to all your friends there!
Iran looks very friendly! These sanctions do nothing but deny regular citizens of opportunities. & a hallo to the guy with the finger peace sign.
<Most people think…. Investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise , common it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader . I trade with Floyd Johnson his skills set is exceptional . I am already growing my 2.2 btc to 5.5 btc from October till date>
Those sanctions because of their garbage government. I met a lot of Iranian in my life very good people i hope they will have democracy and great country in the future
Hi Alessio,I apreciate so much your video, really good and value info… but in this post, was to much ppl around, to focus at what you say :))) but was funny. Your good,my friend. I rewatch all 2 ,3 times .Have a great day.
I hope Bitcoin does as much x's as you said March 20th to Dec 31st in this video, then we would probably see 200k or so
Hey guys! I would really appreciate it if you could please subscribe to Houman's channel – we shall be posting some of our travel videos in Iran on the Hoomzi channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Hoomzi – thank you!
5:03 – 5:07 sums up the whole video
Yes all the suffering that goes on there they still manage to inflict suffering on the innocent goldfish.
Alessio: “Hey Guys!! Let me give you a bunch of hopium so you keep watching my channel!!”
when are you coming to Pakistan?
Hooman is awsome
See you at 80k nice video tnx
New ATH before july

4:13 what was this guy's problem?
<Thank you for always being constant with the videos regardless of market Bull/Bear. Analysts remain divided over whether this is the end of a so called bearish market or if it is just a blip on the way to new all time high eitherways the price fluctuations are to be expected. I trade with Chad Leon and I've earned over 7 BTC lately using exclusive tips and methods..
What a bunch of nice people!
Much different from doing the same walk in various US cities.
Happy Persian New Year
You're a cool guy.
What dates are we talking about again
Saying 3 minutes of information in 12:46. Sorry, not your usual great info. Repetitive.
Human is the richest man in the world, having you for a friend

Best regards from Croatia♥️
I appreciate your info. I am simply looking at the market with this in mind. There are too many people thinking they still can easily get rich and market makers won’t allow that to happen so easily, therefore I won’t become bullish until there is way more fear and the average participant is panic selling.
9 months of the year BTC is up? Yea and water is wet. Ngl, I love your channel, but this is easily the most unprofessional video with the most useless data you've ever made. Cool to see Iran though. Enjoy your time there.
Let's hope it doesn't take you six years to get back to the UK
Why are you saying the same thing for 12 minutes? You could end this video in 2 minutes. Our Time is valuable also.
Thank you guys

Bravo Alessio and Grazie!! Very interesting point of view
Say hello to Iran and to all your friends there!
Iran looks very friendly! These sanctions do nothing but deny regular citizens of opportunities. & a hallo to the guy with the finger peace sign.
<Most people think…. Investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise , common it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader . I trade with Floyd Johnson his skills set is exceptional . I am already growing my 2.2 btc to 5.5 btc from October till date>
Those sanctions because of their garbage government. I met a lot of Iranian in my life very good people i hope they will have democracy and great country in the future
Hi Alessio,I apreciate so much your video, really good and value info… but in this post, was to much ppl around, to focus at what you say :))) but was funny. Your good,my friend. I rewatch all 2 ,3 times .Have a great day.
I hope Bitcoin does as much x's as you said March 20th to Dec 31st in this video, then we would probably see 200k or so