iOS 7: First impressions

iOS 7: First impressions

iOS 7: First impressions. Apple unveiled its latest mobile operating system at WWDC on Monday, revealing a bold new look and …


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  1. apple ios 7 software is the success and beautiful software
    a lot things have change with ios 7 to make your iphone beautifully
    only: iphone 5s
    iphone 5
    iphone 4s (but slow)
    iphone 4 (slow)
    can update ios 7 software

  2. Yeah, I game in pc because of it being cheaper, more powerful and customizable, but I will buy a 5s, eventhough a Galaxy S4 is cheaper and more powerful. Go figure.

  3. I have ios 7 and it's honestly a love hate relationship. And Ios 7 kinda disappoints me in a way, for example have they ever used ios 7 in the dark? Even at the lowest brightness on my iphone 5 the cold color with the white that's whiter then white, it really bothers my eyes. There's a lot more to say but I'm to lazy to say.

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  5. What are you talking about?

    Mac OS has 'Widgets'
    Than Windows Vista had 'Gadgets"
    Than Samsung introduced it to Windows Phone 6.5
    Than Android adopted it
    Followed by iOS.

    Notification drag down was copied from android?
    No, it was Ubunto

    Its called borrowing.. duplication stealing is more to do with removing…. like I stole your phone… its a stupid term to use in the software world

    Anyone who claims its a copy of Android is truely an android fanboy.

  6. The notification bar BTW was already in android 1.0, not 2.0. They got that idea for else where, Windows or Ubunto,

    Notification on lockscreen was on Nokia days, heck even my old Nokia brick says "2 New messages" for example.

    Siri was an Apple appstore app, not android

    LED flash? Android had it first? My Sony had a red LED notification.

    LED camera? that was on some Camera phones long ago

  7. Do you honestly think you'd have proper touchphones if it wasn't for Apple?

    Remember how browsing even on a touchphone sucked arse before apple released the first iPhone with a full webkit browser?

  8. They need to adopt C++ and ditch stupid Java. Another reason why iOS, Windows Phone 7 onwards, Windows 8 RT are much smooth

  9. Android user's perspective of buttery smooth isn't exactly the buttery smoothness that iOS offers but anyhow, its still a big milestone from 2.3 days

  10. That's so true and all are copy from #android like widgets Enough said..
    But look how revolutionary it looks its so different.. and it only took 6 years to start changing LoL..

  11. I hAVE an iphone 4s and its amazing the way it is and apple need to get their own ideas tbh it looks to android its basically turned int an android phone

  12. Apple have really gone down hill with the ios/iphone recently, I thought the change from 3gs to 4 was the best change so far and this ios "refreshment" (copying of android) is a farcical and should not have been done, all they have done is made the icons look like a child has designed them and thrown in ideas that have already been put in practice by android and even windows phone.

  13. Name an apple innovation… How about that notification bar, oh wait that was android 2.0. How about the swipe to unlock anywhere on the screen, wait that was android 2.0 too. OK OK OK how about notifications on the lock screen, er android again…I got it how about siri, wait a minute that was an android app that apple purchased. Wait a minute how about an LED as a flash, wait android had it first. Ok, how about 3g and 4g power management, wait those are android oom values and android had it.

  14. ios cant be lesser than android, considering that android is based on iOS. Android is just a complicated copy, google were too lazy to innovate themselves and create something new like apple

  15. Indeed I prefer iOS because it's so extremely smooth. I can never find any fps stuttering while my Android phone stutters extremely.

  16. I prefer iOs because it´s more reliable, and apps works much much better, that´s what matter most imo. I had Android last year to try both sides, switched back after a few months, and I´ve missed nothing from Android since..

  17. A LOT more things have changed with iOS 7 aside from just the "look" of the operating system.

    There are some real gems underneath the "hood" in this one.

  18. Both apple and android are great phones, if you like customization options in your phone, get an android. If you like easy and intuitive get and iPhone. both softwares are amazing!

  19. personally i just love iOS so much, even almost all of the apple product, i dont know why but its just feels like LEGIT

  20. I have the s3 right now. It nots bad but I have had android for years and I think its time to switch to the I phone 5 one of the reasons is bc my entire family has one also I will be using the Iphone for work as well. I am also getting a I mac so that's even more of a reason. Andriod just gets old after awhile.

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