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About the Author: DJI


  1. In India some one making fake drones and or refurbished drone are selling 1.5lacks rs/- why dji is not taking action against them and repair services also started on name as dji
    Take an action against in india

  2. Like I said 1 million times dressed up😹👍 ain't nobody been following us with drones in thee most militarized zone in the world proposturus

  3. I just wish they would stop using the word DRONE when referring to their sUAS/UAVs. People hear "drone" and think Predators orbiting terrorist camps with super hi zoom cameras and Hellfire missiles. Or a Phantom being used on South Park to spy on neighbors. I am a certified and licensed sUAS Remote Pilot flying FAA registered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles operating like any legitimate aircraft. The 12 year old kid who bought a $50 quad copter at Wal-Mart to do flips in his backyard is "flying a drone".

  4. I saw all of this over a year ago by independent members of the public in Africa.
    Africa is leading the way on drone development and testing and none of the drones were DJI…

  5. So 11,000 employees? DJI releases software and within 30 minutes of testing we find bugs or flaws in their firmware releases. Where are the QC people in all of this? How do these updates get released without finding a solution to these problems? The public has become your beta testers…

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