Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok DLC reviewed on PlayStation 5 by Jarrett Green. Also available on PS4, Xbox, PC, …
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok DLC reviewed on PlayStation 5 by Jarrett Green. Also available on PS4, Xbox, PC, …
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Meh odyssey was better
you could have said all of these things about elden ring too…. but you gave that game a 10/10….. wtf????
As fans we have to do something extreme like go on strike to get Ubisoft to maybe consider taking us seriously
Imagine playing this right after Elden Ring.
What did you guys expect??? Seriously. Ubisoft has become its own version of 2k
This isn’t even Assassins Creed anymore.
Not worth 60 bucks, little content and huge disappointment.
ey,is Thor in this at all? thank you :X
Why get dlc for assassins creed when elden ring is out
It’s way overpriced for a dlc especially a short one
anyone can share the dlc files?
Ubisoft never stops to amaze me: such a dissapointment…instead of improving they allways end up making worse and more boring games ( division 2 vs 1 , assassin origins and oddysey vs valhalla and so on)
Please just make a assassin's creed 1 remake already.
I'll stick to Elden Rings thank you
so its an 'animus' inside the animus? whoa mind blow…
Spoiler alert: it is as shite as any Ubisoft product since 2014.
Loved valhalla so I'm sure I'll love this 🙂
Fate of Atlantis was a much better mythical DLC than this one.
Problem is that Ubisoft can't innovate many times
So they stick to the same formula in some games like far cry
Imagine showing this to an AC fan 10 years ago and try to convince them this is the same franchise lol
So boooring…
Elden Ring shits all over every game
When will people realize that Ubisoft stopped innovating a long time ago and basically release the same game across multiple franchises for ages.
Played it already, 4 years ago
ubisoft seethin at elden ring
time for Ubisoft to upgrade that Anvil engine.. and go back to their roots with the AC games….
This is the end product when all you demand is a game that is "fun".
Valhalla feels like it should've only been a Viking Game instead of Assassin's Creed based.
Eivor is blessed with invulnerability from all threats, physical or magical.
40€ for a bugged dlc wich comes with friendly jotuns who can die and let me continue the quest, thankuuu ubiiii
Just delete ubisoft from gaming industry.
So repetitiveness like all ds games and elden ring. That style if combat and world design hasnt changed in years
DLC looks lush and vibrant. Defo the best out of the 3 looks wise probably a great story too. The AC valhalla mechanics are great
Stop being way over critical just cause it’s AC. If this was Elden ring you would compliment it to oblivion and back. The new world looks incredible and rich. Most games dlcs have similar game mechanics and stuff to do just like ghost of thsushima dlc, but this just gets shat on cause it’s Ubisoft. DLC looks great may get it
Review based on the 5 people who actually played it
wtf happened to assassins creed
What the hell has happened to this franchise? When did it cease being about a stealthy assassin preventing an evil organization from taking over the world to being some knock off Marvel wannabe?
Keeps getting worse
I'm still getting this the ign review is subpar