For Sunday night’s “60 Minutes,” Anderson Cooper got a rare insider’s look at how Silicon Valley gets users glued to their phones.
For Sunday night’s “60 Minutes,” Anderson Cooper got a rare insider’s look at how Silicon Valley gets users glued to their phones.
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True… technology killing our attention span
Trump 2020!
They are journalists, they are in the same attention business.
Technology is Going to Destroy US!
Tried to post this video onto Farcebook and a message came up saying it was against their community standards
CBS is fake news.
Be in tune with your body
I just want to unplug
It’s fine to have social media, just do it in moderation. Do everything in moderation
Still use a flip phone and a land line, and that's just fine with me. Smart phones and social media are turning society into a bunch of zombies just going mindlessly through life. People are paying more attention to their lousy gadgets than having face-to-face human interactions, and that's a recipe for disaster, because it's making people socially inept.
Tristan, the good guy everyone loves. Paid millions by tech companies just to be that guy to prove that they all deep down care about us!
the attention economy – maximize the time spent on social media
I check my "smart phone" every few months, although I check email on my lap top a half dozen times a day. It doesn't have a SIM card because, for me at least, cell phones are more trouble than they're worth. I prefer a lap top to a smart phone because a lap top allows me to keep two or more programs open at once, so as to fact check information I receive. "Smart phones" are a barrier to intelligent communication.
Of course that's true every company is trying to maximum the time you spend attention on it's products. They just don't care about whether it's good for you or not.
Dude's an Efeyji
I probably did something wrong. It is working, and I could post it on Facebook.
This video cannot be posted on Facebook…I am trying, it has been blocked. (We removed this post because it looks like spam to us. If you did post this and don't believe it's spam, you can let us know.)
Hi-tech is using what Hollywood have started ovet 100 years ago. Attentionalism and fake sensationalism is the key componant to the survival of industies like media, technology, sports, entertament and even sciense.
fine I'll throw my iphone against a wall or break it or whatever. problem solved
He's a hero. We need more like him. I invite you now to be more like Tristan and live a life of purpose—regardless of what you do.
we're all lizard people
Thank god youre brave enough to tell the truth!!!
deleted FB off my phone after watching this. I just need messages.
Sensationalist news is absolutely partially responsible for downfall of the country
How to solve problems when smartphone gets wet. http://yumkoong.blogspot.com/2017/05/how-to-solve-problems-when-smartphone.html
E.T. Slots. E.T. Kilns. They gamble, too. They gambled at the Cross. They gambled at 51 and they gambled at Boise. Why do you think the tribal lands all have casinos now?
because he doesn't have his job anymore…
Closed my Fakebook account ages ago. Don't have a smartphone. don't 'do' twitter, whatsapp, whatsever. Even check my email only once a day. Man, I feel gr8.
10 days later Eric Clanton hit him with a bike lock
There's an app that delays apps opening by 12 seconds in order to discourage overuse. I am trying to find it. If anyone knows the name of it for andriod then please reply. Thanks.
They needed 10 yrs to figure that out?