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About the Author: Satoshi Stacker


  1. I'm of <the opinion that those who leave it to market dynamics to determine when to trade or not are either new to the Market or are probably just naïve. The market has seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders are taking advantage of the dip even more towards trading sessions. My advice to new investors: More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to trade over 8 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just about 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from expert Ruby Benally ..learning

  2. I love all the silly things we say on youtube… "the price went down because there is insecurity in the market." NO…. the damn price keeps putting us through the Bitcoin Tilt-A-Whirl Washing Machine Cycle because the powerful people who command huge sums of money are trying to shake every last poor person's leverage dollars out of their pockets, and to make those who HODL loose faith and sell when the price is low and buy when the price is high. They want us all to have absolutely ZERO IDEA of the timing of the next huge bull run up to 100K. Political events, inflation (which has been here for years including through last years bull run) and any other normal parroted reason for why this is happening are all BS. Our owners are in charge, and they always have been.

  3. May God continue to bless your platform fly, since the day 2.5BTC hits my wallet, I don’t know how exactly I feel but I know for sure you are the best and real, you’re the best one that’s hold my heart and will continue to tell people about your wonderful work

  4. May God continue to bless your platform fly, since the day 2.5BTC hits my wallet, I don’t know how exactly I feel but I know for sure you are the best and real, you’re the best one that’s hold my heart and will continue to tell people about your wonderful work

  5. <I'm new to cryptocurrency and I don't understand how it really works. Can someone guide me on the right approach to investing and making good profit from cryptocurrency investment?….

  6. You stand by me when everyone left me thinking is over for me I really appreciate all your efforts sir and I promise to keep sharing the good things you have done for me and I will keep trying to make sure people know more about this team you really amazed me sir

  7. You stand by me when everyone left me thinking is over for me I really appreciate all your efforts sir and I promise to keep sharing the good things you have done for me and I will keep trying to make sure people know more about this team you really amazed me sir

  8. The problem with most crypto holders is they simply fail to comprehend how perilous crypto is in a world like we have at the moment. It is at far higher risk than normal markets.
    If the Russia war continues for an extended period then crypto is in real danger of complete collapse especially if governments decide to crack down on crypto earlier then they were going to

  9. Never knew I would be who I am today after so much suffering I saw a post about your platform and I took a step to try if it’s going to work, you change my life and now, I’m so much satisfied with my life now. I just want to share your good work and let the world know how great you’re.

  10. Never knew I would be who I am today after so much suffering I saw a post about your platform and I took a step to try if it’s going to work, you change my life and now, I’m so much satisfied with my life now. I just want to share your good work and let the world know how great you’re.

  11. When I thought I couldn’t go on any longer , you gave me the strength I needed to keep moving forward. Thanks for always being there for me, even when I’m not easy to be there, you’re an helper and I’m so grateful to have someone like you in my life.

  12. When I thought I couldn’t go on any longer , you gave me the strength I needed to keep moving forward. Thanks for always being there for me, even when I’m not easy to be there, you’re an helper and I’m so grateful to have someone like you in my life.

  13. < I totally agree with what you are saying….The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 11.6 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Hudson Owen…

  14. With the current geopolitical situation, nobody should be leaving their bitcoin on an exchange or in an interest earning account. Take self custody immediately.

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