Man you need to stop screaming… we can hear you fine.
stop please speak of the conflict its not like you speak is like you spread fud a scarcity
Finney XRP Commercial gets me everytime. Hilarious
Fuel in Norway is about 23 NoK per liter or US$9.76 per gallon, and Norway has oil and refineries.
Power Plant: I is ok!
No, the power plant was not on fire. An empty training building was set ablaze by Ukrainian military to gain your sympathy, money and weapons. Quit believing all the propaganda headlines.
Hi George, Careful using references to the BBC. No-one in UK believes a word they print or say. They only push the WEF narrative.
The sooner the war ends the sooner the Biden's can go back to grifting.
Interesting, I have a lump sum doing absolutely nothing at all in my bank account,I wanna get something started with it, any reasonable ideal?
Mainstream media is putting out much false news and old photos about Ukraine, even video game war footage. Deep state have much to lose Ukraine. Do not trust what you hear and see.
Russia dosent lose. They just dont want to kill civilians and destroy country
Where i live petrol is now $ 9.6 per gallon
Fire was put out.
George majority of russian citizens have no gas and toilets inside their houses.
and then they will tax electric just as much, got to get them taxes anyway they can.
George you are the best.
It is disgusting to punish people solely because of where they live! If you have to have censorship then censor the politics/politicians/regime of the countries you are opposed to, not the citizens of a country who may even oppose the regime they live under
"… because they don't wanna fight …": I would say, because they don't wanna die.
Your so right…. Freezing the rich inside Russia isn't going to do crap. Especially if they're still selling oil, that's how Russia's rich makes money to begin with. Putin's fully committed at this point. It all really pisses me off cause the oil companies are still using the war as an excuse to raise gas prices in the US.
Is Russia in Europe, no, neither is Ukraine, the propaganda is mindblowing.
Le world: ending Also George: BTC is the answer
Pretty sure a lot of countries stopped importing russian gas and oil??
Kill crypto by any means necessary! Yeah let’s throw a Nuke at it
what do you think about SHIB?
Here in UK we have just bought 2billion quid worth of gas from Russia . Sanctions , what sanctions
open sea shot them self in the foot, decentralized open sea is the future. there plenty of wallets other then metamask, or just hardware wallet
Uk will stop the biggest gas contract with Russia, they could take Gas from Norway.
This is what happens when you form your opinion watching the TV.
Can we just have world leaders that use their brains and stop fighting around bloody nuclear reactors ! ! Don't worry about your pensions: you won't be needing them.
George, don't FOMO. NOTHING is on fire. Just nearby building.
There are 6 reactors at this plant and Not the reactor on fire , it was a training centre nearby and the fire is now out
Russia is the largest fuel producers in the world and they ran out of fuel? Ummm NO.
I'm sorry but I'm not buying it any more. There have been too many of these pump and dumps. Who are these people that buy in and then sell again? It happens too many times for it to be down to FUD. You'd buy in and then HODL right, just like the rest of us? I'm sure since around November last year there have been about 20 situations like this. You can get a general feeling from all the YouTube videos too, so when the price is pumping all the videos are positive and when they want the price to go down, it's all doom and gloom videos. This is one big money making scam.
If Crypto starts banning countries and users like this under pressure from different governments then the whole purpose of Crypto would be lost. It would become an absolutely useless project with no real objective. We need real decentralisation for Crypto to survive.
They want it because nuclear plants can be used for making dirty bombs which to be used against russia
I regret selling my Ducati Monster 821 because I might have to commute by bike if gas costs $8 a gallon.
George is the man always here for us. Please drop by my channel I'm on day 3 of my turn $300 into $400k challenge. Would love some support.
From a crypto channel it has now become a political channel, what a pathetic fall. Hope you stop spreading the western propaganda and not become their tool. If you talk about Putin and his policies then also talk about the aggression of NATO wich is causing this. Don't make this channel a one sided propaganda machine.
What if Putin has the courage to save us all of from the WEF that is the Real Enemy?
Some people think that's obviously happening right before our own eyes while the fake news media has turned most people into cheerleaders for the losers
Fast war is no happening George to late for that now. The people won’t except a puppet so it’s in for the long haul
It's so obvious….they wont stop buying resources from Russia. It's cold winter for Europe still. Barrel costs will go higher if that supple ended. After spring or sanctions hit on 12th….then Russia may withdraw supply instead though. Only a matter of time. What do you guys thinks?
Children with Cancer are dieing in the basements of Hospitals, and the Russian kids are complaining about no Apple Pay…….
I love Fight.. Russia win the Game.. Nato has no Future.. Because China is supporting Russia economically..
Legend George
Man you need to stop screaming… we can hear you fine.
stop please speak of the conflict its not like you speak is like you spread fud a scarcity
Fuel in Norway is about 23 NoK per liter or US$9.76 per gallon, and Norway has oil and refineries.
Power Plant: I is ok!
No, the power plant was not on fire. An empty training building was set ablaze by Ukrainian military to gain your sympathy, money and weapons. Quit believing all the propaganda headlines.
Hi George, Careful using references to the BBC. No-one in UK believes a word they print or say. They only push the WEF narrative.
The sooner the war ends the sooner the Biden's can go back to grifting.
Interesting, I have a lump sum doing absolutely nothing at all in my bank account,I wanna get something started with it, any reasonable ideal?
Mainstream media is putting out much false news and old photos about Ukraine, even video game war footage. Deep state have much to lose Ukraine. Do not trust what you hear and see.
Russia dosent lose. They just dont want to kill civilians and destroy country
Where i live petrol is now $ 9.6 per gallon
Fire was put out.
George majority of russian citizens have no gas and toilets inside their houses.
and then they will tax electric just as much, got to get them taxes anyway they can.
George you are the best.
It is disgusting to punish people solely because of where they live! If you have to have censorship then censor the politics/politicians/regime of the countries you are opposed to, not the citizens of a country who may even oppose the regime they live under
"… because they don't wanna fight …": I would say, because they don't wanna die.
Your so right…. Freezing the rich inside Russia isn't going to do crap. Especially if they're still selling oil, that's how Russia's rich makes money to begin with. Putin's fully committed at this point. It all really pisses me off cause the oil companies are still using the war as an excuse to raise gas prices in the US.
Is Russia in Europe, no, neither is Ukraine, the propaganda is mindblowing.
Le world: ending
Also George: BTC is the answer
Pretty sure a lot of countries stopped importing russian gas and oil??
Kill crypto by any means necessary! Yeah let’s throw a Nuke at it

what do you think about SHIB?
Here in UK we have just bought 2billion quid worth of gas from Russia . Sanctions , what sanctions
open sea shot them self in the foot, decentralized open sea is the future. there plenty of wallets other then metamask, or just hardware wallet
Uk will stop the biggest gas contract with Russia, they could take Gas from Norway.
This is what happens when you form your opinion watching the TV.
Can we just have world leaders that use their brains and stop fighting around bloody nuclear reactors ! ! Don't worry about your pensions: you won't be needing them.
George, don't FOMO. NOTHING is on fire. Just nearby building.
There are 6 reactors at this plant and Not the reactor on fire , it was a training centre nearby and the fire is now out
Russia is the largest fuel producers in the world and they ran out of fuel? Ummm NO.
I'm sorry but I'm not buying it any more. There have been too many of these pump and dumps. Who are these people that buy in and then sell again? It happens too many times for it to be down to FUD. You'd buy in and then HODL right, just like the rest of us? I'm sure since around November last year there have been about 20 situations like this. You can get a general feeling from all the YouTube videos too, so when the price is pumping all the videos are positive and when they want the price to go down, it's all doom and gloom videos. This is one big money making scam.
If Crypto starts banning countries and users like this under pressure from different governments then the whole purpose of Crypto would be lost. It would become an absolutely useless project with no real objective. We need real decentralisation for Crypto to survive.
They want it because nuclear plants can be used for making dirty bombs which to be used against russia
I regret selling my Ducati Monster 821 because I might have to commute by bike if gas costs $8 a gallon.
George is the man always here for us. Please drop by my channel I'm on day 3 of my turn $300 into $400k challenge. Would love some support.
From a crypto channel it has now become a political channel, what a pathetic fall. Hope you stop spreading the western propaganda and not become their tool. If you talk about Putin and his policies then also talk about the aggression of NATO wich is causing this. Don't make this channel a one sided propaganda machine.
What if Putin has the courage to save us all of from the WEF that is the Real Enemy?
Some people think that's obviously happening right before our own eyes while the fake news media has turned most people into cheerleaders for the losers
Fast war is no happening George to late for that now. The people won’t except a puppet so it’s in for the long haul
It's so obvious….they wont stop buying resources from Russia. It's cold winter for Europe still. Barrel costs will go higher if that supple ended. After spring or sanctions hit on 12th….then Russia may withdraw supply instead though. Only a matter of time. What do you guys thinks?
Children with Cancer are dieing in the basements of Hospitals, and the Russian kids are complaining about no Apple Pay…….
I love Fight..
Russia win the Game..
Nato has no Future..
Because China is supporting Russia economically..
Putin+Trump = MASA