do you think i can run this on a 3060 ryzen 7 5800x?
Ran the game today using AirLink over Wifi6 on a 3070 and it runs grate at 90 fps. Might have been updated since you made this video though.
there is a standalone VorpX plug&play mod where you can use motion controllers to aim!
Oh Wow!
man i really loved this game. a legit vr mode on psvr2 would be insane
The gun does look really close to your face, id not mind the aiming with your head, like Resident evil 7 did on PSVR, it was fine for what it was, but i feel like the gun should be a bit further, unless its just the video making it feel funky… Full motion controls tho would be amazing tooo! will deffo be trying this mod tho.
That's fucking nova
no YOUR breathtaking!
60 fps is plenty. I've spent thousands of hours in VRChat at lower framerates and I never get sick xD
the intro made me think about arcane
Hi Mike, there was an update to the native oculus TV app which seems to have made free movies available including 3d movies – you should do a video on that – it's an awesome feature especially when you use pass through and make the screen massive
Hey virtual reality oasis I got a question I was thinking of buying you facial interface from VR cover bjt my one question is do you see the white when your playing or no
And I got an index for the VR I'm really stoked man
I'm sitting on an RTX 3090 and a Ryan 3950x and 32 gigs of RAM locked and loaded brother
Thanks for the video Mike I'm just about ready to build my computer but definitely excited for this game thanks for posting this
without motion controls is not good enough
You left out the part in the tutorial where you need to disable steam theater mode.
is this similar to the frew vorpx Vr mod? I always thought the golden egg of PC VR is porting over AAA titles, i know it takes a ton of work from a single guy so hats off for the port!
I want this now!!!
You can fix the gun too close with weapon fov mod you can bring the weapons on right out also works for aim down sights
What gamepad you are using? I need links please!
It’s not vr without hand controls. May as well be flat
It’s not vr without hand controls. May as well be flat
do you think i can run this on a 3060 ryzen 7 5800x?
Ran the game today using AirLink over Wifi6 on a 3070 and it runs grate at 90 fps. Might have been updated since you made this video though.
there is a standalone VorpX plug&play mod where you can use motion controllers to aim!
man i really loved this game. a legit vr mode on psvr2 would be insane
The gun does look really close to your face, id not mind the aiming with your head, like Resident evil 7 did on PSVR, it was fine for what it was, but i feel like the gun should be a bit further, unless its just the video making it feel funky… Full motion controls tho would be amazing tooo! will deffo be trying this mod tho.
That's fucking nova
no YOUR breathtaking!
60 fps is plenty. I've spent thousands of hours in VRChat at lower framerates and I never get sick xD
the intro made me think about arcane
Hi Mike, there was an update to the native oculus TV app which seems to have made free movies available including 3d movies – you should do a video on that – it's an awesome feature especially when you use pass through and make the screen massive
Hey virtual reality oasis I got a question I was thinking of buying you facial interface from VR cover bjt my one question is do you see the white when your playing or no
And I got an index for the VR I'm really stoked man
I'm sitting on an RTX 3090 and a Ryan 3950x and 32 gigs of RAM locked and loaded brother
Thanks for the video Mike I'm just about ready to build my computer but definitely excited for this game thanks for posting this
without motion controls is not good enough
You left out the part in the tutorial where you need to disable steam theater mode.

is this similar to the frew vorpx Vr mod? I always thought the golden egg of PC VR is porting over AAA titles, i know it takes a ton of work from a single guy so hats off for the port!
I want this now!!!
You can fix the gun too close with weapon fov mod you can bring the weapons on right out also works for aim down sights
What gamepad you are using? I need links please!
It’s not vr without hand controls. May as well be flat
It’s not vr without hand controls. May as well be flat
0:07 vr in vr
Aiming with HMD is not pleasant and I'll wait for a version with either motion controller, kb+m or gamepad aim support.
This seems like it would be fun with a Katana, I'll have to try