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Next balance change
Dyna jump baseline
Band aid baseline
Bear with me baseline
Bibi’s 2nd gadget can be in D or C tier because how terrible it is
I hope SpenLc doesnt make it this year bsc. Everything he does is complain even last year, from monthly format, to fucking gaming chair provision. Its just too toxic like dude stfu you dont hear better players than you bringing their salt to the table, pity to your new team but not you. I hope you read this. If he ever manage to attend this year bsc, I bet his new complain will be the power-league drafting format system. Hes gonna be like 'Ughhh this should be blind draft it doesnt even make sense to do this ban/pick format its insane ugghh they got the first pick its insannee and that gadget is so broken it should nerf uggg its insanee, and the gaming chairs are still not provided its insane. My game is lagging its insane'. Yeah thats you.
practically, they BUFFED grom
mr.p trash. Max is so good
I know you probably won't respond but if Mr.p becomes meta where can i play him?
Tierlist plZ asap
I didn't see the gadget you talked about until i realised there is only slight barely below the video.fix it.
Max just became a gatling gun…I just tried her in showdown and she lazers everyone.
have you seen the tara bug where she spawn infinite pets???
Ok for me quite nonsense… So many average brawlers got buffed, surge still nowhere to be find with gadget, tara getting nerf tf, when literally lvl 1 nani got more 1 shot dmg than tara 1 shot on lvl 12… But yea whatever, at least shelly and edgar haven't got buffed
so apparently, fire pools caused by Brock charge his super this time. No more careless walking by his incediary.
Planning to lvl upax and griff from this vid thx spen
I swear Brock has had so many balance changes and reworks
lol why did you choose the literal worst BB map to showcase the squeak gadget…
What is a passive map please?
What what What what what what what what
ما شاء الله آسفين مستر دخل فيها ليش تعرف انه أنت تخلي وخمسين ستة بعدين ما جاني ولا حاجة
It's good when you only use the brawl stars button
I actually thought for better balance changed like Byron nerf crow's gadget nerf sprout nerf also Lola and buff for collete penny and Jacky also but none of these happened.
I totally disagree on Lola’s gadget it should be like top 4 you can get so many kills
I feel like you are wrong on some of these gadgets imo
Supercell: Tara damage nerf
I think that these "star power as baseline" works as a third star power, and I like these changes. Other brawler who can get these change can be Bo (make the vision as baseline), Squeak (make the star power who increase the damage as baseline), Griff (the second star power as baseline), and other
You realize eve is a better version with mr p the spawners the floating and the attack