My first large smartphone was a samsung galaxy note 2, which at the time was one of the biggest flashship phones around.
My first large smartphone was a samsung galaxy note 2, which at the time was one of the biggest flashship phones around.
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5.2 or 5.4 is small enough
For me it's about battery life and camera quality
Big fingers. Hard to see screen. Why would anyone want that?
I just don't like "bigger" phones, I kept the original Moto E until it died and got a Samsung S7 Edge, which at the time I still found "too big" but had nothing else so I went with it. So from 2011 up to now I've only had 2 phones.
And I mean, I liked the size of the Iphone 12 mini when I checked that one out but I don't do anything with my phone that justifies spending $600 on it.
small phones are for soy boys. as a very masculine male individual, i always get the biggest size in anything, you know what they say lol
I have a moto e6 and it's screen is about the same size as the iphone 13 mini and it still feels too big lol.
What of iPhone SE 2 ?
Replaced my battery in my pixel 3 six months ago, and I have not had any other issues with it. Camera's on phones are dumb and over rated. Something good enough is all I want for random photo moments. If I can't text with 1 hand I will not buy it. I would rather just buy another pixel 3 if it came down to it. Need something that will play Spotify, send text messages, and run google services that's basically it. Big phones need bigger batteries cause they up the screen size and then also boost the resolution for people feel like they are getting a "premium product" when all you really get out of it is the same battery life and a half second novelty of "its a 4k screen" but many unlimited plans won't even let you stream over 1080p bandwidth on cellular anyway so it was pointless. Competitive gaming on phones is still the dumbest thing I think any single person has ever come up with.
I'm using OnePlus 3T that I got used for like $90 few years back and tbh this phone has all I need. Screen is good, speaker is fine, 64GB of space is more than enough for me and imo it looks super good, simple and elegant.
The only things that bother me with it is the battery life (I might replace it, but it's tough to find a good replacement for it) and since few last updates Google maps work super slowly for some reason (the other apps work perfectly fine).
I never realized the impact the size had on the battery life.
I’ll always go for the biggest I can get from now on, battery life ftw.
Anyone know that wallpaper. Looks dope :3
The thirteen mini still couldn’t fix the one thing my SE2 got right. The thumb scan home button
s10e is the best phone. Shame Samsung sold out…
There are foldable phones with duo screens. You can use one screen or unfold it and use two. I'd like to see them expand on that. That way it's still somewhat easy to manage, but also allows me to watch videos on a reasonably sized screen.
Mine was note 3 and I was made fun of all the time is that a phablet … now I have a regular iPhone 12 and I love it I actually would of loved a 12 mini
Back in July 2020 I decided to switch from Android to Apple, but I didn’t want to invest in a very expensive phone because I didn’t know if I would like iOS. I had a OnePlus 6T and ended up getting an iPhone SE (version 2). At first it was difficult to get used to the smaller size of the screen, but it eventually stopped being a problem (other than for gaming). However there were two things that never stopped being a problem: battery life and mobile gaming. I was really into Hearthstone back then and would play several times a day, but not with the SE. I had to play on PC or my older Android phone. Eventually, once I got used to iOS, I got the 12 Pro and sold the other two.
I love my iPhone 13 mini. The only thing I don’t like is that they don’t make a pro version. I’d be fine with a thicker phone as long as the width and height stays small.
I'll always love smaller compact phones. My pixel 3 was great near launch and the camera is still pretty good for 2022 standards, but man the batterylife is so bad. Always wondered how these newer iphone Mini's are but the price is a bit out of my budget.
edit:I've always prefered smaller compact phones in my pocket because I mainly use an iPad/Samsung Tablet for mostly everything. A Plus/Pro Max sized smartphone makes sense for those of you who don't own any tablet.
For me even the iphone mini is too big. I prefer 4 inch screen on phone.
The main reason why I use a small phone is because I don't want to have the phone be a part of my life that much. I don't use phone for gaming, watching videos or reading. I have dedicated devices that do all of those things better (switch, iPad, eReader).
The only thing I want a phone for is being connected – messaging, notifications, and maybe looking up public transit. I try to avoid social networks, and I feel like for me the only reason for a bigger phone would be spending more time on those.
Flip phones now are thicc. Not a fan of pocket bulge
For years I've been in the "small phone" camp, because pocket size. But as clothes adjusted to phablets and my eyesight is slowly getting worse I have adopted to the 6.4" as the comfortable middle ground.
I prefer 5.6 inch phones. Anything larger or smaller is uncomfortable to use
ive been running a s10e with a defender case for about a year and a half its been generally great except during that ice storm a year back getting the forced buggy android 11 os. and ive learned how to block the Android 12 update.
I've been using the Galaxy S10e for a few years and have really liked it for the most part. The battery was pretty great at first, getting about 7-8 hours of screen on time. Whereas now, I'm only getting about 4-5. I quite enjoy the lightweight design of it and easy reachability. But I think I'm ready to go back to a larger phone.
I got big hands and a GF that wants to sleep at night, while I watch some streams to fall asleep to. s20 FE is perfect size to still watch streams and still be handy enough. Also I do more and more work and my finances on my phone and the additional screen space is jsut really appreciated. During travel though I mostly use my older smaller phone.
It mostly depends on either productivity or laziness.
Small phones are like small TVs and small monitors. Everyone is going bigger, it's why phones have been slowly getting bigger.
6" inch screens are perfect for me. My pixel 5 is 6" exactly, and I can one-hand it all day and have plenty of battery. My tiny-handed GF loves her 12 mini though, it does a lot for her
I loved everything about the iPhone 12 mini but typing on it was a horror show!!! I had to sell it and got a 13.
Great video! I've struggling with the same issues. I want to use a small phone but the trade off isn't worth it…
It's all about media consumption.
I have relatively small hands… bigger screens are useful, but a curse.