People should avoid attempting to predict trend reversals, or even worse, I believe there is more to this market than we currently understand. When people are losing, they don't endeavor to increase their average. Using expert MR ALEX VALENTINE assistance, I've made almost 7 btc on a 1 btc Trade capital over the last 8 months. Things could get worse, so make the wise decision. Markets fluctuate in cycles that might span anywhere from a few days to several years. In the case of B -TC, it's difficult to make a bullish case merely by glancing at the chart. It's a lot more complicated than some people want you to believe.
#Gold is your boring but predictably reliable older brother. Never gets into fights. Never rocks the boat. It's good.
#BITCOIN is your handsome younger brother in college. Wild child. Sometimes he's up and sometimes he's down but he ALWAYS leaves with the head cheerleader.
This channel shouldn't be about politics seriously unsubscribed!
When it comes to the world of investing, most people don’t know where to start. Fortunately, great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance
Hello Mrs Jenna Brooklyn is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy
Ive been DCA'ing on my long term stock holdings. Also added to my ADA and BTC. Still have plenty of dry powder though. March will see the first of several of Feds rate hikes. 2022 is going to be a rough year. I fully expect a lot of dead cat bounces
Bitcoin will eventually lead the markets.
The fact that BTC continues to bleed is really scary, and traders are now wondering if this is the right time to invest… before you come to a conclusion, you should look at things first. In recent days, the price of BTC has been fluctuating, which means that the market is currently unstable and it is impossible to say whether it will go down or up. While others continue to trade without fear of losses, others are patient. It all depends on the pattern you are trading and also the source of your signals. I would say that trading is going smoothly for me, I started with 2.5 BTC and in just few weeks I have accumulated over 9.6 BTC, using the trading strategy from my coach Rodney glen .
<How you do these videos is by far my favorite. Most people think… Investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise, common it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader,as traders we can still make good money Thanks to Bobby Lucas for his amazing skills for helping me to earn 9 Btc through trading chart. Great TA as always
<Great channel. I think many didn't want to admit we were heading into a bear market – yet here we are. I don't expect much increase in BTC until this geopolitical issue finishes, most people think investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise, as traders we can still make good money in this bear market, with Eric John Clark I am already growing my 2.5 btc to 12 btc, his skills set is exceptional>
< Step aside from the crises, this is a great time to invest in crypto as my portfolio has been constructed to benefit from open trades (also known as cyclical trade) which will be the next big move to take place in the markets, BTC, ETH and others. So far, I research a bit of "War Situation" and found them trending. But the thing is Crypto, The Metaverse & NFTs are really yet being tested so far globally. The War and Pandemic Situations have posed economic problems; I trade almost every day (if there is volatility) > but really thanks to Philip Glint, who taught me how to make trades and increased my BTC from 6 to 17BTC now. No one really knows what is going to happen in the market and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own Investment choices based on their own research.
The world is slowly adopting Bitcoin. A 5 year old could predict where the BTC price is headed!
Bitcoin has been shit this month. Wall Street won, Again.
I'm praying everyday for bitcoin to go down back to 20k or even 25k so I can buy more recently I abstained from buying because it's high thinking it's gonna go down
Vitalik buterin is a little out of his League discussing the whole Ukraine Russia thing
BTC to 44k incoming. If the USA actually regulates it in the coming months I can see it coming to 23-28 k and staying at those price levels for a while. Inflation will come down to 2-3% by EOY. In my opinion,i will say we should prep for all possible scenario.I don't buy this or that model. Everybody has an opinion, and either you are completely right, partially right, completely wrong, or partially wrong. I have played safe by putting my crypto assets into active trades.The charts won’t guarantee what an asset is going to do.Prices will go up or down. You have to be able to make profit even when the bear market hits. I have made over 12.4 btc in just Jan,not from buying the dip alone but implementing trad es with signals and insights provided from Paul Bradely.
He also predicted 150 k for last yr
hi aimstone..can you put link where you find onchain demand side bitcoin because i can not find..thank you
<Market probably at the line of wait and see momentum for the march upcoming rate hike news with Ukraine tensions as additional issue. This current dip has no effect on my portfolio cuz hodling without trading is actually one of the worst possible strategy I can think of. This gives us a window of opportunity to trade BTC, Crypto etc. I trade with crypto analyst Chad Leon and have earned over 11btc lately.
Biden and EU used ukraine and now just talk russia is bad but still want russian gas!? a shame
oekraine in nato next to enemy russia..and US and EU supported this?? they really wanted this war not russia
what is the best way to make money from crypto investment?
I still think 24K
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress in trading you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
Nazis must be expelled
Just do the necessary research, study and anaIyze before making any lnvestment decisions.
lol this guy keeps getting his projections wrong but apparently he predicted the dump
with all the shit going on , bitcoin still controlled by whales , what ever whales wanna do is what's going happen. up down sideways lol
Hope you are safe Aimstone.
Money is an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life, life was hard for me until I started trading crypto and am now earning $20,000 per week.
Are you safe, man?
Thank you for your videos mate.<The BTC shows us that when she wakes up she knows how to do it and destroy all the bears!! Never go against the trends on cryptos, even less put levers, it is about the immediate sanction as soon as you turn your back, now anyone who has been in the crypto space for the last 6 or more years certainly knows about the cycle structure, every 4 yearsBTC goes through a halving even where the amount of Bitcoin that is mined is cut half. Well, the block reward is cut in half this cause huge price spikes every 4 yrs because it create a supply and demand crisis that can’t be priced in until it’s a reality. >but all thanks to kimsusie who taught me how to make trade and increased my Crypto from 6 to 21BTC now. No one really knows what is going to happen in the market and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own investment choices based on their own research.
Vitalik can lick on that opinion, stick to your keyboard, Putin is eliminating evil deep state globalists in one of the most corrupt government countries in the world if not the most, ie where Clinton's n/Biden both are well financed through, hence the cover ups and projections on others, it's the best way to create cover.. well their time is running out Vitalik, maybe get on the right side of history
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People should avoid attempting to predict trend reversals, or even worse, I believe there is more to this market than we currently understand. When people are losing, they don't endeavor to increase their average. Using expert MR ALEX VALENTINE assistance, I've made almost 7 btc on a 1 btc Trade capital over the last 8 months. Things could get worse, so make the wise decision. Markets fluctuate in cycles that might span anywhere from a few days to several years. In the case of B -TC, it's difficult to make a bullish case merely by glancing at the chart. It's a lot more complicated than some people want you to believe.
#Gold is your boring but predictably reliable older brother. Never gets into fights. Never rocks the boat. It's good.
#BITCOIN is your handsome younger brother in college. Wild child. Sometimes he's up and sometimes he's down but he ALWAYS leaves with the head cheerleader.
This channel shouldn't be about politics seriously unsubscribed!
When it comes to the world of investing, most people don’t know where to start. Fortunately, great investors of the past and present can provide us with guidance
Hello Mrs Jenna Brooklyn is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy
Ive been DCA'ing on my long term stock holdings. Also added to my ADA and BTC. Still have plenty of dry powder though. March will see the first of several of Feds rate hikes. 2022 is going to be a rough year. I fully expect a lot of dead cat bounces
Bitcoin will eventually lead the markets.
The fact that BTC continues to bleed is really scary, and traders are now wondering if this is the right time to invest… before you come to a conclusion, you should look at things first. In recent days, the price of BTC has been fluctuating, which means that the market is currently unstable and it is impossible to say whether it will go down or up. While others continue to trade without fear of losses, others are patient. It all depends on the pattern you are trading and also the source of your signals. I would say that trading is going smoothly for me, I started with 2.5 BTC and in just few weeks I have accumulated over 9.6 BTC, using the trading strategy from my coach Rodney glen .
<How you do these videos is by far my favorite. Most people think… Investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise,
common it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader,as traders we can still make good money
Thanks to Bobby Lucas for his amazing skills for helping me to earn 9 Btc through trading chart. Great TA as always
<Great channel. I think many didn't want to admit we were heading into a bear market – yet here we are. I don't expect much increase in BTC until this geopolitical issue finishes, most people think investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise, as traders we can still make good money in this bear market, with Eric John Clark I am already growing my 2.5 btc to 12 btc, his skills set is exceptional>
< Step aside from the crises, this is a great time to invest in crypto as my portfolio has been constructed to benefit from open trades (also known as cyclical trade) which will be the next big move to take place in the markets, BTC, ETH and others. So far, I research a bit of "War Situation" and found them trending. But the thing is Crypto, The Metaverse & NFTs are really yet being tested so far globally. The War and Pandemic Situations have posed economic problems; I trade almost every day (if there is volatility) > but really thanks to Philip Glint, who taught me how to make trades and increased my BTC from 6 to 17BTC now. No one really knows what is going to happen in the market and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own Investment choices based on their own research.
The world is slowly adopting Bitcoin. A 5 year old could predict where the BTC price is headed!
Bitcoin has been shit this month. Wall Street won, Again.
I'm praying everyday for bitcoin to go down back to 20k or even 25k so I can buy more recently I abstained from buying because it's high thinking it's gonna go down
Vitalik buterin is a little out of his League discussing the whole Ukraine Russia thing
BTC to 44k incoming. If the USA actually regulates it in the coming months I can see it coming to 23-28 k and staying at those price levels for a while. Inflation will come down to 2-3% by EOY. In my opinion,i will say we should prep for all possible scenario.I don't buy this or that model. Everybody has an opinion, and either you are completely right, partially right, completely wrong, or partially wrong. I have played safe by putting my crypto assets into active trades.The charts won’t guarantee what an asset is going to do.Prices will go up or down. You have to be able to make profit even when the bear market hits. I have made over 12.4 btc in just Jan,not from buying the dip alone but implementing trad es with signals and insights provided from Paul Bradely.
He also predicted 150 k for last yr
hi aimstone..can you put link where you find onchain demand side bitcoin because i can not find..thank you
<Market probably at the line of wait and see momentum for the march upcoming rate hike news with Ukraine tensions as additional issue. This current dip has no effect on my portfolio cuz hodling without trading is actually one of the worst possible strategy I can think of. This gives us a window of opportunity to trade BTC, Crypto etc. I trade with crypto analyst Chad Leon and have earned over 11btc lately.
Biden and EU used ukraine and now just talk russia is bad but still want russian gas!? a shame
oekraine in nato next to enemy russia..and US and EU supported this?? they really wanted this war not russia

what is the best way to make money from crypto investment?
I still think 24K
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress in trading you're still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying
Nazis must be expelled
Just do the necessary research, study and anaIyze before making any lnvestment decisions.
lol this guy keeps getting his projections wrong but apparently he predicted the dump
with all the shit going on , bitcoin still controlled by whales , what ever whales wanna do is what's going happen. up down sideways lol
Hope you are safe Aimstone.
Money is an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life, life was hard for me until I started trading crypto and am now earning $20,000 per week.
Are you safe, man?
Thank you for your videos mate.<The BTC shows us that when she wakes up she knows how to do it and destroy all the bears!! Never go against the trends on cryptos, even less put levers, it is about the immediate sanction as soon as you turn your back, now anyone who has been in the crypto space for the last 6 or more years certainly knows about the cycle structure, every 4 yearsBTC goes through a halving even where the amount of Bitcoin that is mined is cut half. Well, the block reward is cut in half this cause huge price spikes every 4 yrs because it create a supply and demand crisis that can’t be priced in until it’s a reality. >but all thanks to kimsusie who taught me how to make trade and increased my Crypto from 6 to 21BTC now. No one really knows what is going to happen in the market and I know you are only saying what you think will happen based on the past. It is yours and my opinion so people should make their own investment choices based on their own research.
Vitalik can lick on that opinion, stick to your keyboard, Putin is eliminating evil deep state globalists in one of the most corrupt government countries in the world if not the most, ie where Clinton's n/Biden both are well financed through, hence the cover ups and projections on others, it's the best way to create cover.. well their time is running out Vitalik, maybe get on the right side of history